I. Prediction will

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Story beginnings:

  1. (...) is having trouble with (her/his) roommate, whose name is ( ...). (Her/His) roommate keeps many pets even though the lease they signed forbids residents to keep animals in their apartments. Yesterday, one of these pets, a/an ....

  2. Not long ago, (...) and (...) were walking home together after dark. They heard a strange whooshing sound. When they looked up in the night sky, they saw a huge hovering aircraft. It glowed! It was round and green! (...) was frightened and curious at the same time. (She/He) wanted to ..., but....

  3. Once upon a time, (...) lived in a faraway village in a remote mountainous region. All of the villagers were terrified because of the dragon that lived nearby. At least once a week, the dragon would descend on the village and ....

  4. It was a dark and stormy night. (...) was all alone at home. Suddenly ....

5. (...) had a bad day yesterday. First of all, when (she/he) got up in the morning,
(she/he) discovered that....

List of words and phrases to work into the story:

be accused of



be a bad experience

be accustomed to



be a bad idea

in addition to



be better

be afraid



be clever

apologize (to someone) for



be dangerous

Believe in



be difficult

blame (someone) for



be easy

be capable of



be essential

be committed to



be foolish

complain about



be a good experience

dream of



be a good idea

Forgive (someone) for



be fun

be excited about



be hard

be guilty of



be important

instead of



be impossible

be interested in



be interesting

look forward to



be necessary

be opposed to



be a pleasure

prevent (someone) from



be possible

be scared of



be relaxing

stop (someone) from



take effort

succeed in



take energy

take advantage of



take money

be terrified of



take patience

thank (someone) for



take time

think of



be tired of



be worried about


3. Do you know which verbs are followed by infinitives and which are followed by -ing forms? Make two lists.

agree avoid can't help dare decide deny expect

(can't) face fail fancy feel like finish give up

happen hope imagine keep (on) manage mean mind

miss offer postpone practice prepare pretend

promise put off refuse risk seem spend time

(can't) stand suggest wish

Put in the correct forms of the verbs.

  1. You can't help (like) him.

  2. We decided (stay) at home.

  3. We expect (hear) from Ann soon.

  4. Do you fancy (go) out tonight?

  5. I don't feel like (cook).

  6. When do you finish (study)?

  7. I've given up (smoke).

  8. Imagine (be) married to her!

  9. I managed (find) a taxi.

  1. Would you mind (pass) the bread?

  2. I missed (see) the beginning of the film.

  3. She pretended (be) ill.

  4. Don't put off (see) the doctor.

  5. He spends ages (talk) on the phone.

  6. I want (see) the manager.

  7. Do you enjoy (watch) football?

4. Change the construction of the sentences using the appropriate form of the infinitive.


E.g. They are sorry that they are having problems.

They are sorry to be having problems.

  1. Mark is delighted that he has learnt to drive.

  2. Carol is sorry that she has refused point-blank to join us.

  3. My friends are happy that they have bought an annual cable TV license.

  4. He was glad that he had started his own business.

  5. He was happy that he had recruited the right personnel.

  6. You will be happy that you have repaid the loan.

  7. Gerald hates it when he is asked questions he cannot answer.

  8. My grandmother loved it when she was asked for advice.

  9. My sister hates it when she is treated like a child.

10. Most people hate it when they are ordered to do things.

11. Michael was delighted that he had been offered this job.

12. Richard was furious that he hadn’t been invited to the party.

13. She is happy that she has been introduced to the president of the company.

14. Sheila is furious that she has been spoken to like this.

15. My friends are happy that they are starting their own business.

16. Mary is delighted that she is going away on holiday next week.

17. He must be crazy that he is climbing that mountain in such weather.

18. The boy is happy that he is playing his favourite computer games again.

19. Carol is sorry that she has been having a relationship with that horrid man for such a long time.

20. His parents are happy that they have been working for the same firm all their lives.


E.g. It is said that they play gold every weekend.

