1. A bad workman always blames his tools.
Yomon kosib bigiz tanlar. 2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Yo’ldagi ikki qushdan qo’ldagi bir qush yaxshi. 3. A black hen lay a white egg.
Taka bo’lsin sut bersin. 4. A blind leader of the blind.
Ko’r – ko’rni yetaklar , do’st – do’stni. 5. A burnt child dreads the fire.
Sutdan og’zi kuygan qatiqni ham puflab ichadi. 6. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.
Arg’amchiga qil quvvat. / Ip ingichka yeridan uzilar. 7. A dog in the manager.
Birovga bersam essiz oshim uyda tursa sasir oshim. 8. A drowing man will clutch at a strew.
Chokkanga cho’p madad. 9. A fool always rushes to the fore.
Ahmoq horganini bilmas. 10. A fool and his money are soon parted
Pul topguncha aql top. / Hisobni bilmagan hamyonidan ayrilar. 11. A fool at forty is a fool indeed.
Ahmoqning katta kichigi bo’lmaydi. 12. A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred men can’t pull out.
Bir kalning hiylasi 40 kishini charchatar. 13. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Do’st kulfatda sinalur . 14. A friend’s is better than a foe’s smile.
Do’st achitib gapirar , dushman kuldirib. 15. A good face is a letter of recommendation.
Yaxshi odam yuzidan ma’lum. 16. A good marksman may miss.
Bir bilmaslik bilgan kishidan ham o’tadi. 17. A good wife makes a good husband.
Erni er qiladigan ham hotin , qaro yer qiladigan ham hotin. 18. A greet ship asks deep waters.
Katta karvonga katta yo’l. 19. A honey tongue , a heart of gall.
Shakarli tilga ishonma. / Jonim- jonim deb joningni oladi. 20. A horse stumbles that has four legs.
Yaxshi ot ham qoqiladi. 21. A hungry belly has no ears.
Och qoringa gap yoqmas. 22. A light purse makes a heavy heart.
Bu dunyoning ho’rligi kissangda pulning yoqligi. 23. A man can die but once.
Bir boshga bir o’lim. 24. A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder.
Oshing halol bo’lsa ko’chada ich. 25. A soft answer turns away wrath.
Egilgan boshni qilich kesmas. 26. A sound mind in a sound body.
Sog’ tanda sog’lom aql. 27. A tree is known by its fruit.
Daraxtga ko’ra mevasi , ota onasida ko’ra bolasi. 28. A watched pot never boils.
Tikilgan qozon qaynamas. 29. A word is enough to the wise.
Donoga ishorat , nodonga kaltak. 30. A word spoken is past recalling.
Aytilgan so’z otilgan o’q. 31. Actions speak louder than words.
Mingta siz – bizdan bitta jiz – biz yaxshi. 32. After dinner comes the reckoning.
Yemoqning qusmog’i ham bor 33. After meat comes mustard.
To’ydan keyin nog’ora. 34. Agues come on horseback , but go away on foot.
Dard botmonlab kelib , misqollab ketadi. 35. All doors open to courtesty.
Yaxshi gapga ilon indan chiqar. 36. All lay load on a willing horse.
Yog’ochning boshini qurt yer. 37. Among friends all things are common.
Do’stlar orasida “meniki“ bo’lmas. 38. An empty sack can’t stand upright.
Bo’sh qop tik turmas. 39. An open door may tempt a saint.
O’zinga ehtiyot bo’l qo’shningni og’ri tutma. 40. An ox is taken by the horns and a man by the tongue.
Buqa shoxidan , odam tilidan ilinar. 41. An unfortunate man would be drowned in a tea cup.
Kambag’alni tuyani ustida ham it qopar. 42. Anger and haste hinder good counsel.
Jaxl kesa aql ketar. 43. As well be hanger for a sheep as for a lamb