U qadrli turmush 0‘rtog‘ining achinarli o‘limidan ancha qiynaladi. Qanday bo‘lmasin u turmush o4rtog4ining hurmatli xotirasi uchun hamma narsani qiladi.
U tongi ko4ylagi uchun juda ko‘p pul sarflaydi. U qadimiy asarlardek yoqasi soat shaklidek katta ko‘ylak kiyadi va yotoqxonasiga uning katta portretini osib qo‘yadi.
U kechayu kunduz yigiaydimi?
Ha, lekin kechayu kunduz emas.
U uning xotirasiga deb bazm uyushtiradimi?
Yo‘q, u bazm uyshtirmaydi.
U turmush o‘rtog‘ini unutadimi?
Yo‘q, u turmush o‘rtog‘ini unutmaydi.
U uni sog‘inadimi?
Ha, u uni sog‘inadi.
Mill she do something that honor to his memory?
Yes, she will do all that a widow can do to honor for his memory.
¥ill she respect his memory?
"Yes, she will respect his memory.
Will she wear a wedding dress?
l\o, it may not happen.
Will she wear a stone dress? No, she will not wear a stone dress.
Will all sewers help her?
No, all sewes will not help her.
Will she wear unusual dress? Yes, she will wear unusual dress.
What will she wear?
She will wear a miniature of him about her neck as large as a small о‘clock.
Will she have a full length portrait of her husband?
U turmush o4rtog4ining hurmatli xotirasi uchun nimadir qiladimi?
Ha, u turmush o^rtogining hurmatli xotirasi uchun hamma narsa qiladi.
U uning xotirasini hurmat qiladimi?
Ha, u uning hotirasini hurmat qiladi.
U to‘y ko‘ylagini kiydimi?
Yo‘q, bunday bolishi mumkin emas.
U toshli ko‘ylak kiyadimi?
Yo‘q, u toshli ko‘ylak kiymaydi.
Unga hamma tikuvchilar yordam beradimi?
Yo‘q, unga hamma tikuvchilar yordam bermaydi.
U noodatiy ko‘ylak kiyadimi? Ha, u noodatiy ko‘ylak kiyadi.
U nima kiyadi?
U qadimiy san’at asarini eslatuvchi yoqasi kichik soatdek bo‘lgan ko‘ylak kiyadi.
U turmush o‘rtog‘inmg katta portretini osadimi?
Yes, will have a full length portrait of her husband.
Will she put it in the attic?
No, she will not do that.
Will she hang it in the living room?
No, she will not hang it in the living room.
Will she put it in the middle of the room?
No, she will not put it in the middle of the room.
So, where will she hang it?
She will hung it in the bedroom.
Sometimes everything will pass, and the widow will decide to move to another part of the town. One night, at her new house, all of a sudden she will think she hears something move behind her. She will look around quickly, but there will be nothing to be seen.
Will the widow decide to rebuild her old house?
No, she will not decide to build to build her old house.
Will she repaint her old house?
Ha, u turmush o‘rtog‘ining katta portretini osadi.
U buni bolaxonaga osadimi?
Yo‘q, u bunday qilmaydi.
U buni mehmonxonaga osadimi?
Yo‘q, u buni mehmonxonaga osmaydi.
U uni xonaning o‘rtasiga qo‘ydimi?
Yo‘q, u uni xonaning o‘rtasiga qo‘ymaydi.
Xo'sh, unda qayerga osadi?
U buni yotoqxonasiga osadi.
Ba’zida hamma narsa o‘tib ketadi va beva shaharning boshqa tomoniga ko4chishga qaror qiladi. Bir tuni u yangi uyida, to‘satdan orqasida nimadir eshitilgandek tuyiladi. U tezda atrofiga qaraydi, lekin u yerda hech narsa yo‘q bo‘ladi.
U eski uyini qayta qurdirishga qaror qiladimi?
Yo4q, u eski uyini qayta qurdirishga qaror qilmaydi.
U eski uyini qayta bo‘yaydimi?
No, she will repaint her old house.
Will she change the house’s colour?
No, she will not change the colour.
What will she decide?
The widow will decided to move to another part of the town.
Will she sell his house?
