Improving the field of psychology is a modern requirement

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Sidikova Firuza Khurshidovna
2nd year student of applied psychology of the Faculty of Social Sciences
of National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek

It is known that achievements in the field of psychology serve the interests of society and the active development of lifestyle. The historical reforms being carried out in our society and the high results achieved are due to the President of our country. It is a product of the state policy pursued by Mirziyoyev. The importance of the socio-psychological sphere at the level of public policy is highlighted in the action strategy for the five priority areas of development of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, in particular, in the item "Priorities for the development of the social sphere" the development of education and science, improvement of state youth policy.

In accordance with the requirements of society, the Department of Psychology of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek is actively involved in a wide range of research activities to address existing psychological problems. The main task of the department is to improve the system of effective psychological services and training of highly qualified personnel in the field.
The Department of Psychology of the University was founded in 1972 and for many years has trained unique, broad-profile psychologists in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. The services of the head of the department, Professor Mahamad Vahidovich Vahidov in opening this department were invaluable. By 1990, about 800 specialists had graduated from the Department of Psychology. V.M. Karimova, F.R. Abdurahmanov and I.E. A number of scientists, such as Khudoiberdiev, have defended their doctoral dissertations. Most of the graduates are currently working in various sectors of the economy and in the management system of our government. Students from Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, Vietnam, Laos, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Yemen, the Arab Republic of Egypt, Angola, Mali, as well as almost all the republics of the former Soviet Union studied in the psychology department. The department has trained more than 150 specialists in foreign countries.
Until 1976, the Department of Psychology was called "Logic and Psychology" and worked in the faculties of philology and history. In 1976, it was renamed the Department of Psychology.
The students of the department received B.F. from scientific centers such as Moscow, Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Novosibirsk. Lomov, G.M. Andreeva, K.Vekker, K.M. Gurevich, I.V. Ravich-Sherba, L.A. Petrovskaya, T.V. Kudryatsev, A.M. Matyushkin, N.N. Potential professors such as Danilova delivered lectures.
At present, the department has a Specialized Scientific Council for the protection of the degree of candidate of psychological sciences. There are full-time, part-time and evening undergraduate majors such as Applied Psychology, Family Psychology, Youth Psychology. As a result of scientific research of the department prepared 7 textbooks, more than 20 textbooks, 15 monographs. The department has a great scientific potential, there are 3 doctors of sciences, 16 candidates of sciences, 3 senior teachers, 6 teachers. The department is headed by Doctor of Psychology Dilbar Gafurdjanovna Mukhamedova.
The goals and objectives of modern psychological services are gradually evolving from simple diagnostics to psychological support of the whole process of education and development, - says the head of the department Dilbar Gafurdjanovna. - In particular, countries such as the United States, France, Germany, Austria, Australia, the United Kingdom are in line with the experience of shaping psychological education services, which initially began to address problems based on the use of standard diagnostic procedures.
The main purpose of this is to develop not only the need for financial support, but also an active position in solving existing problems in the effective solution of the problems of the population in need of protection; increase the efficiency of educational institutions by stimulating the full intellectual development of children; to help overcome feelings of helplessness, inability to solve a problem, defeat of a problem, cessation of struggle; establishing effective cooperation, conducting strategic negotiations for the relations of various organizations, enhancing the participation of citizens in state and public affairs; is to develop real questionnaires that take into account the factors of working with reliable data and scientific statistical methods.
In order to successfully fulfill these urgent tasks, a program for the comprehensive development of the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek in 2019-2023 has been developed and is being implemented with honor.
In particular, taking into account the needs of the regions, sectors of the economy, science and social sphere, the tasks of optimizing the areas of education and specialties, forming target parameters for training, organizing internships for students in production and other enterprises are being effectively implemented. Areas and specialties of education are being optimized, taking into account the prospects for the integrated development of regions and sectors of the economy, needs, ongoing regional and sectoral programs, as well as strategic objectives for the development of fundamental and applied sciences.
The Ministry of Pre-School Education and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education are studying the needs of these institutions for targeted training. and institutions under the Ministry of Secondary Special Education.
Student internships are organized on the basis of enterprises and organizations. Branches of the department are being opened in schools, lyceums and colleges. In these opened branches, the department provides internships and internships for undergraduate and graduate students.
Much attention is paid to improving the organization of planning, deepening and quality improvement of the educational process in accordance with the international practice of introduction of the latest pedagogical technologies and teaching methods.
Curriculum and science programs are adapted to the requirements of staff. A new curriculum has been developed for the master’s degree.
The effectiveness of the use of modern pedagogical technologies and methods of education is increasing. In particular, new pedagogical technologies are discussed and regularly presented by teachers, taking into account the proposals for studying the experience of leading foreign educational institutions (MSU, Lublin Technical University (Poland), University of Malaga (Spain)) and their application in the educational process.
