Bank Structure and Regulation in the UK 5.2.1. Background The structure of the UK banking system was covered briefly in Chapter 1. The UK’s banking system falls into the ‘‘restricted universal’’ category, because banks are discouraged from owning commercial concerns. It is made up of: commercial banks consisting of the ‘‘big four’’ UK banks, HSBC (Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation), the Royal Bank of Scotland group, HBOS (Halifax-Bank of Scotland) and Barclays,1 with tier 1 capital in 2002 ranging from $35 billion (HSBC) to $18 billion (Barclays),2 and the Group, together with about a dozen or so other major banks including Lloyds-TSB ($13.3 billion), Abbey National, Standard Chartered and Alliance and Leicester ($2.5 billion). The big four, and some of the other banks, engage in retail, wholesale and investment banking, and some have insurance subsidiaries. By the turn of the century, many of the traditional English merchant banks had been bought by foreign concerns, beginning with Deutsche’s purchase of Morgan Grenfell bank in 1988. Kleinwort-Benson was bought by Dresdner, and Warburgs by the Union Bank of Switzerland. Barings, having collapsed in 1995, was bought by ING, but later closed. - Bank Structure and Regulation in the UK 5.2.1. Background The structure of the UK banking system was covered briefly in Chapter 1. The UK’s banking system falls into the ‘‘restricted universal’’ category, because banks are discouraged from owning commercial concerns. It is made up of: commercial banks consisting of the ‘‘big four’’ UK banks, HSBC (Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation), the Royal Bank of Scotland group, HBOS (Halifax-Bank of Scotland) and Barclays,1 with tier 1 capital in 2002 ranging from $35 billion (HSBC) to $18 billion (Barclays),2 and the Group, together with about a dozen or so other major banks including Lloyds-TSB ($13.3 billion), Abbey National, Standard Chartered and Alliance and Leicester ($2.5 billion). The big four, and some of the other banks, engage in retail, wholesale and investment banking, and some have insurance subsidiaries. By the turn of the century, many of the traditional English merchant banks had been bought by foreign concerns, beginning with Deutsche’s purchase of Morgan Grenfell bank in 1988. Kleinwort-Benson was bought by Dresdner, and Warburgs by the Union Bank of Switzerland. Barings, having collapsed in 1995, was bought by ING, but later closed.
- Buyuk Britaniyada bank tuzilishi va tartibga solish
- 5.2.1. Fon Buyuk Britaniya bank tizimining tuzilishi 1-bobda qisqacha yoritilgan. Buyuk Britaniyaning bank ishi
- tizim "cheklangan universal" toifasiga kiradi, chunki banklar undan tushkunlikka tushadi tijorat konsernlariga egalik qilish. U quyidagilardan iborat: tijorat banklari ‘’ yirik Buyuk Britaniyaning to'rtta banki, HSBC (Gonkong va Shanxay bank korporatsiyasi), Royal Bank Shotlandiya guruhi, HBOS (Halifax-Bank of Scotland) va Barclays 1, 1-darajali kapitalga ega. 2002 yil 35 milliard dollardan (HSBC) 18 milliard dollargacha (Barclays)2 va guruh, birgalikda Lloyds-TSB (13,3 milliard dollar), Abbey kabi o'nga yaqin boshqa yirik banklar bilan Milliy, Standard Chartered va Alliance va Lester (2,5 milliard dollar). Katta to'rtlik va boshqa banklarning ba'zilari chakana, ulgurji va investitsiya banklari bilan shug'ullanadi, ba'zilari
- sug'urta bo'linmalariga ega. Asrning boshiga kelib, an'anaviy inglizlarning ko'pchiligi
- savdo banklari Deutsche sotib olishdan boshlab, xorijiy konsernlar tomonidan sotib olindi 1988 yilda Morgan Grenfell banki. Kleinwort-Bensonni Dresdner va Warburgs sotib olgan.
- Shveytsariya Ittifoqi banki tomonidan. 1995 yilda qulab tushgan Barings ING tomonidan sotib olindi.
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