1. workings—горн, выработки
2. shield — щит (машина для проведения подземных выработок и туннелей, ограждающая рабочих от обрушивающихся пород и осуществляющая выемку и погрузку вынутой породы в вагонетки)
3. shuttle trains—челночные поезда
Alpine ['ælpain] — альпийский
Mont Cenis [,mכnt sə'ni]—туннель Мон-Сенй
St. Gotthard [snt 'gכtəd] — Сен-Готардский туннель
Simplon ['simplən]—Симплонский туннель
Thames [temz] — Темза'
Mark Brunnel ['ma:k bru'nel]—Марк Брунэль
Hokkaido [hכ'kaidou]—о-в Хоккайдо
Albert Mathiew [ælbət 'mæǿju:]—Альберт Мэтью
1. depth [depǿ] n глубина; deep [di:p] а глубокий
2. middle ['midl] n середина
3. expand [iks'pænd] v расширять(ся); распространяться); expansion [iks'pæn∫ən] n расширение, распространение
4. in favour of ['feivə] в пользу
5. doubt [daut] n сомнение
6. bore [bכ:] v бурить, сверлить
7. extremely [iks'tri:mli] adv крайне, чрезвычайно
8. too! [tu:l] n инструмент, орудие (труда)
9. compress [kəm'pres] v сжимать, сдавливать; compression [kəm'pre∫ən] п сжатие
10. wave [weiv] n волна
11. against [ə'gemst] prep против, напротив
12. rate [reit] n скорость, темп
13. manner ['mænə] n метод, способ; in this manner таким образом
14. beneath [bi'ni:ǿ] prep под, ниже
15. owing to ['ouin] prep благодаря, вследствие
16. figure ['figaə] n цифра; рисунок, схема
17. suppose [sə'pouz] v полагать, считать
18. permit [pe'mit] v позволять, разрешать; permission [pə'mi∫an] n позволение, разрешение
19. journey ['dзə:ni] п поездка, путешествие; рейс; syn. trip
20. interfere (with) [ntə'fiə] v мешать, служить препятствием
21. affect [ə'fekt] v влиять, воздействовать
22. prepare [pri'pεə] v подготавливать, готовить
23. scheme [ski:m] n план, проект
24. course [kכ:s] n курс, ход
25. pair [рεə] п пара
26. transverse |trsænzvə:s] а поперечный
27. certain ['sə:tn] а определенный, некоторый; несомненный; уверенный
28. degree [di'gri:] n степень; градус
29. on account of [ə'kaunt] из-за, вследствие
30. report [ri'pכ:t] v сообщать; п доклад; сообщение
Запомните формы нестандартных глаголов:
seek hide cut
sought hid cut
sought hidden cut
искать прятать, скрывать резать; сокращать
5. Определите значение словосочетаний из текста, пользуясь словарем.
it takes great skill and ability to avoid tunnels (абз. 1); to seek for a direct connection, some dared to do it (абз. 2); compressed air drills, the news flashed through Europe, to conquer the Alps (абз. 3); started a wave of Alpine tunnels, hidden mountain streams, rock dust and fumes from oil lamps and explosives poisoning the workers, the death rate (абз. 4); the idea of using a shield to lead the excavation (абз. 6); to have many points in its favour (абз. 10); one of them (projects) was placed before the British and the French Governments (абз. 12); single-track tunnels (абз. 13); by through trains (абз. 14); to sign an agreement, to give the green light to the project, a modified version of the project (абз. 15); twin rail link, to cut the journey time, when fully operational (абз. 16).
6. Переведите данные словосочетания.
deep under the surface, to excavate deep, deep knowledge, to deepen a channel;
the expansion of gases, the expansion of influence, territorial expansion, to expand considerably;
there is no doubt, doubtless to say, undoubtedly, beyond any doubt;
to struggle against war, to stand against a wall, to protect against corrosion;
to move at a rate of 200 kph, a rate of growth, a high rate of construction;
to cut the journey time, to take a long journey, to run ten journeys a month;
a high degree of reliability, 30 degrees below zero;
the course of study, political course, in the course of time, in the course of the construction.
7. Дайте английские эквиваленты к выделенным словам.
a very large operation cost, to build a tunnel, below the surface of water, due to engineering difficulties, a constantly developing railway network, a high speed of erecting a bridge, to bore a tunnel in the modern wa\, to propose a project, to make a plan, owing to much noise, to allow more trains to run on a route, a high level of automation, to be sure of success, to influence the working conditions, to make a trip.
8. Вставьте нужный предлог.
1. Soil conditions and underground streams should be taken ... consideration when initiating the building of a tunnel. 2. Discussing the most reliable means of communication between Honshu and Hokkaido islands in Japan most experts spoke ... favour ... the tunnel. 3. Owing ... the Channel Tunnel the journey time between England and France would be substantially reduced. 4. The boring of tunnels must be avoided . . . account ... a high cost of their construction. 5. The bridge over the English Channel could interfere ... navigation. 6. The traffic over the bridge might be affected . . . weather conditions. 7. Some ships cannot pass ... a bridge unless it is sufficiently high.
9. Прослушайте текст и перескажите его по-русски.
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