Lesson 1
Activity 1.
PRACTICE 1. The present perfect. (Chart 3-1)
Amaliyot 1. Hozirgi mukammal. (3-1-jadval)
Directions: Complete the sentences with the present perfect of the appropriate verb from the list. Use each verb only once. Include any words in parentheses.
Yo'nalish: jumlalarni ro'yxatdagi mos keladigan fe'lning hozirgi mukammalligi bilan to'ldiring. Har bir fe'ldan faqat bir marta foydalaning. Qavs ichiga har qanday so'zni kiriting.
4. cost grow ride swim
9. drive improve 7. save win
1. eat 5. know 2. start 3. write
forget 8. make 6. sweep
1. A: How about more pic?
B: No, but thanks. I can’t swallow another bite. I (already) have already eaten too much.
A: Ko'proq rasm haqida nima deyish mumkin?
B: Yo'q, lekin rahmat. Boshqa luqmani yutolmayman. Men allaqachon (allaqachon) juda ko'p ovqat yeb qo'yganman.
2. Our football team is having a great season. They start all but one of their games so far this year and will probably win the championship.
Bizning futbol jamoamiz ajoyib mavsumni o'tkazmoqda. Ular shu yilga qadar bitta o'yinidan boshqasini boshlashadi va ehtimol chempionlikni qo'lga kiritishadi.
3. Jane is expecting a letter from me, but I (not) write to her yet.
Maybe I’ll call her instead.
Jeyn mendan xat kutmoqda, lekin men unga yozmayapman. Balki men uning o'rniga uni chaqirarman.
4. Jack is living in Spain now. His Spanish used to be terrible, but it cost gready since he moved there.
Jek hozir Ispaniyada yashaydi. Ispan tili dahshatli edi, lekin u ko'chib kelganidan beri bu juda qimmatga tushdi.
5. Our baby (not) know to talk yet. My friend's baby, who n several months older, can already say a few words in English and a few words in French.
Bizning chaqalog'imiz (hali) gapirishni bilmaydi. Bir necha oydan katta bo'lgan do'stimning chaqalog'i allaqachon ingliz tilida va frantsuz tilida bir nechta so'zlarni ayta oladi.
6. A: I hear your parents are coming to visit you. Is that why you're cleaning your apartment?
B: You guessed it? I (already) sweep the floor, but I still need to dust the furniture. Want to help?
A: Eshitishimcha, ota-onangiz sizni ziyorat qilish uchun kelishadi. Shuning uchun kvartirangizni tozalayapsizmi?
B: Siz taxmin qildingizmi? Men (allaqachon) polni supuraman, lekin baribir mebelni chang bilan tozalashim kerak. Yordam bermoqchimisiz?
7. А: I understand Tom is a good friend of yours? How long (you) save him?
B: Since we were kids.
A: Tom sizni yaxshi do'sti deb tushunaman? Uni qancha vaqt (siz) qutqarasiz?
B: Biz bolaligimizdan
8. Everyone makes mistakes in life. I make lots of mistakes in my life.
The important thing is to learn from one's mintakes. Right?
Hayotda hamma xato qiladi. Men hayotimda juda ko'p xatolarga yo'l qo'yaman.
Muhimi, yalpizlardan o'rganish. To'g'ri?
9.A: I (never) drive on the subways in New York City. Have you?
B: I’ve never even been in New York City.
A: Nyu-York shahridagi metrolarda (hech qachon) haydamayman. Sizda bormi?
B: Men hech qachon Nyu-Yorkda bo'lmaganman.
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