Do you think it is better to own or rent your home?
I think th at it is always b e tte r to own your hom e - the only problem is
finding the money! It is really good to invest your m oney in property
and you feel m ore secure in your hom e knowing th at you own it - if
you’re renting, you could get throw n out at any time! Plus if it’s your
own hom e, you can d ecorate it how ever you like.
Is owning a holiday home a good idea?
Owning a holiday hom e is a good idea as you can ren t it out when you
aren ’t th ere to earn som e extra money. Y ou are m ore likely to go on
regular holidays if you have your own holiday hom e and it is nice to
get to know an area well - you are m ore likely to m ake friends with
the locals is you visit a lot.
Should we let people build houses in the countryside?
I think th at it is very im portant to pro tect the countryside and keep as
much open space as possible, so people shouldn’t be allowed to build
a lot of houses. H owever, the occasional house which isn’t too im pos
ing should be allowed - it is nice for people to be able to live in the
countryside and enjoy it.
What problems are caused by large numbers ofpeople living together in cities?
T here are many problem s faced by large num bers o f people living in
cities. Firstly, tran sp o rt is a m ajor issue. A lot o f people use their own
private car, because public tran sp o rt is eith er too expensive or too u n
reliable, and so the roads becom e very busy and congested. This m akes
accidents m ore likely. A n o th er problem is the cost o f living. T h ere are
too many people and not enough houses, so prices rise because th ere
is high dem and. This m akes life very unaffordable for norm al people.
Finally, there is m ore pollution in these build up areas which is bad
for the environm ent.
What sorts o f issues do people, who live in remote areas, have to deal with?
O ne of the m ain problem s faced by people living in rem ote areas is
access - often the roads are old and badly build, or even non-existent.
In bad w eather this can be dangerous as they can flood or become very
icy. If people live in rem ote areas then it can be hard for them to access
health care, or for em ergency services to reach them if an ambulance
or fire engine is needed.
Why do some people want to live as fa r away from towns and cities as
possible, do you think?\ think som e people w ant to live far away from
towns and cities because they d o n ’t like how busy and crowded they
are. Living in the countryside is a much quieter and slower pace of life.
People also tend to be m ore friendly and helpful away from big cities
and there is often a real com m unity spirit. In big towns and cities, peo
ple tend to just look out for themselves.
IELTS Speaking Test 6
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