They are said to play golf every weekend.

NB. This construction is used with the following verbs in the passive voice: to say, to report, to announce, to believe, to suppose, to think, to expect, to know, to consider, to see, to hear, to make, etc. The infinitive after these verbs is used with the particle ‘to’.

Change the construction of the sentences according to the examples given above.

  1. It is said that Michael is selfish and inconsiderate.

  1. It is believed that the bank manager has been forced into criminal activities.

  2. It was reported that Palestinians had been responsible for the terrorist act in Jerusalem.

  3. It is expected that food will be rationed in the country in the near future.

  4. It has been announced that the board of directors has confirmed their decision.

  5. It is said that the boy is receiving psychiatric treatment for his Internet addiction.

  6. It is reported that the police have been trying to solve the puzzle for a long time. However, it is believed they have failed to do it.

  7. It was heard that the criminals were arranging to meet at the entrance to the Barkley Bank.

10.It was seen that a stranger was asking for directions.

11.It was heard that Bob and Rachel were having yet another row. It is believed that they are drifting apart.

12.It is thought that Bob is having a relationship with another woman. It is also considered that he is unable to control his temper.

13.It is said that Mr Beekford has been overdrawing his bank account quite regularly of late.

14.It is expected that this journalist will be denied the visa.

15.It is supposed that Mr Jackson has been protected all the time.

16.It was reported that the robbers had resisted arrest. That’s why it is supposed that they will get a harsh sentence.

17.It is thought that this reporter is paying too much attention to detail.

18.It is said that the local authorities have been told they have no say in this matter.

  1. Passive and past forms of infinitives and gerunds. Supply an appropriate form for each verb in brackets.

  1. I don't enjoy (laugh) at by other people.

  2. I'm angry at him for (tell, not) me the truth.

  3. It is easy (fool) by his lies.

  4. I expected (invite) to the party, but I wasn't.

5.Sometimes adolescents complain about not (understand) by their parents.

  1. Your compositions are supposed (write) in ink.

  2. Jin Won had a narrow escape. He was almost hit by a car. He barely avoided (hit) by a speeding automobile.

  3. Ms. Thompson is always willing to help if there is a problem in the office, but she doesn't want (call) at home unless there is an emergency.

  4. Jack Welles has a good chance of (elect) I know I'm going to vote for him.

  1. Carlos appears (lose) some weight. Has he been ill?

  2. You must tell me the truth. I insist on (tell) the truth.

  3. Don't all of us want (love) and (need) by other people?

13.Dear Hiroki, I feel guilty about (write, not) to you sooner, but I've been swamped with work lately.

14.A: You know Jim Frankenstein, don't you?

B: Jim Frankenstein? I don't think so. I don't recall ever (meet) him.

15. Mr. Gow mentioned (injure) in an accident as a child but he never told us the details.

16. Tim was in the army during the war. He was caught by the enemy, but he managed to escape. He is lucky (escape) with his life.

17. I don't understand how you got the wrong results. When I look over your notes, your chemistry experiment seems (perform) correctly. But something is wrong somewhere.

18. The witness to the murder asked not (identify) in the newspaper. She wanted her name kept secret.

19. It is generally considered impolite (pick) your teeth at the dinner table.

20. I don't recall (meet) Mr.Tanaka before. I'm sure I haven't. I'd like (introduce) to him. Would you do the honors?

21. Ed's boss recommended him for the job. Ed was pleased (consider) for the job even though he didn't get it.

22. I wasn't tired enough (sleep) last night. For a long time, I just lay in bed (think) about my career and my future.

23. It is the ancient task of the best artists among us (force) us (use) our ability (feel) and (share) emotions.

24. Jeff applied to medical school many months ago. Now he's so concerned about (accept) into medical school that he's having a difficult time (concentrate) on the courses he's taking this term.

