Understanding Psychology (10th Ed)

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Understanding Psychology

Name Index 
Turnbull, O., 445
Turner, H., 371
Turner, J. C., 599, 600
Turner, M. E., 592, 594
Turner, S. M., 517
Turner, T. R., 353
Turner, W. J., 368
Turvey, M. T., 210
Tuszynski, M. H., 568
Tuzhilin, A., 286
Tversky, A., 254
Twenge, J. M., 590
Tydgat, I., 215
Tyler, J. M., 602
Tynelius, P., 320
Tyson, L. D., 344

Ubell, E., 152
Uhl, G., 193
Ullman, S. E., 371
Umphress, E. E., 605
Ünal-Karagüven, M., 21
Underwood, A., 123, 165
Unger, R., 345
United Nations Programme on 
University of Chicago, 278
University of Minnesota, 455
Unsworth, N., 213
Updegraff, K. A., 417
Urbina, S., 290
Ursprung, W. W., 488
U.S. Bureau of the Census, 425, 426
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,
345, 426
U.S. Senate Select Committee on 
Intelligence, 260
Utsey, S. O., 599, 602
Uttl, B., 224
Uylings, H. B. M., 389
Uzelac, S., 418

Vaccaro, D., 61
Vaillant, C. O., 424
Vaillant, G. E., 424
Vaish, A., 396
Vaitl, D., 333
Valencia, R. R., 301
Valentijn, A. M., 429
Valenzuela, S., 606
Vallortigara, G., 89
Valsiner, J., 465
Van Beekum, S., 547
van den Berg, P. T., 261
van den Boom, D. C., 402
Van den Wildenberg, W. P. M., 408
van der Helm, P. A., 127, 144
Van der Molen, M. W., 408
van Hooren, S. A. H., 429
van Marle, K., 408
van Oort, R., 236
Van Overwalle, F., 581
van Wel, F., 418
Vanasse, A., 488
Vandell, D. L., 401
Vandervert, L. R., 81
Vanheule, S., 523
Vanni, S., 87
Varjassyová, A., 235
Varma, S., 257
Vartanian, O., 252
Vasquez, G., 9
Vassalli, A., 310
Vaughan-Jackson, P., 362
Vecchi, T., 429
Vedhara, K., 472
Vega, C. P., 37
Vellacott, J., 402
Velliste, M., 82
Veltman, M. W. M., 266
Veniegas, R. C., 368
Vera-Villarroel, P., 353
Verdejo, A., 168
Verfaellie, M., 236
Vergas, R., 193
Verhaagen, J., 89
Verleger, R., 144
Vernon, P., 74
Vernon, P. A., 283
Verona, E., 609
Vettor, R., 168
Victor, S. B., 369
Vieira, E. M., 557
Vieira, K., 74
Vikan, A., 222
Villarosa, L., 371
Villemure, C., 122
Virginia Tech Transportation 
Institute, 101
Visser, P. S., 600
Vitaro, F., 383
Vitello, P., 116, 117
Vitiello, A. L., 123
Vitousek, K. M., 323
Vleioras, G., 417
Vogt, D., 482
Volkow, N. D., 159
Volterra, V., 267
von Helmholtz, H., 111
von Hofsten, C., 408
Von Känel, R., 475
Von Schantz, M., 74
Von Schedvin, H., 482
Voruganti, L. P., 565
Voss, J., 224
Vujic, V., 68
Vygotsky, L., 409

