1. oil fuel — дизельное топливо, солярка
2. railcar—автомотриса (вагон с дизельной силовой установкой)
1. oil [כil] n нефть, топливо; смазка, масло (техн.)
2. belong [bi'lכn ] v принадлежать
3. internal [in'tə:nl] а внутренний
4. inside [in'said] adv внутри, внутрь; а внутренний
5. kind [kaind] n вид, род
6. although (though) [כ: l'bou] cj хотя
7. create [kri:'eit] v создавать, творить
8. motive power ['moutiv 'раu] движущая сила; motion ['mou∫ən] п движение, ход
9. original [ə'ridзənl] а первоначальный, оригинальный; origin ['כridзin] п начало, происхождение
10. meet the requirements [ri'kwəiamənts] отвечать тре- бованиям, удовлетворять потребностям
11. Horse-power (hp, HP) ['hכ:s,pauə] лошадиная сила; мощность
12. unit ['ju:nit] n установка, машина; секция
13. largely ['la:dзli] adv в основном, в значительной мере
14. turn.out ['tə:n'aut] v производить, выпускать
15. a lot of (lots of) [lכt] много
16. add [æd] v прибавлять, добавлять; увеличивать; in addition to [ə'difən] кроме, в добавлениек
17. switching ['switfin] п. ж.-д. маневровая работа
18. duty ['dju: ti] n обязанность; работа (машины)
19. start an engine [sta:t] запустить двигатель; start a train трогать с места поезд
20. within [wi'bin] prep в, в пределах
21. any ['eni] pron любой, всякий
22. capable (of) ( + gerund) ['keipəbl] а способный
23. tractive effort ['efət] тяговое усилие
24. therefore ['ðεəfכ:] adv следовательно, поэтому
25. alow [ə'lau] v позволять, допускать
26. self-propelled ['selfprə'peld] а самоходный, самодви- жущийся; propel [prə'pel] v приводить в движение,
27. expensive [iks'pensiv] а дорогостоящий; expense(s) [iks'pens] n (расход(ы)
28. evident ['evidənt] а явный, очевидный
29. as to prep что касается; syn. as for
30. sufficient [sa'fiənt] а достаточный
Запомните формы нестандартных глаголов:
burn lead lie
burnt led lay
burnt led lain
гореть, сжигать вести, руководить лежать; заключаться
4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
1. What are the three principal differences between the automobile engine and the diesel engine? 2. What facts prove that Russian scientists and engineers took interest in diesel traction before the Great October Socialist Revolution? 3. What are the two reasons (причина) which made railway engineers turn their attention to diesel traction? Скажите, каковы преимущества и недостатки тепловозной тяги.
5. Выберите нужное по форме слово.
1. Suburban traffic is (irregular, irregularly, irregularity) distributed by the seasons and the months of the year. 2. It is the (electrically, electrified, electricity) railways that are most suitable for mass transportation. 3. Modern railways use a great number of devices in order to (simply, simplicity, simplify) the operation of trains. 4. It was Jacobi who made the first attempt of applying (electrified, electricity, electrically) to transport in Russia. 5. Our country started a mass (product, productive, production) of diesels from the fifties.
6. Определите значение слов и словосочетаний из текста по словарю.
internal combustion engines (абз. 2); sparked the interest (абз. 4); nevertheless (абз. 5); field-tests (абз. 7); its electric counterpart (абз. 10); air pollutant (абз. 12); secondary lines (абз. 13).
7. Дайте английские эквиваленты к выделенным словам и словосочетаниям.
to produce locomotives and cars; to meet the needs of passenger traffic; to employ different types of motive power; a single-section locomotive; to depend mainly on the track; to turn out many freight cars a year; besides the diesel motive power; able to convert mechanical energy into electricity; to work on gasoline; to burn costly fuel; capital costs; to be quite obvious; to put an engine into motion; as to the tractive effort of the locomotive.
8. Выберите правильные варианты перевода русских слов и выражений.
движущая сила horse-power, motive power, prime mover
внешнее сгорание external combustion, internalcombustion
внутри двигателя outside an engine, inside an engine
мощность motive power, horse-power
дизельное топливо gasoline, oil fuel
9. Переведите словосочетания на английский язык.
новый вид движущей силы; зависеть в основном от вида движущей силы; находиться в движении (в работе); локомотив высокой мощности; создать двигатель оригикалькой -конструкций;1 "'происхождение ва№нов>; у ционный- локомотив; выпускать много тепловозов; отве-' чать:; современным требованиям; работать на бензине;' относиться к классу дизельных двигателей; двигать поезд; Что касается самоходных транспортных средств; дорогостоящий проект; любые расходы; кроме самоходных поездов; дополнительные факторы; способный развивать высокое тяговое усилие; маневровый локомотив; маневровая работа; за минуту или две; трогать с места поезд; запускать двигатель; достаточно интенсивный; вполне очевидный.
10. Прослушайте текст и передайте его содержание по-русски.
Minsk Tractors
The diesel engine is a kind of internal combustion engine. This efficient prime mover is increasingly used on locomotives, tractors, bulldozers, excavators, and other heavy machines.
One of the most important applications of the diesel engine is their use on tractors. Tractors are self-propelled machines capable of performing a lot of duties in agriculture, construction industry and at industrial plants.
One of the most famous tractor-building factories in our country is the Belarus factory in Minsk. The machines turned out by the Belarus factory are very popular and exported to 60 countries including the socialist countries, the USA, Great Britain, Canada, France and India.
The Belarus tractors are simple in design and not expensive. In addition, they are reliable in operation and can run for a long time without repairs.
The Minsk factory turns out a lot of models varying from a small 30-horse-power unit to a very large vehicles of 255 hp. The Belarus tractors can be practically employed in any climate and can meet the requirements of many users.
11. Переведите предложения со сложным дополнением. Найдите аналогичные предложения в тексте и переведите их.
1. Some specialists believe the existing kinds of motive power to be unable to meet the requirements of passenger traffic in the future. 2. Not many people know R. Diesel to have been one of the creators of the first real diesel locomotive. 3. On visiting the Kolomna Works the students saw a new .single-unit locomotive being assembled. 4. We know powerful diesel locomotives to be capable of developing a high tractive effort at low speeds. 5. It is interesting to watch a train enter a spiral tunnel, and see the locomotive appearing from one port and the rear car disappearing from view in the other. 6. Experts think self-propelled diesel trains to be used more widely on suburban lines with light traffic. 7. With great interest the foreign experts watched the original Soviet diesel engine being tested. 8. We know a lot of automatic devices to have been produced for protecting the personnel of nuclear powr er stations from radioactivity. 9. The passengers on the platform watched the switching locomotive perform its duty on the adjacent track.
12. Проработайте § 5 грамматических пояснений; переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова. Найдите в тексте предложения с аналогичными словами и переведите их (абз. 2, 4, 12).
1. Under electrification the railways must have a great number of substations; the track itself must be furnished with the conductor rail or the contact wire. 2. Some specialized road vehicles carry on themselves the devices to load and unload containers and other large goods. 3. The loud speakers themselves are located near the station platforms. 4. Scientists are working hard to design self-regulating, self-improving and self-programming computers.
13. Переведите текст письменно со словарем (18 мин.)
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