wish(es) (that)
Ega+Past Simple tense
I wish (that) he were here now. (Qaniydi u bu yerda bo’lsa…. afsuski u bu yerda emas.)
I wish (that) I had an umbrella now. (=but I haven’t an umbrella now)
I wish (that) I didn’t have to work. (=but I have to work)
She wishes (that) she lived nearer to her work. (=she doesn’t live near)
2. O’tgan zamon uchun qo'llanishi qurilmasi quyidagicha:
wishes/wish/(ed) (that)
Ega+Past Perfect tense
I wish (that) I hadn’t been so rude to her yesterday. (Qaniydi unga kecha qo’pol munosabatda
bo’lmasaydim…qilgan ishimdan pushaymonman.)
They wish (that) they hadn’t bought that car.(=they bought that car and regret buying it)
I wished (that) he had been with us then. (=he wasn’t with us then)
Sue wished (that) Tom had come to the party. (=Tom didn’t come)
“wish” fe’lining qaysi zamonda turganining farqi yoq, ya’ni hozirgi zamonda turib ham o’tgan zamondagi
vaziyatlar uchun ham qo’llana oladi.
They wish (hozirgi zamonda) they hadn’t bought that car.
3. Agar hozirgi yoki kelasi zamonda birov biror-ish qilishini yoki biror narsa o’zgarishini xohlasak,
quyidagi qurilmani
qo’llaymiz. Ammo bu xohishimiz haqiqatdan yiroq, ya’ni amalga oshmaydi.
wishes/wish/(ed) (that)
Ega+ would+V
It’s raining cats and dogs and I can’t go out. I wish (that) it would stop raining. (Yomg’ir qattiq yog’ayapti va
men tashqariga chiqolmayman. Qaniydi yomg’ir yog’ishdan to’xtasa…lekin to’xtash ehtimoli yo’q)
He wishes (that) his parents would buy him a car. (=they won’t buy him a car)
I wish (that) you wouldn’t drive so fast. (=you are driving fast)
Yuqoridagi holatlarda vaziyatdan norozilik, shikoyat qilish ma’nosi bor va biz vaziyatni o’zgarishini xohlaymiz, shuning
uchun "I wish I would" qurilmasi bunday vaziyatda qo’llanilishi mumkin emas.
If only qurilmasi
Noreal vaziyatlarni “wish”dan tashqari “if only” so’zi yordamida ham ifodalash mumkin. Bunday vaziyatlarda norozilik,
shikoyat ma’nolari yanada kuchayadi.
1. Qo'llanishi (hozirgi zamon uchun):
Past Simple (could)
If only he were here! (Qaniydi u bu yerda bo’lsa!)
If only you could cook! (could = were able to)
2. O’tgan zamon uchun:
Past Perfect Simple (could have +V
If only I had saved some money! (Qaniydi, biroz pul yig’ib qo’ygan bo’lsaydim!)
If only I hadn’t been so rude to her! (= I was rude to her!)
Hozirgi yoki kelajak zamonda birov biror ish bajarishini yoki biror narsa o’zgarishini xohlasak, quyidagi qurilma
If only you would bring that book! (Qaniydi anavi kitobni olib kelsang!)
If only you wouldn’t drive so fast! (=he is driving very fast)
Yakuniy xulosalar
1. "if” li va
“wish” gaplarning noreal vaziyatlar uchun qo’llanishidan kelib chiqqan holda shuni esdan chiqarmaslik
kerakki, hamma noreal vaziyatlar haqiqatda boshqacha, ya’ni teskarisi bo’ladi.
I wish I had an umbrella now. (=but I haven’t an umbrella now...lekin mening zontim yo'q).
If he were here now, he would show us the city. (=He isn’t here and he can’t show us the city).
If he had come to the party, I would have been glad. (=He didn’t come to the party).
2. Agar
"if" li qo'shma gaplarda tarkibida
"had" yoki
"were" fe'llari qatnashsa, gap boshida kelgan
bog'lovchisini tushirib qoldirishimiz mumkin. Bunday hollarda "should", "had" va "were" ko'makchi fe'llaridan biri
egadan oldinga chiqadi, ya'ni inversiya holati yuz beradi. Bu holat asosan rasmiy va adabiy ingliz tilida uchraydi.
Should any of this cost you anything, send me the bill. (=If any of this should cost...)
It would be embarrassing, were she to find out the truth. (=if she were to find out...).
Had they
not rushed Dan to hospital, he would have died.
(=If they hadn't rushed Dan...)
3. "If it hadn't been/was/were not for + ot" qurilmasi asosiy gapdagi holat biror-bir vaziyatga yoki shaxsga bog'liq
bo'lganda qo'llaniladi.
If it wasn't/weren't for Vivian, the conference wouldn't be going ahead. (Agar Vivian bo'lmasa, konferensiya
davom etmayotgan bo'lardi.)
If it hadn't been for my parents, I would never have gone to university. (Agar ota-onam bo'lmaganida, men
hech qachon universitetga kirolmagan bo'lardim.)
Bu qurilmani biz rasmiy va adabiy ingliz tilida "Were it not for Vivian..." va "Had it not been for my parents..."
shaklida ham qo'llashimiz mumkin.
Were it not for Vivian, the conference wouldn't be going ahead.
Had it not been for my parents, I would never have gone to university.
5. Bunday holatlarda tez-tez "but for+noun" qurilmasidan ham foydalaniladi. Bu qurilma ham yuqoridagi qurilma
bilan bir xil ma'noga ega.
But for Jim's support, I wouldn't have got the job.
(=if it hadn't been for Jim...Jimning yordami bo'lmaganida,
men ishga kirmagan bo'lardim.)