25.It may be impossible (persuade) my mother (give) up her job even though she's having health problems. We can't even get her (cut) down on her working hours. She enjoys (work) so much that she refuses (retire) and (take) it easy. I admire her for (dedicate) to her work, but I also want her to take care of her health.

26. Traffic has become too heavy for the Steinbergs (commute) easily to their jobs in the city. They're considering (move) to an apartment close to their places of work. They don't want (give) up their present home, but they need (live) in the city (be) closer to their work so they can spend more time (do) the things they really enjoy (do) in their free time.

27. I don’t seem (get) rid of the cockroaches in my apartment. Every night I see them (run) all over my kitchen counters. It drives me crazy. I'm considering (have) the whole apartment (spray) by a professional pest control expert.

28. The employees were unhappy when the new management took over. They weren't accustomed to (treat) disrespectfully by the managers of the production departments. By (threaten) (stop) (work), they got the company (listen) to their grievances. In the end, a strike was averted.

29. According to some estimates, well over half of the world's population is functionally illiterate. Imagine (be) a parent with a sick child and (be) unable to read the directions on a medicine bottle. We all know that it is important for medical directions (understand) clearly. Many medical professionals are working today (bridge) the literacy gap by (teach) health care through pictures.
6. Complete the sentences using the gerund or the infinitive of the verbs given in brackets.

  1. I don’t know how the accident happened. I remember (to feel) very tired, but that’s all. The rest is a complete blank.

  2. I’m glad you remembered (to get) Helen a card. We can post it in the evening.

  3. I’ll never forget (to visit) the Queen. It was a wonderful experience.

  4. He had to go back to the supermarket because he had forgotten (to get) any butter.

  5. On the way home he stopped at the newsagent’s (to buy) a newspaper.

  6. I wish it would stop (to rain).

  7. I regret (to say) that I won’t be able to come to the party, but I hope you have a great time.

  8. After three months without work he regretted (to leave) his safe job at the bank.

  9. Sarah wanted to start her own business, she even tried (to recruit) personnel. However, she soon realized that she couldn’t really afford it.

10.Max White infiltrated his father’s confidential files though it meant (to break) the codes, then he went on (to discover) the files that even his father was unaware of.

11.Keith Hamilton was eager to catch the spy and tried (to monitor) his progress.

12.It was soon clear that Max didn’t mean (to create) havoc with MI5’s computer system.

13.I’m afraid, James is going to be evicted. He has stopped (to pay) the mortgage.

14.I enjoy seeing such films but later I always regret (to waste) so much time on them.

15.She didn’t mean (to accept) your opinion. She always thinks she knows best.

16.She couldn’t agree to your proposal as it meant (to accept) your opinion.

17.I remember (to be) trapped in a lift for hours. After that I stopped (to use) them.

18.Please, remember (to tell) Lucy that she should take everything into consideration. It’s vital.

19.I regret (to say) that I forgot (to tell) Margaret about the party.

20.When my sister was little she used (? to be) scared stiff when she watched horror films. It took her quite a long time to get used (? to take) them easy.

21.What’s the use (? to discuss) anything serious with her? She’s completely insane.

22.When she couldn’t have her way, she used (? to burst) out crying.

23.It is useless (to complain) of loneliness. It’s your own choice.

7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms. Note that sometimes a bare infinitive will be required.

  1. 'I was lonely at first,' the old man admitted, 'but after a time I got used to (live) alone and even got (like) it.'

  2. Before trains were invented people used (travel) on horseback or in stage coaches. It used (take) a stage coach three days (go) from London to Bath.

  3. I meant (buy) an evening paper but I didn't see anyone (sell) them.

  4. Tom: I want (catch) the 7 a.m. train tomorrow.

Ann: But that means (get) up at 6.00; and you're not very good at (get) up early, are you?

  1. He accepted the cut in salary without complaint because he was afraid (complain). He was afraid of (lose) his job.

  2. She remembers part of her childhood quite clearly. She remembers (go) to school for the first time and (be) frightened and (put) her finger in her mouth. And she remembers her teacher (tell) her (take) it out.