Yes, she will sell her house.
Will she move to USA?
No, she will not move to USA.
Will she move to the America?
No, she will not move to America.
Will she decide to live in the forest?
No, she will not decide to live in the forest.
Will she move to her husband’s village?
No, she will not do it.
Where will she move?
Well, she will move to another part of the town.
Will her new house in this town too?
Yo‘q, u eski uyini qayta bo'yamadi.
U uyning rangini 0‘zgartiradimi?
Yo‘q, u uyning rangini o‘zgartirmaydi.
U nimani qaror qiladi?
Beva ayol shahaming boshqa tomoniga ко "chi shiga qaror qiladi.
U uyini sotadimi?
Ha, u uyini sotadi.
U AQSHga ko‘chadimi?
Yo‘q, u AQSHga ko‘chmaydi.
U Amerikaga ko‘chadimi?
Yo‘q, u Amerikaga ko‘chmaydi.
U o‘rmonda yashashga qaror qiladimi?
Yo‘q, u o‘rmonda yashashga qaror qilmaydi.
U turmush 0‘rtog‘ining qishlog‘iga ко‘chib o‘tadimi?
Yo‘q, u bunday qilmaydi.
U qayerga ко‘chadi?
Xo‘p, u shahaming boshqa tomoniga ko‘chadi.
Uning yangi uyi ham shu
Yes, her new house in this town too.
Will she like her new house?
Yes, she will like her new house.
Will she hear the a door squeak in her new house?
No, she will not hear the a door squeak in her new house.
Will she hear singing of the bird?
No, she will not hear singing of the bird.
What will she think in her new house?
Suddenly, she will think that she hears something move behind her.
Yes, she will think that she hears something move behind her.
Will there be an insect?
No, there will not be an insect.
Will there be a mause?
No, there will not be a mouse.
Will something happen?
Yes, something will happen.
Will she think that something will fall down?
Ha, uning yangi uyi ham shu shaharda.
Unga yangi uyi yoqadimi? Ha, unga uyi yoqadi.
U yangi uyida eshik g‘ichirlashini eshitadimi?
Yo‘q, u yangi uyida eshik glchirlashini eshitmaydi.
U qushning kuylashini eshitadimi?
Yo‘q, u qush kuylashini eshitmaydi.
U yangi uyida nima eshitadi?
To‘satdan, u yangi uyida orqasida nimadur siljiganini eshitadi.
Ha, u orqasida nimadur siljiganini eshitadi.
Hashorat boiadimi u yerda?
Yo‘q, u yerda hashorat bolmaydi.
Sichqon boiadimi?
Yo‘q, sichqon bolmaydi. Nimadir sodir boiadimi?
Ha, nimadir sodir boiadi.
U nimadur tushib ketdi deb o‘ylaydimi?
Yes, she will think that something will fall down.
Will it not be a thing?
No, it will not be a thing.
Will she hide?
No, she will not hide.
Will she throw anything?
No, she will not throw anything.
Will she take a photo?
No, she will not take a photo. Will she call the police?
No, she will not call the police.
Will she take a stick?
No, she will not take a stick.
Will she take an iron?
No, she will not take an iron.
Will she take a chain?
No, she will not take a chain.
Will she call her neighbours?
No, she will not call her neighbours.
Wilt she take a knife on her hand?
No, she will not take a knife on her hand.
Will she look for anybody?
Yes, she will look for anybody.
Ha, u nimadur tushib ketdi deb o‘ylaydi.
U narsa bo‘lmaydimi?
Yo‘q, u narsa boimaydi.
U berkinadimi?
Yo‘q, u berkinmaydi.
U nimadir otadimi?
Yo‘q, u hech narsa otmaydi.
U rasmga oladimi?
Yo4q, u rasmga olmaydi.
U politsiyaga qo‘ng‘iroq qiladimi?
Yo‘q, u politsiyaga qo‘ng‘iroq qilmaydi.
U tayoq oladimi?
Yo‘q, u tayoq olmaydi.
U temir oladimi?
Yo‘q, u temir olmaydi.
U zanjir oladimi?
Yo‘q, u zanjir olmaydi.