Preparation, editing and publication of educational, scientific and methodological literature in the field of General Psychology, Occupational Psychology and Management, Applied Sports Psychology.
Talented graduates of the master's degree are selected and actively involved in pedagogical activities every year to improve the system of selection and appointment of leaders and professors of the administration, faculties, departments, research institutions and academic lyceums, to improve their professional level and pedagogical skills.
In order to improve the professionalism, quality and level of pedagogical staff, professional development of teachers and researchers, internships are prepared video lectures on subjects taught at the department, distance learning elements for bachelor's and master's specialties are prepared in regional universities, lectures at scientific seminars are organized online by videoconference.
Highly experienced foreign scientists, educators and specialists are widely involved in the educational process. Textbooks and manuals are being prepared jointly.
Measures have been taken to develop research and innovation activities, produce research at the university, integrate it with the needs of academic science, ensure the effectiveness of teachers' scientific work, increase the scientific potential of the department to 90% by 2023. Plans have been developed to open a branch of the department at the academic lyceum, to select talented young people and to train them purposefully.
It is planned to develop international cooperation and partnerships with leading foreign universities, attract foreign specialists and teachers to educational activities. Cooperation with leading foreign scientific and educational institutions in the field is being developed. The participation of faculty, staff and students in leading international educational, scientific and practical exhibitions, conferences and symposiums is ensured every year. The experience of higher education institutions in Poland, the Russian Federation and Spain in attracting foreign professors and teachers to the teaching and research process, as well as attracting international grants to further improve the educational process and conduct joint research is being studied.
Internships and advanced training of professors and teachers abroad, sending staff to study for master's and doctoral degrees (PhD) are organized. In cooperation with University, measures have been developed to improve the skills and internships of pedagogical and scientific personnel in leading foreign higher education and research institutions. A wide range of information and expert exchange agreements are being signed with leading foreign educational and research partner organizations. Proposals are being made for the organization of internships and professional development of pedagogical and scientific staff for 2023.
One of the urgent tasks is to improve the system of educational work, to instill in students high moral and spiritual-enlightenment qualities, to strengthen immunity to foreign ideas and ideologies, to create conditions for a healthy lifestyle and recreation of students. In order to increase the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work at the university, the base of normative and methodological documents is being strengthened. In particular, the project "Sector without corruption" is being implemented. Anti-corruption hotlines have been set up. Training seminars involving employees of the Ministry of Justice, the Interior Ministry and the Prosecutor's Office, competitions among students on "We are against corruption", regular surveys to determine the state of corruption.
The concept of improving the system of educational work has been developed, taking into account the love for the Motherland, involvement in its destiny, strengthening the sense of devotion to the profession. At the same time, special attention is paid to increasing the responsibility of professors and teachers in educational work with students. Address lists of students living in rented apartments are updated annually, and identified problems are addressed in a timely manner. Students spend their free time in dormitories.
Efforts are being made to educate students in the spirit of respect for universal and national values. Bloggers and PR Center clubs have been established. A group of volunteers has been formed to study the problems of students in need. Preventive talks are held to strengthen the ideological immunity of students.
The University has widely implemented 5 initiatives put forward by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. To this end, a comprehensive program of measures has been approved, covering specific areas for each initiative. In particular, on the 1st initiative - competitions, exhibitions, visits to theaters and museums are organized in order to attract students of the department to music and art, to cultivate in them aesthetic taste and professional ethics; On the 2nd initiative - students are involved in clubs organized in sports complexes; Initiative 3 - in order to develop a culture of information analysis on the Internet among students, it is recommended to participate in clubs, robotics, computer technology, Internet and messenger literacy circles, online quizzes, IT Olympiads; On the 4th initiative - clubs such as "Oratory", "Reading club", "Debate-debate", "Young writers" were established to attract students to fiction, to instill in them a sense of patriotism, involvement in the fate of the Motherland, devotion. going on; Initiative 5 - in order to increase the social activity of female students, measures are being taken to organize their leisure time meaningfully.
In order to further strengthen the implementation of the tasks set before us, a roadmap for the development of the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek has been developed, - said the head of the department. In particular, special attention is paid to the modernization of the educational process.
Curricula and science programs have been improved based on international experience with the involvement of foreign university experts and specialists. The teaching of specialized subjects (at least 15%) is organized with the involvement of professors from leading foreign universities.
It is also planned to introduce the practice of issuing "double degrees" in cooperation with foreign universities. At the same time, short-term academic mobility programs for young teachers and 1-semester student exchange and mobility programs for students are implemented in foreign universities and research institutes. It is planned that 10 professors and teachers will be trained at universities in Russia, Spain, Germany, Poland, Korea and Japan.
