1. civil engineering — гражданское строительство
2. engineering structures — искусственные сооружения
3. stations are worth looking at —на вокзалы стоит посмотреть
1. as well as cj так же как, а также
2. enable [i'nəibl] v давать возможность
3. need [ni:d] v нуждаться; п необходимость; meet the needs удовлетворять потребности
4. subject (to) [səb'dзekt] v подвергать (чему-либо)
5. stage [steidз] n стадия, этап
6. obvious ['כbviəs] а очевидный, явный
7. appearance [ə'piərəns] n (внешний) вид
8. maintain [men'tein] v поддерживать, содержать (в исправности); maintenance ['meintinəns] n содержание, уход; maintenance cost расходы по содержанию
9. extensively [iks'tensivli] adv широко
10. finish(es) ['finis ](iz)] n отделка
11. on the one hand с одной стороны; on the other hand с другой стороны
12. particular [pə'tikjulə] а особый, особенный; particularly adv в особенности, очень
13. regard [ri'gad] v считать, рассматривать
14. layout ['leiaut] n расположение, планировка
15. face [feis] v сталкиваться (с), стоять перед лицом
16. manual ['mænjuəl] а ручной; manual labour ручной труд
17. level ['levl] n уровень
18. call for [kכ:l] v требовать
19. prefabricated parts (units) ['pri:'fæbnkeitid] сборные части (зданий и т. д.)
20. erect [I’rekt] v сооружать,возвадить
21.considerable [kən'sidərəbl] а значительный
22. too {+ прил., нареч.) [tu:] adv слишком
23. соре (with) [koup] v справиться (с)
24. flow [flou] n поток; v течь, литься
25. terminal [tə:minəl] а конечный; п конечная станция,вокзал
26. in this respect [ris'pekt] в этом отношении
27. remarkable [ri'makəbl] а замечательный, выдающийся
28 just [dзΛst] adv только что, как раз
29.describe [dis'kraib] v описывать, характеризовать;
30.description [dis'kripfən] n описание
5. Найдите в тексте предложения, подтверждающие следующие утверждения.
1. The railway buildings and other engineering structures must be strong and attractive. (2 предложения) 2. Nowadays the problem of maintaining station buildings has been greatly facilitated. (7 предложение) 3. The designing of i station building is a complicated job. (3 предложения)
6. Определите из текста (а) два пути ускорения процесса строительства; (б) причину реконструкции зданий некоторых железнодорожных вокзалов.
7. Выберите нужное по форме слово. 1. The railroad time-table greatly contributes to providing (safely, safe, safety) of train operation. 2. The noise (intensive, intensity, intensify) must be reduced by means of sound-proof materials to be used for finishing railway buildings. 3. The (simple, simplicity, simplify) makes the system proposed (particularly, particular) attractive. 4. In the early days of railways some station buildings were (architecture, architectural, architecturally) remarkable, but they were not (inconvenient, convergence, convenient) for passengers.
8. Определите значение слов и словосочетаний из текста по словарю.
familiar^ sufficiently, outwardly (абз. 1); collaboration, satisfying (абз. 2); of minor importance, its attendant dirt, proper materials (абз. 3); above all, strict limitations, imposed (абз. 4); nave in common (абз. 5); severe (абз. 7); notable (абз. 8); curiosities (абз. 9); rival (абз. 10); ugly (абз. 11).
9. Дайте английские эквиваленты из текста к следующим определениям.
1. a branch of engineering dealing with the erection of stations, buildings, railways, etc.; 2. the structures erected along the railway routes to pass over or through obstacles (препятствие); 3. hard work performed by hands; 4. parts of buildings produced at the factory; 5. the end of a railway line including the station, the depots, etc.
10. Вставьте нужный предлог.
1. As the result of the latest reconstruction the Kursky terminal in Moscow has been turned . .. one of the largest railway stations in Europe. 2. The buildings finished . .. glass call . . . costly maintenance. 3. A high-speed railroad track is subjected .. . intensive vibration. 4. When designing a station building the architect must take the track layout ...account.; 5. Railways are still unable to cope ... highspeed mass transportation. 6. The new finishing materials greatly contribute ... the attractive appearance of modern buildings.
11. Прослушайте и переведите предложения.
1. Modern station buildings must meet the «needs of an increased number of passengers. 2. The railroad track needs careful maintenance. 3. The rails in a high-speed track are subjected to rapid wear. 4. The track layout must be taken into account at the initial stage of construction. 5. The construction of bridges as well as other engineering structures is very costly. 6. Hard manual labour is being replaced by machines. 7. The underground railways are one of the ways to cope with mass transportation in big cities. 8. The maintenance of passenger cars finished with plastics is not a very difficult job. 9. A remarkable success has been achieved in the diesel locomotive construction. 10. At the conference the engineer is to describe the basic features of his device. 11. The maintenance of the diesel locomotive calls for much experience. 12. In this respect, the advantages of the electric locomotive are too obvious to be discussed.
12. Определите, к какой части речи относятся выделенные елова.
1. The designer proposed plastic cover for the control panel in the driver's cab. 2. High-speed locomotives that cover 240 km/h are operated on some railroads, 3. The substation supplies the railway with a high voltage alternating current. 4. The energy crisis in some countries is caused by limited supplies of organic fuel. 5. The repair gang usually finishes the work of this kind in two days. 6. If prefabricated units are used, the final finishes can be completed in two months. 7. Different types of cranes are employed to load bulky [freight into wagons. 8. The bridge caeried its load successfully for quite a number of years.
13. Укажите предложения с независимым причастным оборотом.
1. Being subjected to heavy traffic the track must have a great stability-.- 2. Several hydro-power stations being erected on the Lena River in Siberia, will meet the needs of the growing industrial centres in electric energy. 3. The electronic machines being employed on London's Underground, all signals and switches are automatically set for the passing trains. 4. Having been modernized, the car building l works initiated the production of new sleeping cars. 5. Hard manual labour having been replaced by machines, the construction work takes' less time and money. 6. When finished with glass, the buildings need expensive and careful maintenance. 7. With the reconstruction of the Kursky terminal completed, the flow of passengers has been considerably increased.
14. Переведите предложения с независимым причастным оборотом.
1. Many projects of city transport for London having been discussed, the engineers spoke in favour of an underground railway. 2. Moscow has nine railway terminals, most of them being regarded as architectural curiosities. 3. With numerous machines involved in the construction of buildings, considerable saving of the capital cost was achieved. 4. Stations and other railway buildings being subjected to intensive vibration and noise, strong and sound-resistant (звуконепроницаемый) materials should be used in their construction.
5. With the existing tracks being maintained in a good operating condition, the trains can safely run at 160 kph.
6. Quite recently, a new building for the research institute has been built, prefabricated units being widely used to speed up and cheapen its construction.
15. Переведите сложноподчиненные предложения с определительными придаточными предложениями
а) 1. The monorail track which the vehicles are suspended from may be erected above the streets with heavy traffic. 2. Railway electrification which the GOELRO Plan provided for was initiated in 1926. 3. The tunnel which the train is running through is finished with brick.
б) 4. Plastics, glass, steel and aluminium we increasingly use for finishes make the appearance of buildings more attractive. 5. The flow of passengers the large railway terminals handle daily grows constantly. 6. At the conference the engineers spoke of the problems they face in reconstructing the station buildings. 7. The plants the prefabricated units are produced at are fully mechanized. 8. The air-conditioning system the Soviet Metro is equipped with ensures a comfortable travel for passengers. .
16. Найдите в тексте и переведите предложения с (а) независимым причастным оборотом (абз. 2, 3, 8, 10); (б) бессоюзными определительными придаточными предложениями (абз. 1, 3, 5).
17. Переведите текст письменно со словарем (20мин.).
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