Translated by Nodira Azatova
The graveyard was in default. Only poplars lined in two rows over the
sidewalk sing a lullaby to mother‘s tomb like her moaning children. Their
gloomy whispers merge in the sound of prays and create an elegiac tone… The
gravedigger who was wearing white linen robe
with khaki beard prayed and
stood up:
- That is enough, my son! So look, you may get sick. These are the deeds of
world, what can we do?-, He didn‟t say anything for a while and added:
- Your mother was a well-blessed woman. She didn‟t stay long sick and hadn‟t
been in need of anyone…S
uch a innocent death is not for all.
I think over and over looking at unwither soil on my mother‘s tomb.
Perhaps it is like this. My mother lived a modest life. She didn‘t cause any pain
to anyone. She didn‘t dispute with anybody for anything. Perhaps, she didn‘t
want to wrangle with ruthless death shadow creature. Perhaps …..
- You see,- said the gravedigger in pensive tone. –
That whole night it had
rained heavily. It didn‘t stop till we buried her. After that sun shone brightly in
the sky.
It is hard to find this kind of person with pure soul, my son, I know better.
Perhaps he was right. Perhaps, this aged man who got accustomed to people‘s
pain might tell this kind of consolation to relief the pain of all. Thank you, my
dear granny. Thanks to your hands that help all earlier or later. Thank you for
your empathetic soul seeping water of comfort to the burning heart. Exclusively
… . If it depends on rain, if my mother could live in three days more, I would
agree and be ready for the endless stone rain.
My friends, acquaintances, have been coming and going sadly for a week. They
came calmly, left calmly too. Others asked in whisper:
- How old was she?
I answer… Then I think: does age play any role when it comes to talk about the
mother, love, sympathy or loyalty?
Before I knew the truth the age of the child makes no difference to the mother.
Now I‘ve realized the other:
There is no young or old mother for a child. The age of mother makes no
difference to the child also. Mother is Mum. It doesn‘t need further gradations.
Tush ko‗rsam, onam chiroq ko‗tarib yurganmish.
Yuzini aniq
ko‗rmasmishman-u, ammo qo‗lidagi chiroq xira nur sochib turganmish.
―Ko‗zingga qara, bolam, chuqur bor‖, dermish nuqul. Qarasam, chuqur yo‗q.
Uyg‗onsam, onam ham yo‗q...
Ba‘zan ish bilan, ba‘zan majlislar bilan, gohida
ulfatchilik bilan uyga
kech qaytardim. Bir kuni Namangandan mehmonlar kelib qolishdi. Uyga
borishga ko‗nmay, o‗zimni restoranga sudrashdi. Yarim kechagacha qolib
ketdim. Uyga qaytganimda kayfim bor edi. Darvozani onam ochdi. Sovuqda
mushtdekkina bo‗lib dildirab turibdi.
- Shu vaqtgacha uxlamadingizmi! - dedim zarda qilib.
- Eshik ochishga
sizdan boshqa odam yo‗qmi?
Onam ma‘yus jilmaydi:
- Uyqu qatta, bolam? O‗-o‗tiribman.
Ertasiga tahririyatda navbatchilik cho‗zilib ketdi. Qarasam, yana
onamning chirog
i yoniq.
- Nega uxlamadingiz?
Onam yana ma‘yus jilmaydi:
- Bilasan-ku, jon bolam, kamuyqu bo‗lib qolganman.
Men nodon, onamning kamuyqu bo
lib qolganiga,
yarim kechagacha
yuramanmi, tongotar qaytamanmi, onamning chirog‗i muttasil lipillab turishiga
xo‗p ko‗nikkan ekanman.
Qaysi kuni ishdan keyin moskvalik mehmonlarni aeroportga kuzatib
yadigan bo‗ldim. Samolyot kechikib qoldi. Yarim kechada uyga qaytsam...
hamma yoq jimjit. Hamma o‗z oromi bilan...
Tushimda onam chiroq ko
tarib yurganmish.
Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: