Introduction to Health and Safety at Work 66
Identify a range of methods that an employer can
use to provide health and safety information directly
to individual employees.
19. (a)
Identify the
TWO means by which employers
may provide information to employees in order
to comply with the Health and Safety Information
for Employees Regulations 1989
Outline the categories of information provided
to employees by the means identifi ed in (a).
Explain how induction training programmes for new
employees can help to reduce the number of acci-
dents in the workplace.
21. A contractor has been engaged to undertake build-
ing maintenance work in a busy warehouse.
Outline the issues that should be covered in an induction
programme for the contractor’s employees.
22. An independent audit of an organization has con-
cluded that employees have received insuffi cient
health and safety training.
Describe the factors that should be considered
when developing an extensive programme of
health and safety training within an organization
Outline the various measures that might be used
to assess the effectiveness of such training
Give FOUR reasons why it is important for an
employer to keep a record of the training pro-
vided to each employee.
Outline reasons why an employee might require
additional health and safety training at a later stage
of employment within an organization.
Describe TWO internal and
TWO external infl uences
on the health and safety culture of an organization.