Exceptional violations rarely happen and usually
occur when a safety rule is broken to perform a new
task. A good example are the violations which can occur
during the operations of emergency procedures such as
fi res or explosions. These violations should be addressed
in risk assessments and during training sessions for
emergencies (e.g. fi re training).
Everybody is capable of making errors. It is one of
the objectives of a positive health and safety culture
to reduce them and their consequences as much as
4.6 The development of a positive health and safety culture No single section or department of an organization can
develop a positive health and safety culture on its own.
There needs to be commitment by the management, the
promotion of health and safety standards, effective com-
munication within the organization, cooperation from
and with the workforce and an effective and developing
training programme. Each of these topics will be exam-
ined in turn to show their effect on improving the health
and safety culture in the organization.
4.6.1 Commitment of management As mentioned earlier, there needs to be a commitment
from the very top of the organization and this commit-
ment will, in turn, produce higher levels of motivation
and commitment throughout the organization. Probably
the best indication of this concern for health and safety
is shown by the status given to health and safety and
the amount of resources (money, time and people) allo-
cated to health and safety. The management of health
and safety should form an essential part of a manager’s
responsibility and they should be held to account for
their performance on health and safety issues. Specialist
expertise should be made available when required (e.g.
for noise assessment), either from within the workforce
or by the employment of external contractors or con-
sultants. Health and safety should be discussed on
a regular basis at management meetings at all levels of
the organization. If the organization employs suffi cient
people to make direct consultation with all employees
diffi cult, there should be a health and safety committee
at which there is employee representation. In addition,
there should be recognized routes for anybody within
the organization to receive health and safety information
or have their health and safety concerns addressed.
The health and safety culture is enhanced consider-
ably when senior managers appear regularly at all levels of
an organization whether it be the shop fl oor, the hospital
ward or the general offi ce and are willing to discuss health
and safety issues with staff. A visible management is very
important for a positive health and safety culture.
Finally, the positive results of a management commit-
ment to health and safety will be the active involvement
of all employees in health and safety, the continuing
improvement in health and safety standards and the
subsequent reduction in accident and occupational ill-
health rates. This will lead, ultimately, to a reduction in
the number and size of compensation claims.
HSG48 makes some interesting suggestions to
managers on the improvements that may be made to
health and safety which will be seen by the workforce
as a clear indication of their commitment. The sugges-
tions are:
review the status of the health and safety committees
and health and safety practitioners. Ensure that any
recommendations are acted upon or implemented
ensure that senior managers receive regular reports
on health and safety performance and act on them
ensure that any appropriate health and safety actions
are taken quickly and are seen to have been taken
any action plans should be developed in consult-
ation with employees, based on a shared perception
of hazards and risks, be workable and continuously