Passive Infi nitive ham ishlatilishi mumkin:
He wants the work done immedi-
ately. = He wants the work to be done immediately.
U ishning tez bajarilishini istay-
The manager wishes the cases counted and weighed. = The ma-
nager wishes the cases to be coun- ted and weighed. Menejer qutilarning sanalishini
va taroziga tortilishini istaydi.
c) Complex Ojectda to have fe’lidan keyin Past Participle ishlatilib,
sifatdoshdagi ish-harakat ega tomonidan emas, boshqa shaxs yoki buyum
tomonidan ega uchun bajarilishini bildiradi:
I had my hair cut yesterday.
Kecha men sochimni oldirdim
(ol dim).
I shall have the letters posted im-
Men xatlarni tezda jo‘nattirib
I must have my luggage sent to the
Men yuklarimni stansiyaga
yuboraman (yubortiraman).
To have fe’li turli shakllarda va birikmalarda ishlatilishi mumkin:
I have my shoes mended in that
Men poyabzalimni o‘sha do‘-
konda yamataman.