361. address -[v]- murojaat qilmoq
362 . a strategy -[n]- usul
363. obsolete -[adj]- eskirgan
364. on the verge of –[phr]- yoqasida
365. a shortage -[n]- yetishmovchilik
366. transformer –[n]- o’zgartiruvchi
367. secure -[adj]- xavfsiz
368. reinforce -[v]- mustahkamlash
369. range from… to... –[phr]- dan gacha farq qilmoq
370. devise –[n]- vasiyat [v]- ishlab chiqish
371. assemble -[v]- jamlamoq
372. on average -[phr]- o’rtacha
373. inconsequential -[adj]- ahamiyatsiz
374. divide -[v]- ajratmoq
375. locally -[adj]- mahalliy
376. preferably –[adj]- afzal
377. arise –[v]- paydo bo’lmoq
378. voluntarily -[adv]- ixtiyoriy ravishda
379. tend to -[adj]- moyil
380. scarce -[adj]- kam noyob
381. adhere -[v]- rioya qilmoq
382. undermine -[v]- buzmoq
383. take the precaution of -[phr]- ehtiyot choralarini ko’rmoq
384. (un) satisfactory –[adj]- qoniqar li/siz
385. disruptive -[adj]- buzuvchi
386. an obligation -[n]- majburiyat
387. omit -[v]- qaytarmoq
388. remote -[adj]- uzoq
389.obssessed with -[phr]- bn band
390. discriminate against –[phr]- kamsitmoq
391. negotiate with –[phr]- bn muzokara qilish
392. the status –[n]- holat
393. a feature –[n]- xususiyat
394. eject -[v]- haydamoq
395. an era -[n]- davr
396. eligible -[adj]- loyiq
397. assert –[v]- ta’kidlamoq
398. an opponent -[n]- raqib
399. apt to -[phr]- mos
400. invade
-[v]- bostirib kirish
Lesson 11 401. a(n) (im)balance –[n]- muvozanat(sizlik)
402. thrive -[v]- gullab-yashnamoq
403. by contrast -[phr]- aksincha
404. refrain form –[phr]- rad qilish shakli
405. discount -[n]- chegirma
406. an aspiration –[n]- intilish
407. intervene -[v]- aralashish
408. hamper –[n]- to’siq
409. inadvertently -[adv]- bexosdan
410. condone -[v]- kechirmoq
411. despondent about –[phr]- haqida umidsizlikka tushmoq
412. deplore -[v]- xafa qilmoq
413.a deterrent –[n]- to’xtatuvchi
414. hypocritical -[adj]- ikkiyuzlamachi
415. materialist -[adj]- manfaatparast
416. proliferate –[v]- ko’paymoq bolalamoq
417. prudent -[adj]- ehtiyotkor
418. elated –[adj]- quvnoq
419. exhaust -[v]- holdan toydirmoq
420. superficial -[adj]- yuzaki
421. resemble -[v]- o’xshamoq
422. squander –[v]- isrof qilmoq
423. formerly -[adv]- oldingi
424. in proximity to –[adv]- yaqinida
425. indifferent –[adj]- befarq
426. surpass –[v]- ustun kelmoq
427. facilitate -[v]- osonlashtirmoq
428. lethargic -[adj]- bo’shashgan
429. lenient -[adj]- yumshoq
430. occupy -[v]- egallamoq
431. perpetuate –[v]- abadiylashtirmoq
432. on the horizon –[phr]-ufqda
433. the threshold -[n]- chegara
434. prevalent –[adj]- keng tarqalgan
435. a combination -[n]- birikma
436. a myth -[n]- afsona mif
437. resume –[v]- qayta boshlash
438. dictate -[v]- buyurmoq
439. resign –[v]- iste’foga chiqish
440. rectify -[v]- tuzatish