U qo‘shnilarini chaqiradimi? Yo‘q, u qo'shnilarini chaqirmaydi.
U qoliga pichoq oladimi?
Yo‘q, u qoliga pichoq olmaydi.
U kimnidir izlaydimi?
Ha, u kimnidir izlaydi.
Will it be a bad situation?
Yes, it will be a bad situation.
Will there be something?
No, there will be nothing to be seen.
“Oh, it’s only the wind” she will think and goes on putting her hair in papers, but here yes will be still fixed on her own reflection and the reflection of her husband’s portrait in the looking glass.
Will she say that it is anyone?
No, she will not say that it is someone.
Will she turn on TV?
No, she will not turn on TV.
Will she be putting her hair in papers?
Yes, she will be putting her hair in papers.
Will she go on putting her hair in papers?
Yes, she will go on putting her hair in papers.
Bu yomon vaziyat edimi?
Ha, bu yomon vaziyat edi.
U yerda nimadir boiadimi?
Yo‘q, u yerda hech narsa yo‘q boiadi.
“Voy, bu faqat shamolku” u shunday deb o‘ylaydi va sochini qog‘oz bilan o‘rashda davom etadi, lekin u yerda u shisha ko‘rinishidagi o‘zi va turmush o‘rtog‘ming qiyofasini ko‘radi.
Kimdir bormi deb aytadimi?
Yo‘q, u kimdir bormi deb aytmaydi.
U tele vizor yoqadimi?
Yo‘q, u televizor yoqmaydi.
U sochini qog‘ozga о lab olirgan boiadimi?
Ha, u sochini qog‘ozga o‘rab olirgan boiadi.
U sochini qog‘ozga o‘rashda davom etadimi?
Ha, u sochini qog‘ozga o‘rashda davom etadi.
When she thinks that she will hear something moved behind her, she will look around quickly, but there will be nothing to be seen. And she will think that it is the wind and she will go on putting her hair in papers.
Will she look up?
No, she will not look up.
Will she scream?
No, she will not scream.
Will she be scared?
Yes, she will be scared.
Who will be afraid of?
She will be afraid of.
What will she do?
She will look around quickly.
When she look around what will she see?
When she look around she will not see anything.
Will she think that it there is somebody?
Yes, she will think like that.
Will she pay attention for something?
Yes, her eyes will be still fixed on her own reflection and the reflection of her husband’s portrait in the looking glass.
U nimanidir eshitganini o‘ylaganida orqasiga tezda qaraydi, lekin hech narsa ko‘rmaydi. U buni shamol deb o6ylaydi va qog6oz bilan soch o‘rashda davom etadi.
U yuqoriga qaraydimi?
Yo‘q, u yuqoriga qaramaydi.
U baqiradimi?
Yo‘q, u baqirmaydi.
U qo‘rqib ketadimi?
Ha, u qo‘rqib ketadi.
Kim qo‘rqib ketadi?
U qo'rqib ketadi.
U nima qiladi?
U tezda atrofiga qaraydi.
U atrofiga qaraganida nima ko‘radi?
U atrofiga qaraganida hech narsa ko‘rmaydi.
U bu yerda kimdir bor deb o4ylaydimi?
Ha, u shunday deb o‘ylaydi.
U nimagadir e’tibor qaratadimi?
Ha, uning ko‘zlari shishaga o‘xshash narsada turmush o‘rtog‘i va opining qiyofadoshini ко4 rib qotib qoladi.
Will she be frightened?
Yes, she will be frightened. Suddenly, she will see that In the glass one of the eyes of the portrait move. It will give her a shock. She will concentrate and will take the gun, shot the portrait and fired.
Will she think it is wind?
Yes, she will think it is wind.
Will it be wind?
No, it will not be wind.
Will she understand that it isn’t wind?
Yes, she understand that it isn’t wind.
So, what will it seem to her?
In the glass she will see one of the eyes of the portrait move.
Will she run away?
No, she will not run away.
Will she be afraid?
Yes, it will give her a shock. Will she lose her mind?
No, she will not lose her mind. Will she phone to the police?
No, she will not phone to the
U qo‘rqib ketadimi?
Ha, u qo‘rqib ketadi.
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