  3. Did you remember (lock) the car? ~

No, I didn't. I'd better (go) back and (do) it now.

  1. No, I didn't move the bomb. I was afraid (touch) it; I was afraid of (be) blown to pieces!

  2. Next time we go (house-hunt), remember (ask) the agent for clear directions. I wasted hours (look) for the last house.

10 Tom: Let's (go) for a swim.

Ann: I'm not particularly keen on (swim). What about (go) for a drive instead?

  1. The hunters expected (be paid) by the foot for the snakes they caught. This meant (take) the snakes out of the sack and (measure) them. They seemed (expect) me (do) it; but I wasn't particularly anxious (be) the first (die) of snakebite.

  2. After (spend) two days (argue) about where to go for their holidays, they decided (not go) anywhere.

  3. He is talking about (give) up his job and (go) (live) in the country.

  4. I was just about (leave) the office when the phone rang. It was my wife; she wanted me (call) at the butcher's on my way home.

He said, 'I'm terribly sorry to (keep) you (wait).'

I said, 'It doesn't matter at all,' but he went on (apologize) for nearly five minutes!

  1. The lecturer began by (tell) us where the island was, and went on (talk) about its history.

  2. My father thinks I am not capable of (earn) my own living, but I mean (show) him that he is wrong.

  3. Tom: I can't get my car (start) on cold mornings.

Jack: Have you tried (fill) the radiator with hot water? That sometimes helps.

19 Did he manage (carry) the trunk upstairs? ~

No, he didn't. He isn't strong enough (move) it, let alone (carry) it upstairs.

20 Jack: Don't forget (take) a hacksaw with you.

Ann: What's a hacksaw? And why should I (take) one with me? Jack: It's a tool for (cut) metal. You see, Tom is bound (get) into trouble for (take) photographs of the wrong things, and you'll be arrested with him. With a hacksaw you'll be able (saw) through the bars of your cell and (escape).

  1. Peter: Wouldn't it be better (ask) Tom (leave) his camera at home? Jack: It would be no good (ask) Tom (do) that. It would be like (ask) a woman (travel) without a handbag.

  2. I've got the loaf; now I'm looking for a breadknife (cut) it with. ~ I saw Paul (sharpen) a pencil with the breadknife a minute ago.

  3. We stopped once (buy) petrol and then we stopped again (ask) someone the way.

  4. When I caught them (cheat) me, I stopped (buy) petrol there and started (deal) with your garage instead.

  5. Do you feel like (dine) out or would you rather (have) dinner at home? ~

I'd like (go) out. I always enjoy (have) dinner in a restaurant.

  1. Your hair needs (cut). You'd better (have) it done tomorrow—unless you'd like me (have) a go at it for you.

  2. I tried (convince) him that I was perfectly capable of (manage) on my own, but he insisted on (help) me.

  3. Jack: I don't mind (travel) by bus, but I hate (stand) in queues. Tom: I don't care for (queue) either; and you waste so much time (wait) for buses. I think it's better (go) by tube, or taxi,

  4. He took to (follow) me about and (criticize) my work till I threatened (hit) him.

  5. I have (stay) here; I'm on duty. But you needn't (wait); you're free (go) whenever you like.

  6. In Animal Farm the old pig urged the animals (rebel) against man but he warned them (not adopt) man's habits.

  7. There is no point in (arrive) half an hour early. We'd only have (wait). -

I don't mind (wait). It's better (be) too early than too late.

  1. I always try (come) in quietly but they always hear me (go) upstairs. It's impossible (climb) an old wooden staircase at night without (make) a noise.

  2. If you agree (work) for me I'll see about (get) you a work permit.

  3. We'd better (start) early. We don't want (risk) (get) caught in a traffic jam.

  4. He suggested (call) a meeting and (let) the workers (decide) the matter themselves.

8. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms. Remember that sometimes a bare infinitive is required.

