Working Holiday Maker Visa Review Online portal submissions — Free text

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Derek Fisher

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 2:09:57 PM

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We are blueberry growers and are entirely dependent on backpackers to hand pick our crop. Our farm is isolated with the nearest small country town 40 km away. It has been impossible to find local workers for this menial task. This year we will employ about 120 pickers at the peak of the season, increasing to +200 next year.

The government should be encouraging backpackers to come not the opposite.


carl terrey

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 2:56:49 PM

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Working holiday makers just wont come to destinations like Tasmania if a substantial tax is imposed, because of the other costs and inconveniences of coming here, it will just not be worthwhile for them.

We have belonged to the HelpX organization, which has been mutually beneficial better than 90% of the time over many years, and have made several long term friendships. The short term holiday help from young enthusiastic helpers has been essential at critical times for our cut flower business, as we are now in our 70's, and fear will have to close down under the proposed new rules.


Susanne Trott

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 2:38:05 PM

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Strongly disagree with charging Back Packers Tax at 32.5 %

Charge a fair amount of Tax and then keep their Super Contributions in Australia.


Margaret Makewell

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 3:19:12 PM

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Farming communities cannot survive without help from overseas working tourists. The quality of some fruits has already declined because they can't cope without these workers. In spite of high unemployment in country areas, locals are just not prepared to do the hard yards. The backpacker tax needs to be wound back to former levels or they will go to other countries that treat them better.


Sean Arkinstall

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 3:15:34 PM

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Victorian Citrus Farms PTY LTD



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In relation to my answer at 7 - We have spent 4 weeks advertising in the local paper and also approached a local Apprenticeship Agency and have had an extremely low response, almost none. We can not find any local kids that want to work and be prepared to get dirty for a good days pay. It is very worrying for myself and my company as the local kids have it way too easy with regard to obtaining benefits from the government which in turn allows them not to work in horticulture or any other job for that matter. We rely on backpackers to do the work that our local kids wont, for example simple tasks like Potting plants, weeding moving plants around my nursery and general nursery work.

Without our backpackers, which last year over the 12 months we hired 40 approx. we wouldn't have been able to produce the citrus and avocado trees that our local growers ordered which flows down the line all the way to revenue for the Australian Gov, the effect from just my company of not having a workforce that actually wants to work would impact a range of my suppliers. It would effect my plastic pots supplier which inturn effects his supplier of the raw plastic beads he purchases, our chemical suppliers, fertiliser suppliers, potting mix company, label company, local trades like plumbers and electricians that over the past 3 years would equate to about 150K, my greenhouse builder which we have spent 800K with would see us expand and his flow chart then rolls down to steel suppliers etc. I hope you get the gist of what I am trying to say, its not just the local market that would be decimated but an awful lot of other people and trades would be effected too.

I agree that they should pay some form of tax but 32.5% is crazy, why not a flat rate of 15-18% that they cant claim back which stays local. This would allow them to save and travel within Australia and lets be honest the local community Australia wide will get it back anyway as they still need to eat and pay rent.

Please call me id love to chat further


Sean Arkinstall

**Personal **Personal


Sandra Curcio

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 3:25:10 PM

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Primo Produce Pty Ltd as trustee for Ian and Jan Poggioli Family Trust



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If working holiday-makers are entitled to superannuation payments like Australian residents, then they should be taxed the same as Australian residents. To charge them higher tax rates is discriminatory. If the government wants to help employers & generate more employment they should stop superannuation guarantee payments to working holiday-makers. This would free up business' cash flow to employ more people. More people in employment equals more people paying tax.

Australians can choose to work in any job they wish to, but they do not want to work in agriculture or are incapable to. Therefore we have no choice but to employ working holiday-makers. Without working holiday-makers we DO NOT have an industry. We have more work available than people to work in the industry. Much of our production requires intensive labour, particularly at harvest. It can be hot, dirty, physical work and while the government continues to provide generous welfare to the unemployed, there is no incentive for these Australian's to come to rural areas to work in agricultural industries.

Leave the tax rates as is. Cancel super to working holiday-makers. Reduce welfare to unemployed Australians or provide incentives for them to move to rural areas & hold down long term jobs in agriculture.


Robert Kennedy

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 3:53:46 PM

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Until Whitlam increased the dole. it was not possible to live on it, so seasonal workers from the canefields hitched the caravan behind the car and went south for the fruit season. A large number of us either picked fruit or worked in the canneries and them went back for the cane season. After his "social reforms" took hold, the cane workers no longer went south, but battled through on the dole and whatever they could save during the season. Then we also had some more government help by removing the tariffs which protected our jobs that resulted in the canneries closing down. We really owe the Federal Government big time for past mistakes, and now they want to tax the only workers that the farmers can get to harvest their crops.


