Healthy life style. Monitoring Health 3 dars
Length: One hour and twenty minutes
Number of Students:
Lesson Outline
Lead-in: PPT presentation on phonetic activities
Activity 1: organizational moment and warming-up activity
Activity 2: the main part of the lesson
Activity 3: reading activities
Activity 4: grammar activities
The aіm: to extend students communicative competence by developing their ability to use four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in an integrated way transferable to university context
to get acquainted with the words related to study place
to give definitions to the words
to describe study place using the video clip
to enhance students’ vocabulary
Activity type:
individual, pair work, small group work, team work, whole group work
Lead In Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
Do you think men or women go to the doctor more often?
Why do you think this is?
What reasons do you think people give for not going to see a doctor?
Read the text to check your answers.
Work in pairs. Discuss. Do you think any of the excuses in the text are good reasons to avoid seeing the doctor?
Activity 2
Match problems 1-4 below with advice a)-d).
You have got a headache/ backache.
You have caught a cold/flu.
You have broken your arm/leg.
You have a sore throat and a bad cough. You also have a high temperature.
Take some medicine/antibiotics.
Go to the hospital for an X-ray.
Get some rest, and drink lots of hot drinks.
Take some painkillers/pills.
D IFFICULT WORDS: spelling versus pronunciation Check your pronunciation. Listen and repeat.
Work in pairs. Discuss. What do you do when you have a cold/headache/ flu to make yourself feel better?
A: I usually go to bed with a hot drink.
How about you?
В: I don't do anything. I just carry on working.
Five Reasons Why You Don’t Go To The Doctor
Did you know that men are five times less likely to visit a doctor than women? The reason: they don't like waiting. In fact, 58 percent of men will choose not to go to the doctor, even when they should. Here are the top reasons people give for why they don't go to the doctor.
I’m fine.
I hate waiting.
Nobody told me to go (like my wife/girlfriend/mother).
I don't want to talk about it.
5.I don’t have time to go
Complete sentences 1-5 below with the words in the box.
painful sleep sick hurts worried
I feel /terrible.
i can't .
I'm about...
U It when I walk,
5 It's very
D Listen to the conversations again to check your answers. Underline the correct alternative.
My head hurts/pain/sore.
I've got a really bad flu/cold/sick.
She feels cough/sick/a temperature.
A I think I've broken/sore/hurting my arm.
Where does it hurt/pain/sore?
It's nothing to problem/matter/worry about.
I'll give/take/look you some pills.
How long have you had this //// matter/problem?
4G 4624 % 09:54 " Eryr velvin mane . 1. tabletkalarni bering / oling / ko'ring . Qachongacha bu //// muammo / muammo bormi ? ¶ 4 A Uch kishining sog'lig'i haqidagi eslatmalarni o'qing va javob bering Savollar 1 Ularning sog'lig'ida hozir qanday muammolar bor 2 Kelajakda ular qanday muammolarga duch kelishlari mumkin?Marsin, 44 yosh, operator, 1,83 m, 108 kg Parhez: asosan nojo'ya ovqat iste'mol qiladi, sabzavotsiz, kuniga 6 chashka kofe Fitness / Uyqu: jismoniy mashqlar yo'q, kechasi 7 soat uxlaydi Ijtimoiy hayot: haftasiga 3 kecha-kunduz do'stlar bilan tashqariga chiqish Maqsad: 14 kg yo'qotish va futbolga moslashish Paulina, 2 o'quvchi, 1,73 m, 50 kg Parhez: yangi meva / sabzavotlar iste'mol qiladi, go'sht yo'q, vitaminlar Fitnes / Uyqu: yoga bilan shug'ullanadi, kechasi 6 soat uxlaydi Ijtimoiy hayot: kam do'stlari bor, o'qish bilan bog'liq stresslar Maqsad: 6,5 kg olish. ko'proq energiyaga ega Alvaro, 68 yosh, nafaqadagi bank menejeri, 1,75 m, 95 kg Diet: kuniga ikki marta go'sht iste'mol qiladi Fitnes / Uyqu: bel og'rig'i bor (og'riq qoldiruvchi vositalar qabul qiladi), mashq qilmaydi, 8 soat uxlaydi Ijtimoiy hayot: ko'p do'stlar, wa tches TV kuniga 6 soat Maqsad: nevaralar bilan o'ynash uchun etarli darajada sog'lom bo'lish BD 6.8 Sog'liqni saqlash bo'yicha mutaxassisning uch kishidan biri o'z sog'lig'ini qanday yaxshilashi mumkinligini tinglang. Mutaxassis qaysi shaxs haqida gapiradi? EN AH
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