  1. We suggested (sleep) in hotels but the children were anxious (camp) out.

  2. Paul: Would you like (come) to a lecture on Wagner tonight? Ann: No, thanks. I like (listen) to music but I don't like (listen) to people (talk) about it.

  3. If you want the milkman (leave) you milk in the morning, remember (put) a milk bottle outside your door.

  4. They let us park motorcycles here but they won't allow us (park) cars.

  5. They don't allow (smoke) in the auditorium; they don't want (risk) (set) it on fire, but you can (smoke) in the foyer during the interval.

  6. Mr Shaw is very busy (write) his memoirs. He is far too busy (receive) callers (he is so busy that he can't receive callers), so you'd better just (go) away.

  7. What about (buy) double quantities of everything today? That will save (shop) again later in the week.

  8. The inspector asked (see) my ticket and when I wasn't able (find) it he made me (buy) another.

He probably suspected you of (try) (travel) without one.

  1. One of the gang suggested (take) the body out to sea, (drop) it overboard and (pretend) that it had been an accident.

  2. I want the boy (grow) up hating violence but his father keeps (buy) him guns and swords. ~

It's almost impossible (prevent) boys (play) soldiers.

12 Would you children mind (keep) quiet for a moment? I'm trying (fill)

in a form. ~

It's no use (ask) children (keep) quiet. They can't help (make) a


13 I'm thinking of (go) to Oxford tomorrow on my motorbike. Would
you like (come)? ~

No, thanks. I want (go) Oxford, but I'd rather (go) by train. I loathe (travel) by road.

14 Let's (go) (fish) today. There's a nice wind. What about (come) with
us, Ann? -

No, thanks. I'm very willing (cut) sandwiches for you but I've no intention of (waste) the afternoon (sit) in a boat (watch) you two (fish).

  1. He resented (be) asked (wait). He expected the minister (see) him at once.

  2. The police have put up a railing here (prevent) people (rush) out of the station and (dash) straight across the road.

  3. All day long we saw the trees (toss) in the wind and heard the waves (crash) against the rocks.

  4. I didn't mean (eat) anything but the cakes looked so good that I couldn't resist (try) one.

  5. Do you feel like (walk) there or shall we (take) a bus?~

I'd rather (go) by bus. Besides, it'll take ages (get) there on foot.

20 All right. When would you like (start)? In a few minutes?-

Oh, let's wait till it stops (rain); otherwise we'll get soaked (walk) to the bus station.

  1. The old miser spent all his time (count) his money and (think) up new hiding-places. He kept (move) it about because he was terrified of (be robbed). He used (get) up at night sometimes (make) sure it was still there.

  2. Jack suggested (let) one flat and (keep) the other for myself. But Tom advised me (sell) the whole house.

  3. The child used (lean) on the gate (watch) the people (go) to work in the mornings and (come) home in the evenings. And he used to hear them (shout) greetings to each other and (talk) loudly.

  4. He soon got (know) most of them and even managed (learn) the greetings. Then they began (greet) him too on their way to work and sometimes would stop (talk) to him on their way home.

  5. He succeeded in (untie) himself, (climb) out of the window and (crawl) along a narrow ledge to the window of the next room.

  6. Did you have any trouble (find) the house? ~

No, but I had a lot of difficulty (get) in. Nobody seemed (know) where the key was.

  1. Bill couldn't bear (see) anyone (sit) round idly. Whenever he found me (relax) or (read) he would (produce) a job which, he said, had (be) done at once. I wasted a morning (perform) his ridiculous tasks and spent the rest of the weekend (keep) out of his way.

  2. After (spend) a week in the cottage, he decided that he didn't really enjoy (live) in the country and began (think) of an excuse for (sell) the cottage and (return) to London.

