Lesson 3.1
Mini story 3.1
New to America
So how are you feeling today? How is your mood? I hope that you are feeling wonderful. So we are going to listen to the mini story lesson, I hope that you know our rules* As usual you have to answer the questions quickly* So are you ready? In that case breathe deep, jump, run, dance but please don 4 sit still ок?! And listen carefully so let’s go!!!
There was a beautiful woman. Her name was Nancy. She had an 8 year old son. He was ail she had in the world.
Was there a man?
No, there wasn’t a man.
Was there a woman?
Yes, there was a woman. How was that woman?
She was a beautiful woman. Was her name Gloria?
No, her name wasn’t Gloria.
Was her name Monica?
Chiroyli ayol bo‘lgan ekan. Uning ismi Nancy. Uning 8 yoshli o6g‘li bor edi. 0‘g‘li uning borlig4i edi.
U yerda erkak kishi bormidi? Yo‘q, u yerda erkak yo*q edi. U yerda ayol bormidi?
Ha5 u yerda ayol bor edi.
U ayol qanday edi?
U chiroyli ayol edi.
Uning ismi Gloria edimi? Yo‘q, uning ismi Gloria emas
Uning ismi Monika edimi?
No, her name wasn’t Monica.
What was her name?
Her name was Nancy.
Did she have a daughter or a
She had a son.
Was her son 6 years old?
No, he wasn’t 6 years old.
What was his age?
He was 8 years old.
Whose son was he?
le was Nancy’s son.
She was from Dubai. One day she wanted to go to America. She went to America.
Was she from China?
No, she wasn’t from China. Was she from France?
No, she wasn’t from France. Where was she from?
She was from Dubai.
Who was from Dubai?
Nancy was from Dubai.
Did she want to go to England?
Yo‘q, uning ismi Monica emas edi.
Uning ismi nima edi?
Uning ismi Nancy edi.
Uning qizi bormidi yoki o‘g‘li?
Uning o‘g‘li bor edi Uning o‘g‘li 6 yosh edimi? Yo‘q, uning o‘gli 6 yosh emas edi.
U nechchi yosh edi?
U 8 yosh edi.
U kimning o‘g‘li edi?
U Nancyning o‘g‘li edi.
U Dubayiik edi. Bir kun u Amerikaga borishni xohladi. U Amerikaga bordi.
U Xitoydan edimi?
Yo‘q, u Xitoydan emasdi.
U Fransiyadan edimi?
Yo‘q, u Fransiyadan emasdi.
U qayerdan edi?
U Dubaydan edi.
Kim Dubaydan edi?
Nancy Dubaydan edi.
U Angliyaga borishni xohladimi?
No, she didn’t want to go to England. Did she want to go to Uzbekistan?
No, she didn’t want to go to Uzbekistan.
Did she want to go to America or Canada?
She wanted to go to America.
Did she go to America in or stay in Dubai?
She went to America.
Did she go there with her son? Yes of course, She went there with her son.
She was new to America.
She found an apartment in Arcadia.
Had she been there before?
No, she had not been there before.
She was new to America.
Who was new to America? Nancy, Nancy was new to America.
Did she find a room in a hotel?
Yo ‘ q, u Angliyaga borishni xohlamadi. U 0‘zbekistonga borishni xohladimi?
Yo‘q, u 0‘zbekistonga borishni xohlamadi.
U Amerikaga borishni xohladimi yoki Kanadagami? U Amerikaga borishni xohladi. '
U Amerikaga bordimi yoki Dubayda qoldimi?
U Amerikaga bordi.
U o‘g‘li bilan bordimi?
U Amerikada yangi edi. ^ Kim Amerikada yangi edi? x* Nancy Amerikada yangi edi,
U mehmonxonada xona 1 toptimi? *
No, not of course, she didn’t find a room in a Hotel.
What did she find?
She found an apartment. Where did she find an apartment?
She found that apartment in Arcadia.
They stayed there for only 2 month.
Because one day a neighbor’s dog jumped over the fence.
lie dog ran toward her son.
Did they stay there for one
No, they didn’t stay there for one year.
Did they stay there for one day?
No, they didn’t stay there for one day.
low long did they stay there?
icy stayed for only 2 months.
Did they stay for only 2 months in a hotel?
Yo‘q albatta, u mehmonxona- dan xona topmadi.
U nima topdi?
U kvartira topdi.
U qayerdan kvartira topdi?
U kvartirani Arkadiadan topdi.
Ular o4sha yerda faqat 2 oy turishdi.
Chunki bir kuni qo‘shnining iti pan jar a ustidan sakrab
It uning o6g6li tomoniga yugurdi.
Ular u yerda bir yil turishdimi?
Yo‘q, ular bir yil turishmadi.
Ular u yerda bir kun turishdimi?
Yo‘q, ular bir kun turishmadi.
Ular u yerda qarscha qolishdi? Ular faqat 2 oy turishdi.
Ular faqat 2 oy mehmonxona- da qolishdimi?
No, they didn't stay in a hotel.
They stayed in an apartment. Why did they stay for only 2 month?
Because a neighbor’s dog toward Nancy's son.
Nancy put her body in between the dog and her son. The dog stopped when it saw Nancy’s screaming at it. She was going to punch It in the nose. The dog turned around. Nancy took her son upstairs. They stayed in the apartment all weekend.
