When we arrived at the port, the
steamer was being loaded with
Biz portga kelganimizda paroxod-
ga g‘alla yuklanayotgan edi.
As I was going down the road, I
met your sister.
Ko‘chadan ketayotganimda men
opangizni uchratdim.
While we were discharging the
vessel, we discovered a few bags
damaged by sea water.
Biz kemaning yukini tushirayot ga-
nimizda dengiz suvidan zararlangan
bir nechta qoplarni uchratdik.
After the agreement had been
signed, the delegation left London.
Bitim imzolangandan keyin dele-
gatsiya Londonni tark etdi.
As soon as we received your te-
legram, we instructed our offi ce to
prepare the goods for shipment.
Biz sizning telegrammangizni oli-
shimiz bilan, ofi simizga mollarni
yuklashga tayyorlash to‘g‘risida
ko‘rsatma berdik.
We haven’t had any news from him
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