For example the liquidity orientation of enterprise taxation regarding the profit tax as
well as the VAT can encourage the tax investigation branches. If according rules are
implemented often just the control of the bank accounts of the firms would be suffi-
cient. Therefore the criminal investigation service would
have a much easier job and
the control of tax evasion and the shadow economy could be far more efficient.
The complexity of the tax law is usually also expressed within the tax forms. As al-
ready mentioned above a TIN system as steering and control mechanism is of utmost
use. Then all relevant variables of the tax law have to be captured in the tax files at
best in an electronic form.
As example for an easy tax form of the “average tax-
payer” the basic easy tax form is presented in figure 10, which shows the main form
of the reform proposal.
At least for the normal case a simple assessment is possi-
ble, which neither burden the individual nor the revenue service.
Besides the tax forms the single tax procedures
are of specific relevance; bookkeep-
ing methods, safekeeping conditions for documents, receipts and bank accounts are
important for control purposes as the obligations of the taxpayers to support the fiscal
administration in its control activities. Also the possible IT access for the internal
revenue service might improve the control practice but is
often controversially dis-
cussed. Always the protective interests of the individuals and firms have to be taken
into consideration, which also holds true for the banking confidentiality being often a
problem of control in international tax affairs.
Usually all information kept in the tax files of the individual and forms should be docu-
mented in an electronic form so that for statistical purposes the best information can
be processed and also be published at least in an anonymous form.
The fiscal ad-
ministration itself but especially the MoF can even use the original data for tax esti-
mation purposes. Budgeting and fiscal planning requires tax revenue projections in a
short and mid term perspective. A reliable projection seriously depends on the quality
of the available tax statistics. And adequate estimation procedures are not only nec-
essary for tax revenue projections but also for the test of tax reform proposals, which
have to be simulated before the implementation in group
based or micro simulation
From the very beginning of any tax reform and harmonization the electronic documentation is of
utmost relevance. It should be started in assuring the possibility for the taxpayers to present the
tax forms and the necessary tax declaration in electronic form; see, e.g., the German Elster Sys-
tem under www.elster.de/index.php. Regarding the complexity of the German tax forms see for
instance www.steuertipps.de/?menuID=8&navID=14.
All other forms can be found under www.einfachsteuer.de.
For an overview see Brunner/Petersen (1990) and Petersen et al. (1992).