Bog'liq @IELTSc1 IELTS Speaking How to improve your band score
Chapter Four: Planning and making notes (part 2) Why are planning and making notes important in the IELTS Speaking test? Knowing ideas corresponding to the questions you are asked to answer during
the examination and the right way of expressing those ideas using words and
sentences are very vital to getting a good band score in IELTS. Formulating the
appropriate answer can be done when one plans.
Planning for Speaking part 2 is an essential key to approach the topic and to be
able to come up with an organized answer that can help you talk within the given
two minutes. It is also an effective tool so that you will not run out of words or
grope for them when you are in the middle of delivering your answer.
Making notes is the concretization of the plans. This is when you write what
comes to your mind as a response to questions on the cue card.