The structure of the real sector of the economy - The sphere of tangible production includes industries and enterprises in which material goods are produced: industry, agriculture and forestry, as well as sectors that provide material services: construction, hotel business, transport, communications, trade and catering, and therefore form the most important macroeconomic indicators, such as GDP, national income, etc.
- Intangible production provides tangible production with scientific, informational and other intangible services as: health care, education, science, culture, art, sport, etc.
- The main part of GDP is created in the real sector, and the most important component of material production is also produced in industry and agriculture. In the field of material production, economic resources are processed to create material goods and consumer goods. Their development provides an opportunity to increase the income of the population, increase the welfare of the population, and create a material and financial basis for the development of education, medicine and culture.
- The total volume of products (services) of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in January - December 2019 amounted to 224.3 trillion soums, or 102.5% of the corresponding period of 2018, including in crop and livestock production, hunting and provision of services in these areas - 217.2 trillion soums (102.4 %), forestry - 5.7 trillion soums (101.8 %), fisheries - 1.4 trillion soums (127.0 %).
- In January-December 2019, enterprises of the Republic produced industrial products worth 331.0 trillion soums,
- In January-December 2019, construction works of 68854.4 billion soums were completed, which is a growth rate of 119.0 % compared to 2018.
- Construction works by regions
- Iqtisodiyotning real va moliyaviy sektor subyektlarining maqsad va qiziqishlarining mos kelishi
- O’zaro munosabatning asosiy shakli bo’lib moliyaviy sektor va uy xo’jaligiga tegishli jamg’armalarni real sektorga yo’naltirish (transformatsiya qilish)
- O’zaro munosabatlarni amalga oshirish orqali natijalarga erishish
- O’zaro munosabatlar uchun asos: me’yoriy-huquqiy, tashkiliy va iqtisodiy
- Moliyaviy sektor uchun:
- Moliya bozori hajmining oshishi;
- Moliyaviy institutlar foydasining o’sishi;
- Mijozlar sonining o’sishi;
- Mijozlar ishonchining oshishi;
- Taklif etiladigan xizmatlar turining ko’payishi;
- Kutilayotgan daromadlilik darajasida moliyaviy risk darajasining pasayishi;
- Tranzaksiya xarajatlarining kamayishi.
- Real sektor uchun:
- Sanoat ishlab chiqarishning o’sishi;
- Kapitalning bozor bahosining o’sishi;
- Ishlab chiqarish xajmining o’sishi;
- Mahsulot tannarxining tushishi;
- Korxonaning rivojlanish jarayonida moliyaviy barqarorligini ta’minlash;
- Korxonaning bozor bahosiga ta’sir qiluvchi afzalliklarini ta’minlash;
- O’sish sur’atini oshirish.
- Mikro muhit omillarining ta’siri:
- Rentabellik darajasi;
- Asosiy fondlar bilan ta’minlanganligi;
- AF larning yangilanish koeffisienti;
- Likvidlik koeffisienti;
- Aylanuvchanlik koeffisienti;
- Qoplanish koeffisienti
- Mega muhit omillarining ta’siri:
- Dunyodagi yalpi mahsuloti;
- Jahon kapital va tovarlar bozoridagi narxlar;
- Xalqaro tashkilotlar siyosatining ta’siri;
- Xalqaro moliya inqirozi
- Makro muhit omillarining ta’siri:
- YaIM, YMM, Inflyatsiya
- Milliy valyuta kursi
- Qayta moliyalashtirish stavkasi
- Davlat soliq siyosati
- Davlat investitsiya reytingi
- There are a number of factors that affect the modernization of the real sector of the economy and its competitiveness:
- 1. Innovative activity.
- 2. Business and Investment Climate in the Country.
- 3. High percentage of management staff.
- 4. Infrastructure.
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