after all nihoyat
all around hamma yerda
before long tezda
behind one’s back orqasidan
beside the nature g‘ayritabiiy
beside the purpose maqsadsiz
beyond belief aqlga to‘g‘ri kelmaydigan
beyond doubt shubhasiz
beyond hope umid qilib bo‘lmaydigan
beyond one’s expectations kutgandan ham ziyoda
beyond one’s strength(power) kuchi yetmaydigan darajada
beyond one’s understanding aqlga sig‘maydigan
by accident to‘satdan, tasodifan
by all means nima qilib bo‘lsa ham
by chance tasodifan
by heart yoddan
by means of vositasida, yordamida
by no means aslo, hech, zinhor
by the way (by the by) darvoqe, aytmoqchi, aytganday
day after day kundan kunga
down to –gacha
for instance (for example) masalan
for the time being hozir
for this purpose shu maqsadda
in any case har ehtimolga qarshi, ehtiyot shart
in return for -ning o‘rniga
in return o‘rniga
in so far as — modomiki, hamonki; sababli, uchun
it goes without saying — bu o‘z-o‘zidan ma’lum
it is beyond me bunga aqlim yetmaydi
long after ancha vaqt o‘tgandan keyin
long before bundan ancha oldin
not long after ozroq o‘tgandan keyin, sal o‘tib
over and over (again) qayta-qayta, ko‘p marta
to be behind somebody -dan orqada qolmoq
to be behind the times hayotdan ortda qolmoq
to be behind time kechikmoq
to name after somebody -ning nomi bilan atamoq
up and down u yoqdan bu yoqqa
up to –gacha
up to here shu yergacha
up to now, up to the present time hozirgacha
upside down ostin-ustun, ag‘dar-to‘ntar, ayqash- uyqash
up-to-date zamonaviy
What’s up? Nima bo‘ldi? Nima gap?
without doubt — shubhasiz
without fail — albatta, shaksiz
otherwise –aks holda
as though – sa-da, sa ham
in spite of – ga qaramasdan
even if – guyoki
provided that – shartida, sharti bilan
TOP-100 ta eng kop ishlatiladigan iboralar.
Mylingvo jamoasi Siz o'quvchilar uchun chet davlatlarida eng ko'p ishlatiladigan TOP-100 ta iboralarni ro'yxatini o'zbek tiliga tarjima qilib chiqishdi. Marhamat:
1. Hello/ good bye - Salom/ Xayr
2. Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! - Xayrli tong! / Xayrli kun! / Xayrli tun!
3. Please / thank you - Marhamat/ rahmat
4. Sorry - Kechirasiz
5. I don't understand. - Tushunmadim
6. Please speak more slowly. - Iltimos, sekinroq gapiring.
7. Could you repeat that? - Yana takrorlay olasizmi?
8. What is your name? - Ismingiz nima?
9. My name is . . . . - Mening ismim...
10. Nice to meet you! - Tanishganimdan xursandman
11. How are you doing? - Ahvollaring yaxshimi?
12. Can you help me? - Menga yordam bera olasizmi?
13. Let's go to... - Qani ketdik ...
14. I'm looking for... - Men ... ni qidiryapman
15. Where is . . . the bathroom, restaurant, museum, hotel, beach, embassy? - Hojatxona, restoran, muzey, mehmonxona, plyaj, elchixona qayerda joylashgan?
