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Lesson 1.4 Mini story 1.4.3 Nobility

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Lesson 1.4 Mini story 1.4.3 Nobility

Hello, how are you feeling today? How is your mood? I hope that you are feeling wonderful. So we are going to listen to the mini story lesson, I hope that you know our rules. As usual you have to answer the questions quickly. So are you ready? In that case breathe deeply, jump, run, dance but please don V sit still ok?! And listen carefully so let’s go!!!

One day 10-year-old Joseph went to an ice-cream shop, sat at the table and asked a waitress: “How much is an ice-cream cone?”

Who went to an ice-cream shop?

Joseph went to an ice-cream shop.

Was he 11 years old?

No, he was not 11 years old.

Was he 15 years old?

No, he wasn’t 15 years old.

What was his age?

His age was 10. He was 10 years old.

Bir kuni 10 yoshli Jozef ismli bola muzqaymoq do‘koniga borgan edi, stolga o‘tirdi va ofitsiantdan so£radi: “Musqaymoq bir boiagi necha pul turadi?”

Kim muzqaymoq do‘koniga borgan edi?

Jozef muzqaymoq do‘koniga borgan edi.

U 11 yoshli bola edimi?

Yocq, u 11 yoshli bola emas edi.

U 15 yoshli bola edimi?

Yo‘q, u 15 yoshli bola emas edi.

Uning yoshi nechida edi?

Uning yoshi 10 da edi. U 10 yosh edi.

Who was 10 years old?

Joseph was 10 years old.

Did he go to a restaurant?

No, he did not go to a restaurant. He went to an ice­cream shop.

Did he work there?

No, he didn’t work there.

Why did he go there?

He went there to buy an-ice cream.

Did he ask the manager?

No he didn’t ask the manager. He asked the waitress.

What did he ask the waitress?

He asked the waitress: “How much is an ice-cream cone?”

What did she say?

She said: "75 cents.” The boy started counting the coins he had in his hand. Then he asked how much a small cup of ice-cream was.

Did she say 70 cents?

No, she didn’t say 70 cents.

Did she say 60 cents?

No, she did not say 60 cents.

How much was an ice-cream cone?

Kim 10 yosh edi?

Jozef 10 yosh edi.

U restoranga bordimi?

Yo‘q, u restoranga bormadi. U muzqaymoq do‘koniga borgan edi.

U u yerda ishlar edimi?

Yosq, u u yerda ishlamas edi.

Nima uchun u u yerga borgan edi?

U u yerga muzqaymoq sotib olish uchun borgan edi.

U menejerdan so‘radimi?

Yo‘q, menejerdan so'ramadi.

U ofitsiantdan so‘radi.

Ofitsiantdan nimani so'radi?

U ofitsiantdan muzqaymoq qancha turishini so‘radi.

U nima dedi?

U aytdi: “75 sent”. Bola qo‘lidagi tangalarni sanashni boshladi. Keyin muzqaymoqni kichkina piyoladagisi necha pul turishini so4radi.

U 70 sent dedimi?

Yo‘q, u 70 sent demagan edi.

U 60 sent dedimi?

Yo‘q, u 60 sent demagan edi.

Muzqaymoq bo‘lagi necha pul turar edi?

It was 75 cents.

After that did he leave the ice­cream shop?

No, he did not leave the ice cream shop.

What did he do?

He started counting the coins.

Who started counting the coins?

The boy started counting the coins.

After that what did he ask for drinks?

No, he didn’t ask for drinks.

What did he ask?

He asked for a small cup of ice cream.

Did he ask a big cup of ice­cream?

No, he did not ask a big cup of ice cream.

What did he ask?

He asked for a small cup of ice-cream.

What did waitress say?

The waitress impatiently replied 65 cents.

Did she reply patiently?

U 75 sent edi.

Undan keyin u muzqaymoq do4konini tashlab chiqib ketdimi?

Yo'q, u muzqaymoq do‘konini tashlab chiqib ketmadi.

U nima qilgan edi?

U tangalarini sanashni boshladi.

Kim tangalarini sanashni boshladi?

Bola tangasini sanashni boshladi.

Undan keyin u ichgani nima so‘ragan edi?

U ichgani hech narsa so‘ramagan edi.

U nima so‘ragan edi?

U muzqaymoqni kichkinaginasini so‘ragan edi.

U katta muzqaymoqni so‘ragan edimi?