Another priority is to modernize the research process. In this regard, the implementation of joint research projects with leading universities and research centers around the world. The number of articles published in foreign scientific journals listed in Scopus, Web of Science international scientific and technical databases is increasing. Based on the real sector of the economy, strategic development programs of the regions, scientific groups consisting of young scientists on the basis of "Scientific and technical problems" and their solutions have been established.
The development of innovative activities and work with talented youth are the current tasks of the department. In particular, an inter-university research center has been established.
Through the University educational Olympiads and various competitions, the selection of talented students and their training on the basis of in-depth special programs, their involvement in scientific and innovative activities is being successfully addressed. The "Counseling Center" for professors, doctoral students, students on the use of international scientific and technical databases Scopus and ScienceDirect is being improved.
It is planned to attract university graduates and talented young people to innovative developments, technological projects-startups. Organization of innovative cooperation with the private sector, organization of fairs of innovative developments in order to attract the private sector. The work on patenting of innovative developments, systematic improvement of certification, introduction of consulting services in this area is being carried out effectively.
Conditions are being created to improve the structure and attract highly qualified personnel. Opportunities have been created for doctoral students conducting research in postgraduate education. Work is underway to develop the activities of the research laboratory of psychology.
The Department of Psychology has all the tasks, including the formation of a system for selecting talented students and preparing them for innovative activities, organizing startup competitions among students, improving mechanisms to stimulate scientific activity of young people, introducing the ability to implement innovative projects as the main criteria focus on the formation of practical skills, individualization of educational processes on the basis of psychological technologies, the establishment of laboratories in research and experimental psychology, the opening of new specialties in the field of psychology psychological selection is honorably working to improve the staffing and evaluation system.
As a result, the psychological literacy of the population will increase, a systemic psychological service will be established in society, analytical groups consisting of scientists, specialists and managers will be formed within the partner organizations of the department. A system of psychological assistance in emergencies will be formed.
Uzbekistan will create a legal and regulatory system of psychological services, a system of continuous education of practicing psychologists, increase the quality and efficiency of services provided to industrial organizations and the population.
In addition, the tasks on joint improvement of curricula, joint creation of modern educational literature, creation of an electronic educational literature platform, joint translation of modern foreign educational literature, joint organization of psychological scientific seminars, webinars, consortiums and conferences are being effectively implemented.
As a result of the formation of mature professionals in the field, the existing social psychological problems in society will be solved. For this purpose, psychological master classes, psychological trainings on the quality organization of the educational process, academic exchange of teachers have been organized. In this regard, the organization of advanced training in psychology, psychology, social psychology, the organization of research work at the departments of psychology, the organization of targeted doctorates in the specialties of the department with partner organizations, the attachment of independent researchers and researchers to university professors, fundamental, applied and innovative psychology. It is important to carry out joint projects, use the database of psychological electronic information resources, publish joint articles of researchers in prestigious foreign scientific journals.
Textbooks for more effective organization of educational activities; Short training course (72 hours); Seminar-training on "Profiling" (6 hours); Psychodiagnostics (diagnosis of emotional states of trainees, mental processes, individual psychological characteristics); Vocational guidance (orientation of cadets to the field); There is a paid group counseling service "Overcoming Aggression" (through Art Therapy).
The importance of psychology in the life of our society is growing. This was especially evident during the pandemic. Improving the field of psychology is a modern requirement. The concept of the Institute of Psychology has been developed in order to further develop the industry, to determine its great importance and priorities for the development of our country. Initially, a separate faculty of psychology, laboratory, training rooms, consultation rooms should be organized. There are all the opportunities for this, the quota has increased, there is a scientific staff, there is enough scientific potential.


1. Perspective plan of the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek for 2019-2023.
2. Report of the Department of Psychology for the Faculty Council.
3. MIRZO ULUGBEK NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF UZBEKISTAN FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Department of "PSYCHOLOGY" report for the 2017-2018 academic year presentation.
4. National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek
5. 1. Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the National University of Uzbekistan, archived from the original on 2010-05-31, tp: // /index.php?lk-main&ln=ru, viewed: 2012-12-24.
6. Leaders of the National University, archived from the original on 2019-11-03,, viewed : 2019-11-03.
7. PF-5308-son 22.01.2018. About the State Program on implementation of the Action Strategy on five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021 in the "Year of active entrepreneurship, support of innovative ideas and technologies"
8. F-5024-son 15.08.2017. On measures for further implementation of the Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021.
9. DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY CENTER ⇒ Activities of the Center
10. History of development of psychology in Uzbekistan brazovaniya-res-v4.html? Page = 10.
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