Introduction Having reviewed international regulation in Chapter 4, this chapter looks at bank structure and regulation in the United Kingdom, the United States, the European Union and Japan. The UK is singled out for special scrutiny (section 5.2) for a number of reasons. London is a leading international financial centre. It has also undergone major financial reforms twice in just over a decade. Big Bang, 1986, ushered in a period of functional but self-regulation, though the Bank of England was responsible for the prudential regulation of banks. However, by 1997 it was ‘‘all change’’ again: supervision was divorced from the central bank, and a monolithic single regulator created. Scrutiny of the British experience provides a unique insight into many of the debates on different types of financial regulation. Section 5.3 reviews the structure and regulation of the American banking system. New York is a key international financial centre, but the approach to regulation (and the resulting structure) provides a stark contrast with the United Kingdom and many other countries. The Japanese system is discussed in section 5.4. The world’s second largest economy underwent major financial reforms in the late 1990s, largely in response to a severe financial crisis. - Introduction Having reviewed international regulation in Chapter 4, this chapter looks at bank structure and regulation in the United Kingdom, the United States, the European Union and Japan. The UK is singled out for special scrutiny (section 5.2) for a number of reasons. London is a leading international financial centre. It has also undergone major financial reforms twice in just over a decade. Big Bang, 1986, ushered in a period of functional but self-regulation, though the Bank of England was responsible for the prudential regulation of banks. However, by 1997 it was ‘‘all change’’ again: supervision was divorced from the central bank, and a monolithic single regulator created. Scrutiny of the British experience provides a unique insight into many of the debates on different types of financial regulation. Section 5.3 reviews the structure and regulation of the American banking system. New York is a key international financial centre, but the approach to regulation (and the resulting structure) provides a stark contrast with the United Kingdom and many other countries. The Japanese system is discussed in section 5.4. The world’s second largest economy underwent major financial reforms in the late 1990s, largely in response to a severe financial crisis.
- Kirish
- 4-bobda xalqaro tartibga solishni ko'rib chiqqandan so'ng, ushbu bobda bank tuzilishi ko'rib chiqiladi va Buyuk Britaniyada tartibga solish, Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari, Evropa Ittifoqi va Yaponiya. Buyuk Britaniya bir qator sabablarga ko'ra alohida tekshirish uchun ajratilgan (5.2-bo'lim).
- London yetakchi xalqaro moliya markazidir. Shuningdek, u katta moliyaviy qiyinchiliklarga duch keldi faqat o'n yil ichida ikki marta islohotlar. Big Bang, 1986, funktsional lekin davrini boshladi o'z-o'zini tartibga solish, ammo Angliya banki prudensial tartibga solish uchun javobgar edi banklar. Biroq, 1997 yilga kelib, u yana "hamma o'zgardi": nazoratdan ajralgan markaziy bank va monolit yagona regulyator yaratildi. Britaniyaliklarning tekshiruvi tajriba turli xil moliya turlari bo'yicha ko'plab munozaralar haqida noyob tushuncha beradi
- tartibga solish. 5.3-bo'limda Amerika bank tizimining tuzilishi va tartibga solinishi ko'rib chiqiladi. Yangi York asosy xalqaro moliya markazidir, lekin tartibga solishga yondashuv (va
- natijada paydo bo'lgan tuzilma) Buyuk Britaniya va boshqa ko'plab davlatlar bilan keskin farq qiladi mamlakatlar. Yaponiya tizimi 5.4-bo'limda muhokama qilinadi. Dunyodagi ikkinchi yirik 1990-yillarning oxirlarida iqtisodiyotda katta moliyaviy islohotlar amalga oshirildi, bu asosan jiddiy inqirozga javoban
- moliyaviy inqiroz.
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