Yo‘q, u katta muzqaymoq so‘ramagan edi.

U nimani so‘ragan edi?

U kichkinagina muzqaymoq so‘ragan edi.

Ofitsiant nima degan edi?

Ofitsiant sabrsizlik bilan 65 sent deb javob qaytardi.

U sabr bilan javob berdimi?

No, she did not reply patiently.

How did she reply?

She replied impatiently.

Did a manager reply impatiently?

No, she was not a manager.

Who said 65 cents?

The waitress said 65 cents.

Was a cake 65 cents?

No, the cake was not 65 cents.

What was 65 cents?

The cup of ice-cream was 65 cents.

Was a big cup of ice-cream 65 cents?

No, a big cup of ice-cream was not 65 cents?

How much was a big cup ice­cream?

A big cup of ice-cream was 75 cents.

Was the small cup of ice­cream 60 cents?

No, it was not 60 cents.

Was a cake 65 cents?

No, the cake was not 65 cents.

What was 65 cents?

The small cup of ice-cream was 65 cents.

Yo‘q, u sabr bilan javob bermadi.

U qanday javob berdi?

U sabrsizlik bilan javob berdi.

Menejer sabrsizlik bilan javob berdimi?

Yo‘q, u menejer emas edi.

Kim 65 sent degan edi. Ofitsiant 65 sent degan edi. Keks 65 sent edimi?

Yo‘q, keks 65 sent emas edi. Nima 65 sent edi? Muzqaymoq 65 sent edi.

Katta muzqaymoq 65 sent edimi?

Yo‘q, katta muzqaymoq 65 sent emas edi.

Katta muzqaymoq necha pul edi?

Katta muzqaymoq 75 sent edi.

Kichkina muzqaymoq 60 sentmidi?

Yo‘q, u 60 sent emas edi.

Keks 65 sent edimi?

Yo‘q, keks 65 sent emas edi. Nima 65 sent edi?

Kichkina muzqaymoq 65 sent edi.

The boy said: “1 will have the small ice cream cup”. He paid the bill and left.

Did he say: “I will have the small cake”?

No, he didn't say: “I will have small cake”.

What did he say?

He said: “I will have the small cup of ice-cream”.

Did he buy the ice cream?

Yes, he bought the ice cream.

Who bought the ice cream?

The boy bought the ice cream.

Did he buy the big cup of ice cream?

No, he didn’t buy the big cup of ice cream.

What kind of ice cream did he buy?

He bought the small cup of ice-cream.

Did he say it was expensive? No, he didn’t say that.

Did he pay the money?

Yes, he paid and left.

Did he pay by card?

No, he did not pay by his card.

Bola: “Men kichkina muzqaymoqni olaman dedi. U pulini to*ladi va do‘konni tashlab chiqib ketdi.

U: “men kichkina keks olaman” dedimi?

Yo‘q, u men kichkina keks olaman demadi?

U nima dedi?

U men kichkina muzqaymoq olaman dedi.

U muzqaymoq sotib oldimi?

Ha, u muzqaymoq sotib oldi.

Kim muzqaymoq sotib oldi?

Bola muzqaymoq sotib oldi.

U katta muzqaymoq sotib oldimi?

Yo‘q, u katta muzqaymoq sotib olmadi.

Qanaqa muzqaymoq sotib oldi?

U kichkina muzqaymoq sotib oldi.

U qimmat dedimi?

Yo‘q, unday demadi.

U pulini to‘ladimi?

Ha, u to'ladi va chiqib ketdi.

U kartochka orqali toiadimi ?

Yo'q, u kartochkasi orqali to‘lamadi.

When the waitress came to pick up the empty plate, she was touched. Under the plate there were 10 coins as a tip.

Why did the waitress come? Because she was going to pick up the empty plate.

Did she want to sit with the boy?

No, she didn’t want to sit with the boy.

Did she become angry when she came to pick up the empty plate?

No, she didn’t become angry when she came to pick the empty plate.

How did she feel?

She was touched.

Was the boy touched?

No, the boy was not touched. Who was touched?

The waitress was touched. Why was she touched? Because, there were coins as a tip.

Where were the coins?

The coins were under the plate.

Were there 15 coins?

No, there were not 15 coins.

Ofitsiant bo4sh likopni olib ketgani kelganida ta sirlanib ketdi. Likop tagida choychaqa sifatida 10 tanga bor edi.

