Preliminaries Fractional derivatives and integrals
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Definition 1. The Riemann-Liouville (R-L) fractional integral of a function f(x) of order α is defined by[1]
Definition 2. The Riemann-Liouville (R-L) left-sided fractional derivative of order α of a function f(x) is defined by [1]
Definition 3. The Caputo-Gerasimov left-sided fractional derivative of order α is defined by [1]
where n ∈ N and n = [α] + 1.
Definition 4. [11] We consider the weighted spaces of continuous functions
Cγ[a,b] = {f : (a,b] → R : (x − a)γf(x) ∈ C[a,b]}, 0 ≤ γ < 1,
Cγn[a,b] = {f ∈ Cn−1[a,b] : f(n) ∈ Cγ,n ∈ N,
Cγ0[a,b] = Cγ[a,b],
with the norms
kfkCγ = k(x − a)γf(x))kC
kfkCγn = X kf(k)kC + kf(n)kCγ.
These spaces satisfy the following properties.
Cγ1[a,b] ⊂ Cγ2[a,b], 0 ≤ γ1 < γ2 < 1.
Lemma 1. , then the fractional derivatives in Definition 1 and Definition 2 exist on (a,b] and
Definition 5. Hilfer fractional derivative of order α and type µ with respect to t is defined by [23]
whenever the right-hand side exists.
The derivative is considered as an interpolation between the Riemann-Liouville and Caputo derivative:
Lemma 2. ([1] ) Let for x ∈ (a,b] and when f(x) ∈ C[a,b], the equality holds at any point x ∈ (a,b].
Lemma 3. ([1] ) Let α > 0, 0 ≤ γ < 1. If f(x) ∈ Cγ[a,b], then
for x ∈ (a,b] and when f(x) ∈ C[a,b], the equality holds at any point x ∈ (a,b].
Lemma 4. ([1]) Let α > 0, 0 ≤ γ < 1, n = [α] + 1 and and
, then
where and fn−α(x) ∈ Cn[a,b] then the equality holds at any point x ∈ (a,b].
Mittag-Leffler function
A two-parametr of the Mittag-Leffler function at α > 0, for all β ∈ C and z ∈ C, represented as follows [4]
Lemma 5. (see[4]Theorem 1.6, p.35) if α < 2, β is arbitrary real number, µ is such that πα/2 < µ < min{π,πα} and C1 is a real constant, then
Definition 6. We introduce the inner scalar product and the norm on graph as follows:
Here we understand the functions f(x) and g(x) in the following forms:
f(1)(x1) g(1)(x1)
f(x) = f(2)(x2) , g(x) = g(2)(x2)
... ... f(k)(xk) g(k)(xk)
Let us consider simple star graph Γ with three semi-finite bonds connected at the point O. The point O is the vertex of the graph. We label bonds of the graph as Bk, k = 1,2,3 . Let us define coordinate xk on the bond Bk,k = 1,2,3, and xk ∈ (0,Mk). At each bond the coordinate of the vertex point O is equal to zero. Further, we will use x instead of xk.
On the each edges of the over defined graph, we consider fractional differential equations
, (1)
where is Hilfer operator, 0 < α < 1, , 0 ≤ µ ≤ 1, f(k)(x,t) (k = 1,2,3) are known functions. We will study the following problem for equation (1) in Γ.
Problem. To find functions u(k)(x,t) in the domain Bk ×(0,T), satisfy an equation (1) for 0 < α < 1 with the following properties:
t1−α−µ+αµu(k)(x,t) ∈ C([0,Mk] × [0,T]), u(xxk)(x,t),D0+α,µu(k) (x,t) ∈ C ((0,Mk) × (0,T));
local conditions:
; (2)
3. vertex conditions
u(1)(0,t) = u(2)(0,t) = u(3)(0,t),t ∈ [0,T],
u(1)x (0,t) + u(2)x (0,t) + u(3)x (0,t) = 0, t ∈ [0,T], k = 1,2,3
and boundary conditions
u(k)(Mk,t) = 0, t ∈ [0,T], k = 1,2,3.
where ϕ(k) (x) are sufficiently smooth given functions, moreover