Educational aim: to develop memory and logical thinking; to ascend pupils’ levels of knowledge and general culture.
Questions: Think about core of the FL as the subject.
Are there any differences between the FL and native language as subjects?
How do you explain the term “aim of teaching and learning?
What are the main aims of teaching English?
How can the practical aim of teaching English be carried out during the lesson?
What are the tasks of the cultural aim of teaching English?
Usedliterature: 1.Вайсбурд М.Л. Методы обучения. Выбор за вами. ИЯШ, 2000. №2,с.29
2.Гальскова Н.Д. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам: Пособие для учителя. -2-е изд. –М.: АРКТИ, 2003. -162 с.
3Демидова В.А.New approaches in methodology.СамГИИЯ, 2007.
4.Рогова Г.В, Методика обучения иностранным языкам. Москва, 1991.