16. How do I get to ..? - Как мне добраться до...?
17. How do you say this? - Bu buyumning nomi qanday? (buyumga qarata)
18. How much is this? - Narxi qancha buni?
19. Can I ask you a question? - Savol bersam maylimi?
20. I am from Uzbekistan - Men O'zbekistondanman
21. Can you help me practice English? - Ingliz tilida shug'ullanishimga yordam bera olasizmi?
22. Could you write it down on paper?- Buni qog'ozga yoza olasizmi?
23. What does this word mean? - Bu so'z nimani anglatadi?
24. I am hungry. - Men ochman.
25. I am thirsty. - Men chanqadim.
26. I am cold. - Men sovuqotdim.
27. I am feeling sick. - O'zimni yomon his qilyapman.
28. How do you use this word? - Bu so'zni qanday ishlatasiz?
29. Did I say it correctly? - Men buni to'g'ri aytdimmi??
30. What time is it? - Soat necha bo'ldi?
31. This food is amazing! - Bu taom - ajoyib!
32. I need to go now. - Ketishim kerak.
33. Today, yesterday and tomorrow - Bugun, kecha, ertaga.
34. Can you give me an example? - Menga misol keltira olasizmi?
35. Please wait a moment. - Iltimos kuting.
36. Excuse me! - Kechirasiz! (e'tiborini jalb qilish uchun)
37. I'm sorry to bother you - Bezovta qilganim uchun uzr
38. Does anybody here speak Uzbek? - Bu yerda kimdir O'zbek tilida gapiradimi?
39. I don't speak English very well - Men Ingliz tilida yaxshi gapira olmayman.
40. I speak English a little bit - Men Ingliz tilida ozroq gapiraman
41. I need an interpreter. - Menga tarjimon kerak.
42. Where can I buy ...? - Qayerdan ... sotib olsam bo'ladi?
43. That's (too) expensive. - Bu (juda ham) qimmat
44. I'll take one / it / this. - Men buni olaman
45. I like this. - Menga manashu yoqdi
46. I don't like that - Menga bu yoqmadi
47. Can I pay by credit-card? - Plastik karta orqali to'lasam bo'ladimi?
48. Can I exchange this? - Men buni almashtirsam bo'ladimi? (ayirboshlash)
49. That's all, thanks - Hammasi shular, rahmat
50. Excuse me, where can I get a taxi? - Kechirasiz, qayerdan taksiga o'tirsam bo'ladi?
51. This address , please - Manashu manzil, marhamat
52. Drive me to the airport/hotel/city center - Meni aeroportga/ mehmonxonaga/shahar markaziga eltib qo'ying
53. When does the bus to Boston leave? - Bostonga avtobus qachon jo'naydi?
54. Stop here, please. - Shu yerda to'xtating, iltimos.
55. I'd like a ticket to...- Я бы хотел билет до...
56. When does the check-in begin? - Ro'yxatdan o'tish qachon boshlanadi?
57. Where can i return my ticket? - Biletni qayerda qaytarib berishim mumkin?
58. Here are my passport and custom declaration - Mana mening passportim va bojxona deklaratsiyam
59. Here is my luggage - Mana mening yukim
60. It is a business trip - Bu biznes sayohat(ish bo'yicha)
61. It is a turistic visit - Bu sayohat tashrifi.
62. I travel with a group - Men sayohat guruhi bilan boraman
63. I want to book a room. - Men xona band qilmoqchiman.
64. I want a room with bed and breakfast. - Men «krovatli va nonushtali» turdagi xona band qilmoqchiman.
65. Non-smoking, please. - Chekilmasin, iltimos.
66. Here you are. - Oling marhamat.
67. Keep the change - Qaytimi kerak emas
68. Could I have the bill? - Hisobni bera olasizmi?
69. The сhange is not correct - Qaytimni noto'g'ri hisobladingiz
70. Could you break this 100 (hundred) dollar bill? - 100 dollarni maydalab bera olasizmi?
71. What size is this sweater? - Bu sviterni o'lchamni qanday?
72. I want to try it on. - (Sinab,Kiyib, Tekshirib)Ishlatib ko'rsam bo'ladimi.
73. I need... - Menga ... kerak
74. I want to book a table.- Men stol band qilmoqchiman.
75. I'd like... - Men ... hohlayman / istagandim/istayman
76. I do not eat meat. - Men go'sht yemayman
77. I agree. - Roziman
78. With pleasure. - Mamnuniyat bilan.
79. I see. - Tushunarli.
80. I am busy. - Bandman.
81. No, thank you. - Yo'q, rahmat.
82. I am sorry, but I can’t. - Uzr, men buni qila olmayman.
83. Thank you so much!- Katta rahmat!
84. You are welcome! - Marhamat (rahmatga javob).
85. Best wishes! - Barcha yaxshi tilaklar!
86. Congratulations! - Tabriklar!
87. Happy birthday! - Tug'ilgan kuning bilan!
88. I wish you all the best! - Senga barcha yaxshi tilaklarni tilayman!
89. Have a good time! - Vaqting, kuning yaxshi o'tsin!
90. Have a good holiday! - Bayramni, dam olishni yaxshi o'tqiz!
91. Have a good trip! - Safaringiz behatar bo'lsin!
92. Take care! - Ehtiyot bo'l!
93. Good luck! - Omad!
94. See you (later)! - Keyinroq ko'rishamiz!
95. See you soon! - Ko'rishguncha!
96. I need help. - Menga yordam kerak.
97. I'm lost. - Adashib qoldim.
98. I have an emergency. Please call for help. - Men favqulodda holatga tushdim. Iltimos yordam uchun qo'ng'iroq qiling!
99. Call the police! - Militsiyani chaqiring!
100. Call for a doctor. - Shifokor chaqiring - xorijiy tillarni oson va mukammal o'rganish
..., [14.04.21 21:32]
[Forwarded from Ingliz tilini O'rganamiz (Husniddin Burhonov)]
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