Did Nancy put her leg in between the dog and her son? No, she didn’t put her leg in between the dog and her son. Did she kick it?
No, she didn't kick it.
Did the dog stop?
Yes, the dog stopped.
Why did the dog stop? Because Nancy screamed at it.
Yo‘q, ular mehmonxonada turishmadi.
Ular kvartirada qolishdi. Nega ular faqat 2 oy turishdi?
Chunki qo'shnining iti Nancyning o‘geli tomonga yugurdi.
Nancy ofcg‘li bilan itni o‘rtasiga tushdi. It Nancyning baqirganini ко6 rib to‘xtab qoldi. Nancy itni urmoqchi bo‘ldi. It orqaga qayrildi. Nancy ©‘glini yuqoriga olib chiqib ketdi. Ular butun hafta kvartirada qolishdi.
Nancy o‘g‘!i bilan itni o'rtasiga oyog‘ini qo‘ydimi? Yo‘q, u o‘gii bilan itni o'rtasiga oyog'ini qocymadi. U itni teptimi?
Yo‘q, u itni tepmadi.
It to'xtadimi?
Xa5 it to‘xtadi.
It nimaga to‘xtadiv Chunki, Nancy unga baqircli.
Was she going to punch it?
Yes, she was going to punch it. Nancy took her son upstairs. They stayed in the apartment all weekend. Nancy found another apartment close to a school. Why did she found the apartment close to the school? Because her son was going to attend the school.
She and her son walked everywhere. One day her son started coughing badly. Me had an asthma attack.
Ml the walking was making his asthma worse.
Where did they go?
They didn’t go anywhere. What did they do?
They walked everywhere.
Did her son become ill?
Yes, her son became ill.
Nancy itni urmoqchi bo‘ldimi?
Xa, u itni urmoqchi boidi. Nancy o‘glini yuqoriga olib chiqdi. Ular butun hafta kvartirada qolishdi. Nancy maktabga yaqin joy dan kvartira topdi.
U nimaga maktabga yaqin joy dan kvartira topdi?
Chunki, uning o‘g1i maktabga bormoqchi edi.
U va o6g4i hamnia yerda piyoda yurishdi. Bir kuni uning o‘g‘li yomon yo‘talishni boshladi.
Unda astma kasali boshlandi. Hamma piyoda yurish uning astmasini yomonlashtirayotgan edi. Ular qayerga borishdi?
Ular xech qayerga borishmadi. Ular nima qilishdi?
Ular hamma yerda piyoda yurishdi.
Uning o6g‘li kasal bo‘ldimi? Ha, uning o‘g‘li kasal bo‘ldi.
What happened with her son? Did he have temperature?
No, he didn’t have temperature.
He had an asthma attack.
All the walking was making asthma bad.
Nancy knew that she had to buy a car.
So, she called up the Honda’s dealer.
She talked to a salesman who spoke her language.
Did she know what to do? Yes, she knew what to do. Did she want to buy a helicopter?
No, she didn’t buy helicopter. Did she want to buy a computer?
No, she didn’t want to buy a computer.
What did she want to buy? She wanted to buy the Honda’s car.
What did she do to buy that car?
Uning o‘g‘liga nima bo‘ldi? Isitmasi bormidi?
Yo‘q, uning isitmasi yo‘q edi.
Uning astma kasali boridi. Kun bo‘yi piyoda yurish ast- mani yomonlashtirayotgan edi. Nancy mashina sotib olishi kerakligini tushundi.
Keyin, U Honda dilleriga qo‘ng‘iroq qildi.
Nancy uning tilida gaplashadi* gan sotuvchi bilan gaplashdi. U nima qilishni bildimi?
Ha, u nima qilishni bildi.
U vertolyot sotib olishni xohladimi?
Yo‘q, u vertolyot sotib olmadi, U komputer sotib olishni istadimi?
Yo‘q, u komputer sotib olishni istamadi.
U nima sotib olishni xohladi? U Honda avtomobilini olishni xohladi.
U o'sha mashinani olish uchun nima qildi?
She called up the Honda
Could the dealer speak in her language?
Yes, he could speak her language.
She told him that she wanted to buy a new car if he could come over to pick her up. She bought a new car, a fast car, a huge and i‘\pensive car.
I )id she buy a car?
Yes, she bought a car.
Did she buy an old car?
No, she bought a new car.
Was the car bunk?
No, it wasn’t bunk.
Was it a slow and small car?
No, it wasn’t small and slow.
What kind of car was it?
It was a huge, and fast car.
Did she buy a cheap car?
U Honda dilleriga qo‘ng‘iroq qildi.
Diller uni tilida gapira oldimi?
Ha, diller uni tilida gapira oldi.
Nancy agar diller uni olib ketishga kela olsa, yangi mashina sotib olishni istashini aytdi. U yangi, tez, katta va qimmat mashina sotib oldi.
U mashina sotib oldimi?
Ha, u mashina sotib oldi.
U eski mashina sotib oldimi? YoLq, u yangi mashina sotib oldi.
Mashina juda eski edimi? Yo‘q, u eski emas edi.
U sekin va kichkina mashina edimi?
Yo‘q, u sekin va kichkina mashina emas edi.
U qanday mashina edi?
U katta va tez mashina edi.
U arzon mashina oldimi?
No of course, it wasn’t a cheap car, it was an expensive car.
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