Ofitsiant nimaga keldi?

Chunki u bo‘shagan likopni olgani kelgan edi.

U bola bilan o4irishni xohlagan edimi?

Yo4q, u bola bilan o‘tirishni xohlamagan edi.

U bo‘sh likopni olgani kelganida achchig‘i keldimi?

Yo‘q, u bo‘sh likopni olgani kelganida achchiqlanmadi.

U nimani his qildi?

U ta’sirlanib ketgan edi.

Bola ta’sirlanib ketgan edimi? Yo‘q, bola ta’sirlanmadi.

Kim ta’sirlangan edi? Ofitsiant ta’sirlangan edi. Nima uchun ta’sirlanib ketdi? Chunki u yerda choychaqa sifatida tangalar bor edi. Tangalar qayerda edi? Tangalar likop tagida edi?

U yerda 15 tanga bor edimi? Yo‘q, u yerda 15 tanga yo‘q edi.

How many coins were there? There were 10 coins.

Why did Joseph leave 10 coins under the plate?

He left the coins as a tip.

The little boy had a consideration for the waitress before he ordered his ice cream. He showed sensitivity and caring. He thought about others before lilmself.

Was the boy selfish?

No, the boy was not selfish. Did he hate the waitress?

No, he didn’t hate the waitress.

What did he have for the waitress?

He had consideration for the waitress.

Who had consideration for the waitress?

The boy had consideration for the waitress.

Did he have consideration before ordering the hot dog? He didn’t order a hot dog.

What did he order?

Nechi pul tanga bor edi?

U yerda 10 tanga bor edi.

Nima uchun Jozef iikop tagida

  1. tanga qoldirgan edi?

U tangalami choychaqa sifatida tashlab ketgan edi. Bola muzqaymoqga buyurtma berishdan oldin ofitsiantni o‘ylab kosrgan edi. U noziktabiatliligini va g‘amg‘o4rIigmi ko'rsatgan edi. U o‘zidan oldin boshqalar haqida ©‘ylagan. Bola hudbin edimi?

Yo4q, bola hudbin emas edi.

U ofitsiantni vomon ko‘rgan edimi?

Yo‘q, u ofitsiantni yomon ko‘rmagan edi.

Uning ofitsiantga nimasi bor edi?

IJ ofitsiantni o‘ylab ko'rgan edi.

Kim ofitsiantni o‘ylab ko rgan edi?

Bola ofitsiantni o‘ylab ko'rgan edi.

U hotdog buyurtma berishdan oldin o‘ylab ko4rgan edimi?

U hotdog buyurtma bermagan edi.

U nimaga buyurtma bergan edi.

The boy’s name was Joseph.

So this is the end of the next mini story. As always you should change the tense. While you listening the mini story please breath deeply and jump up. Don 4 sit steel Ifyou want you may dance. Move your body. And then listen again and again. That is enough for today. See you next timef
bye, bye

He ordered the ice-cream.

Did he have consideration after ordering the ice-cream?

When did he have consideration for the waitress? He had consideration before he ordered the ice cream.

For whom did he have consideration?

He had consideration for the waitress.

Did he show egoism by this way?

No, he didn’t show egoism by this way.

What did he show by this way?

She showed sensitivity and caring.

Did waitress show sensitivity and caring?

No, the boy showed sensitivity and caring.

What was the boy’s name?

U muzqay moq ga buyurtma bergan edi.

U muzqaymoqga buyurtma bergandan keyin o‘ylab ko‘rdimi?

U qachon ofitsiantni o‘ylab ko‘rgan?

U muzqaymoqga buyurtma berishdan oldin o‘ylab ko‘rgan edi.

U kimni o‘ylab ko‘rgan edi?

U ofitsiantni o‘ylab ko‘rgan edi.

U bu bilan hudbinlikni ko4rsatgan edimi?

Yo‘q, u bu yo‘l bilan hudbinlikni ko4rsatmagan edi. U bu bilan nimani ko‘rsatdi?

U noziktabiatliligini va g‘o‘ligini ko‘rsatgan edi. Ofitsiant noziktabiatlilik va g^amg^o^rlikni ko4rsatdimi? Yo‘q, bola noziktabiatlilik va g‘amg‘o‘rlikni ko'rsatgan edi. Boi aning ismi nima edi? Bolaning ismi Jozef edi.

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