9.3.3 Collisions with moving vehicles These are best prevented by completely separating
pedestrians and vehicles, providing well marked, pro-
tected and laid out pedestrian walkways. People should
cross roads by designated and clearly marked pedes-
trian crossings. Suitable guardrails and barriers should
be erected at entrances and exits from buildings and
at ‘blind’ corners at the end of racking in warehouses.
Particular care must be taken in areas where lorries are
being loaded or unloaded. It is important that separate
doorways are provided for pedestrians and vehicles
and all such doorways should be provided with a vision
panel and an indication of the safe clearance height, if
used by vehicles. Finally, the enforcement of a sensible
speed limit, coupled where practicable, with speed gov-
erning devices, is another effective control measure.
9.3.4 Being struck by moving, falling or fl ying objects These may be prevented by guarding or fencing the mov-
ing part (as discussed in Chapter 9) or by adopting the
measures outlined for construction work (Chapter 16).
Both construction workers and members of the public
need to be protected from the hazards associated with
falling objects. Both groups should be protected by the
use of covered walkways or suitable netting to catch fall-
ing debris where this is a signifi cant hazard. Waste mater-
ial should be brought to ground level by the use of chutes
or hoists. Waste should not be thrown from a height and
only minimal quantities of building materials should be
stored on working platforms. Appropriate personal pro-
tective equipment, such as hard hats or safety glasses,
should be worn at all times when construction operations
are taking place.
It is often possible to remove high-level storage in
offi ces and provide driver protection on lift truck cabs
in warehouses. (See the section on fork lift trucks later
in this chapter.) Storage racking is particularly vulnerable
and should be strong and stable enough for the loads it
has to carry. Damage from vehicles in a warehouse can
easily weaken the structure and cause collapse. Uprights
need protection, particularly at corners.
The following action can be taken to keep racking
inspect them regularly and encourage workers to
report any problems
post notices with maximum permissible loads and
never exceed the loading
use good pallets and safe stacking methods
band, box or wrap articles to prevent items falling
set limits on the height of stacks and regularly
inspect to make sure that limits are being followed
provide instruction and training for staff and special
procedures for diffi cult objects.