Robert Price

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 4:47:17 PM

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In regard to superannuation. If backpackers or working holiday makers don't claim their superannuation it should be returned to the employer not be appropriated by the government and put into general revenue. Logically it was never government money and the employer in good faith paid it to the employee. If the overseas employee effectively forfeits the money then it is right that the money be returned to the employer.


Julian Maul

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 4:44:01 PM

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Barossa Angus



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There is no doubt that we have seen a marked decline in interest and enquiries regarding working holiday stays as voluntary work or unpaid skilled training work in regional areas no longer counts towards a second year stay. People who had registered interest in a stay have now looked at other foreign destinations. This was a rash and ill-considered decision. We live in an area with one of the highest levels of EMPLOYMENT in Australia so there is virtually no unemployment and as a consequence, it's extremely difficult to find people interested in casual or seasonal employment. The Barossa wine grape industry is struggling to find pickers and pruners. The mechanised alternative has long term implications to wine quality. I've had people who in the past wanted to work as an intern on the farm as part of their agriculture degree qualification from Europe unable to come now because we would have to pay them. Given the amount of training and additional time it takes with language difficulties, it simply has not been worth it and as a consequence, we have deferred a lot of work on the farm. This naturally has a knock-on effect with our agricultural merchandise suppliers. With all of this, there is a knock-on effect as we have fewer visitors staying a second year. Our experience is they continue to stay in the regions as they come from urban areas overseas and urban Australia holds no allure for them.


Susan Frances

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 5:15:19 PM

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BEST Employment Ltd.



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As a Harvest Labour Service provider we know the importance of backpacker labour in our area and the problems with finding enough workers at peak periods. We feel that superannuation for backpackers is a big impost for employers and since it is not used for their retirement it is really viewed as a bonus when they go home. It adds considerably to the cost of employing labour for horticultural employers on top of already very high casual hourly rates. We feel that a 32.5% tax for backpackers would keep many away. We do agree that they should not be entitled to receive the tax free threshold and that they should pay tax from the first dollar earned but at a more reasonable rate of 15 - 20%. If no tax free threshold was offered and no rebate on leaving Australia it would also streamline processes for the ATO and save a considerable amount of labour and processing in that area.


Ramon Bilcich

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 6:39:15 PM

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· Feedback from backpackers is that they will not do the work if they are taxed at 32.5% from the first $1.

· The scale of our farms and seasonality of our work in this district means it is unsuitable for most Australians as it is short term and irregular work – or peak demands cannot be met from the existing workforce.

· The use of labour hire companies is not widely supported due to lack of transparency on the terms and wages that they pay workers. Increasingly large customers such as supermarkets are strongly advising against the use of labour hire companies.

· The seasonal workers program is not beneficial to small growers as it requires you pay for air fares, accommodate workers and provide a minimum number of hours (35) work for the worker for a minimum period of six months. It is just not a viable option for anyone who has irregular work and variable harvests.

· Backpackers should have the same concessions as any other worker in Australia – ie. the $18200 tax free threshold.

· The Taxation office could easily differentiate backpackers from non-residents by applying the tax free threshold to work from “personal exertion” therefore if people work for a living they are eligible for the $18200 tax free, however non-resident investor income can continue to be taxed from first $1.00

· Backpackers in general spend the money they earn in Australia, in regional areas on accommodation, food and visiting tourist areas, providing an economic benefit to regional towns.

· The area of superannuation for 417/462 Visa holders is an area that could do with reform as it is a waste of resources as we know that the majority of these people will not retire in Australia and the money is then withdrawn. This money could be put to better use as a fund for training Australians.

· The remoteness of our area (900 kilometres from Perth) and the sometimes challenging climatic conditions mean that we cannot attract vast number of the “unemployed” from Perth to work on our farms.

· The 417 and 462 Visa holders make up the majority of our seasonal workforce and without them we cannot harvest our crops.


Gemma Glover

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 5:15:19 PM

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As a 29 year old business professional I have had the most rewarding experience being able to travel and work remotely in Australia and it has really broadened my horizons and prospects with regards to my future career path. Having supported careers and employability projects for young people in many countries in Europe I am aware that there can often be conflicts with local workers feeling that they are not given enough opportunities to work, and for example in this case a backpacker. I do however believe that the country, similar to those in Europe richly benefits from having the diversity of travellers supporting the economy and I do believe that the increased tax rate will be of detriment to the future growth of Australia as a whole.


Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 5:55:38 PM

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I believe that all individuals employed in the horticulture industry should be taxed equally (as per a resident with tax file number PAYG Schedule NAT 1013), however, the working-holiday makers should not be eligible to claim the Tax Free Threshold at the end of the financial year. As a result, they receive the same pay packet as all other local workers and are happy to spend their earnings locally, therefore, the local community benefits from these visitors as well.


terry willkinson

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 6:07:10 PM

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dole receivers should be asked to do the job and if they refuse should not be eligible for the dole. the major reason why backpackers are needed it that it is too easy to get unemployment pay.. The country would struggle terribly with no backpackers as the Australians just will not do the work. should be work for the dole


Simon Taylor

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 6:39:22 PM

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Due to continued growth across both tourism and agriculture, there is growing demand for flexible labour in the these industries of the South West. The jobs effected by this tax cannot be undertaken by permanent residence as they generally have full employment and cannot stop what they're doing to perform the more season jobs. As a result, many harvesting and food processing businesses as well as tourism enterprises in the south west rely on foreign workers.

This level of taxation on an already fragile workforce will have a 'massively negative impact' on our key industries in Australias South West!


Rob Scott

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 7:45:46 PM

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As an industry we need to focus on:-

· Feedback from backpackers is that they will not do the work if they are taxed at 32.5% from the first $1.

· The scale of our farms and seasonality of our work in this district means it is unsuitable for most Australians as it is short term and irregular work – or peak demands cannot be met from the existing workforce.

· The use of labour hire companies is not widely supported due to lack of transparency on the terms and wages that they pay workers. Increasingly large customers such as supermarkets are strongly advising against the use of labour hire companies.

· The seasonal workers program is not beneficial to small growers as it requires you pay for air fares, accommodate workers and provide a minimum number of hours (35) work for the worker for a minimum period of six months. It is just not a viable option for anyone who has irregular work and variable harvests.

· Backpackers should have the same concessions as any other worker in Australia – ie. the $18200 tax free threshold.

· The Taxation office could easily differentiate backpackers from non-residents by applying the tax free threshold to work from “personal exertion” therefore if people work for a living they are eligible for the $18200 tax free, however non-resident investor income can continue to be taxed from first $1.00

· Backpackers in general spend the money they earn in Australia, in regional areas on accommodation, food and visiting tourist areas, providing an economic benefit to regional towns.

· The area of superannuation for 417/462 Visa holders is an area that could do with reform as it is a waste of resources as we know that the majority of these people will not retire in Australia and the money is then withdrawn. This money could be put to better use as a fund for training Australians.

· The remoteness of our area (900 kilometres from Perth) and the sometimes challenging climatic conditions mean that we cannot attract vast number of the “unemployed” from Perth to work on our farms.

· The 417 and 462 Visa holders make up the majority of our seasonal workforce and without them we cannot harvest our crops.


Allan Francis Mc Nicol

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 8:15:47 PM

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The payment rate should be inclusive of superannuation and taxed at a fair rate. Why should superannuation companies collect fees and charges for short term stay people. Money for nothing. Typical financial system.


Samantha Lonsdale

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 8:22:20 PM

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As a working holiday visa maker, I can say that it's not fair I can only extend my visa through working in certain industries. We should be valued for all our contributions. The Canadian government supports their citizens in seasonal jobs, and doesn't just pass them off to others wanting to meet the country.


Stephen Tancred

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 8:41:03 PM

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There were 4,300 registered backpackers in our town last season (via the harvest job agency). Our town only has 5,000 permanent residents. It is not possible to operate our industry without backpackers as the local workforce doesn't exist and the unemployed in the cites won't come to our town for just a few months.

Backpackers should pay the same tax that you and i pay - $18,000 tax free threshold then the normal marginal rates.

I observe that they spend all or most of their money on their holiday anyway, which makes teh money go round and round. Especially with the GST they pay.

They don't use our health system without paying for it (travel insurance) and they don't use our social security or education system and those 3 Depts are the main use of tax collected.

if they get taxed at the higher rate then what services are you offeringthem?


brian allen

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 10:06:16 PM

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we used to have at least 2 wwoofer { willing workers on organic farms} applying each week for farm stay to work in return for food and accommodation and cultural exchange, no money exchange in return for helping to operate our future business and obtain a 2 nd visa. Since the government has changed the regulations with the backpacker tax we have had only 2 applications in more than 6 months. These backpackers are now traveling to Canada and New Zealand avoiding Australia.We were trying as others in our area to develop a small business, but this has killed our dreams of doing this as we cannot afford to pay extra taxes and super for negligible return return. With less backpackers coming to Australia who would have spent money and encouraged others to travel to this great country i see this as a discouragement to travel to Australia.


Thomas Jewell

Date Lodged

29 Aug 2016 10:07:47 PM

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