  3. It's no use (argue) with him. You might as well (argue) with a stone wall. He is incapable of (see) anyone else's point of view

  1. I'm delighted (hear) that you can come on Saturday. We are all looking forward to (see) you. Remember (bring) your rubber boots.

  2. He has been charged with (receive) and (sell) stolen goods. He has admitted (receive) but denies (sell) them. The fact is that he hasn't had time (sell) them yet.

  3. He noticed the helicopter (hover) over the field. Then, to his astonishment, he saw a rope ladder (be) thrown out and three men (climb) down it. He watched them (run) across the field and out through a gate. Later he saw a car with four men in it (come) out of the lane (lead) to the field.

  4. He admitted that it was possible that the car happened (be passing) and that the three men persuaded the driver (give) them a lift; but he thought it much more likely that they had arranged for the car (pick) them up and that the driver had been waiting in the lane for the helicopter (drop) them.

  5. What about (have) a picnic in Piccadilly Circus? ~

What an extraordinary place (have) a picnic! Fancy (sit) there with the traffic (swirl) round you and the pigeons (take) bites out of your sandwiches!

  1. Would you mind (write) your address on the back of the cheque and (show) us some proof of your identity?

  2. Let's (swim) across. ~

I'm not really dressed for (swim). What's wrong with (go) round by the bridge?
9. Complete the following texts using the gerund or the infinitive of the verbs given in brackets.

A Sue has decided 1) (apply) for a new job. Her mother advised her 2) (write) to several different companies. Sue would like 3) (work) for a large company where she can 4) (meet) new people.

В Carol is too ill 1) (go) to work today. She has managed 2) (drink) some tea and now she wants 3) (sleep). Her husband offered 4) (call) the doctor, but Carol would prefer 5) (wait) and see if she feels better tomorrow.

С Daniel would like 1) (get) his teacher a present, but he doesn't know what 2) (choose). He is thinking of 3) (buy) her a book because he knows that she enjoys 4) (read). His sister will help him 5) (pick) a good one.

D I dislike 1) (shop) because I can't stand 2) (be) in crowded places. If I have to 3) (go) into town, I avoid 4) (visit) shops where there are a lot of people.

E Joan can't afford 1) (go) on holiday this year, but she intends 2) (save) up so that she can manage 3) (travel) around Europe next summer. She is looking forward to 4) (visit) a lot of exciting places.
F Countries all over the world have superstitions which some people believe and others don't. Several superstitions are the same in many countries.

Many people avoid 1) (walk) under ladders, as this is believed to bring bad luck. Some people expect things 2) (go) wrong on the thirteenth day of the month, particularly if it's a Friday. Some say you must never 3) (put) up an umbrella inside the house or 4) (place) a pair of new shoes on the table. In many places, it is considered unlucky 5) (see) a black cat, while in others this is thought 6) (be) a symbol of good luck. 7) (Break) a mirror results in seven years of bad luck and if you spill salt, you must 8) (throw) a pinch of it over your left shoulder immediately.

These are just a few superstitions which some people believe in. Do you know any more?

G Flight Attendant: Welcome aboard, sir. I hope you enjoy the flight.

Passenger: Thank you. Unfortunately, I'm afraid of 1) (fly).

Flight Attendant: Don't worry, sir. Just remember 2) (fasten) your seatbelt and everything will be fine.

Passenger: I don't mean 3) (be) difficult, but I would like 4) (sit) next to the window. Is that alright?

Flight Attendant: Of course. This seat is free. You can sit here. Would you like a newspaper to read?

Passenger: No, thank you. I prefer 5) (read) books to reading newspapers.

Flight Attendant: Well, I must 6) (check) on the other passengers now.

Passenger: Oh. I'm sorry for 7) (talk) too much. I'm just very nervous about the flight.

Flight Attendant: Just try 8) (relax) a little bit, sir. I'll stop 9) (see) how you are later.

Passenger: Thank you very much. I hate 10) (be) so much trouble.

10. Read the article below and then decide which word or phrase (A – C) best fits each space.

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