Implementation of research results. Based on scientific findings and recommendations of the socio-economic and cultural life in Samarkand region between 1925-1941:
The scientific results of the dissertation were used to fill the history and socio-cultural life of the Samarkand region in 1925-1941 with new information. The dissertation materials presented to the Museum-Reserve Fund and the display of new archival documents not included in the scientific exposition serve to further increase the interest of foreign and local tourists, and to gain new insights into Samarkand oasis history (Reference No 01-12-10-103 of the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan on January 9, 2019).
Based on the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated November 22, 2017 "On foundation of the Museum of the Memory of the Victims of Repression under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Museum of Memory of the Victims of Repression in the Framework of Higher Education Institutions of the Region", the research material enriched the museum exposition the Cabinet of Part 5 "Collectivization policy under the Soviet period, and its tragic consequences" (1930-1936), Part 6 "Political Repressions in the Early 1930s" (1929-1936), Part 7 "Political Repression in 1937-1938" (reference No17 of the State Museum of Memory of the Victims of Repression dated January 16, 2019). The results have helped to fill this year's exposition with materials, resources and information, to illuminate the fate of our repressed descendants who have fought for the Motherland and freedom of the country.
The structure and volume of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion and the list of used sources and literature, and includes 156 pages.
I бўлим (I часть; I part)
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Бодиров А.Ж. Назир Тюракулов и вопросы нового алфавита тюркских народов // “Алаштын асыл перзентi”. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной 125 летию видного государсвенного и общественного деятеля, дипломата Назир Торекулова. г. Туркестан, 2017. - С. 165-168.
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