a) How these photos might be related to our live?
b) What are the major currencies of the world today?
c) What ways of paying do you know? Which one do you frequently use?
Work in pairs. Read the questions and complete the Money Quiz as quick as you can. After finishing, compare your answers with the whole group.
1. What is the name of money you borrow from the bank?
2. What is the currency of Great Britain?
3. What is the currency of Italy?
4. What is the name of the automatic machine from which you take cash?
5. What is an adjective for a person with lots of money?
6. What is the currency of Japan?
7. What is the name for the most senior person in a bank?
8. How many pence are there in the pound?
9. Name three ways of paying for something.
10. Name five verbs for things you can do with money.
11. What does the word debtmean?
12. What is the word for the money you receive in your job, usually once a month?
Work in small groups and make a list of the most general “Money Vocabulary”. As soon as you finish compare with other groups.