Wacher, D. P., 189
Wachs, T. D., 456
Waddell, J., 88
Wadden, T. A., 195
Wade, K. A., 229
Wade, N. J., 130
Wager, T. D., 68, 329, 330
Wagner, A. D., 101
Wagner, A. W., 551
Wagner, H. J., 75
Wagner, R. K., 284
Wagstaff, G., 155
Wain, H. J., 493
Waite, S., 558
Wald, G., 111
Wald, M. L., 592
Waldo, C. R., 369
Walker, E. E., 568
Walker, L., 416
Walker, L. J., 612
Walker, M. P., 144, 148
Walker, W., 123
Walker, W. R., 229
Walkey, F. H., 496
Wall, T. L., 165
Waller, B., 34
Wallerstein, J. S., 425
Wallis, J. D., 26
Walsh, B. T., 157, 565
Walsh, V., 123
Walter, M. I., 254
Wang, A., 518
Wang, C., 235
Wang, L., 330
Wang, M. C., 609
Wang, O., 229
Wang, P. S., 534
Wang, Q., 230, 588
Wang, V. O., 26
Wang, X., 117, 581
Ward, G., 215
Ward, L. M., 128, 132, 599
Ward, T., 523
Ward, W. C., 261
Ward-Baker, P. D., 425
Warden, C. A., 580
Wark, B., 102
Warshauer-Baker, E., 26
Washburn, M. F., 18
Wasserman, E. A., 177
Waterhouse, J., 151
Waters, G., 88
Watkins, C., 375
Watkins, D., 300
Watkins, L. R., 523
Watson, C. S., 117
Watson, J. B., 17, 19–20
Watson, M., 486
Watson, R., 374
Watters, E., 538
Waxman, S., 269
Webb, R., 168
Weber, A. L., 604
Weber, R., 202
Wechsler, D., 290
Wechsler, H., 165
Weed, S., 366
Weeks, G. R., 374
Weeks, M., 600
Wegencer, D. T., 580
Wehrle, R., 148
Wehrwein, P., 144
Weinberg, M. S., 368
Weinberg, R. A., 302
Weiner, B. A., 504
Weiner, I. B., 466
Weinman, M., 372
Weinstein, L., 390
Weinstein, M., 475
Weisberg, J. N., 122
Weisner, C., 164
Weiss, A., 497
Weiss, M. R., 592
Weiss, W. M., 592
Weissman, M. M., 534, 558
Weisz, A. N., 371
Welkowitz, L.A., 534
Wells, G. A., 227
Welsh, M., 252
Wenar, C., 530
Wenk, G. L., 237
Wensley, D., 75
Wenzel, A., 224, 367
Werblin, F., 109
Werker, J. F., 389
Werner, J. S., 109
Wertheimer, M., 11, 17, 126
West, D. S., 161, 321
West, J. R., 296
West, R. L., 158, 430
Westen, D., 560, 561
Westerberg, H., 429
Westerhausen, R., 128
Westerterp, K. R., 319
Wetter, D. W., 487
Wettstein, R., 504
Whaley, B. B., 494
Whisman, M., 367
Whitbourne, S. K., 417, 424, 493
White, M. P., 268, 495
White, N. M., 200
Whitebread, D., 400
Whitehouse, W. G., 156
Whitfi eld, J. B., 167
Whitfi eld, K. E., 300
Whorf, B. L., 269
Wickelgren, E. A., 130
Widaman, K., 390
Widiger, T., 474
Widiger, T. A., 509, 510, 530, 537
Widmaier, E. P., 83
Widmeyer, W. N., 584
Wiebe, J. S., 480
Wiehe, V. R., 370
Wielgosz, A. T., 486
Wiesel, D., 17
Wiesel, T., 108, 109
Wiggins, J. S., 450
Wildavsky, B., 271
Wiley, C., 606
Wilgoren, J., 401
Wilkinson, H. A., 568
Wilkinson, L., 202
Willander, J., 118
Willard, J., 598
Willems, R. M., 268
Williams, C. J., 368
Williams, D., 380
Williams, J. E., 344, 486, 566
Williams, J. H. G., 150
Williams, S., 61
Williamson, P., 297
Willingham, B., 337
Willis, G., 6
Willis, G. L., 67
Willis, J., 451
Willis, S. L., 429
Willness, C. R., 346
Wills, K., 493
Wills, T., 487
Wilson, B., 211
Wilson, D., 598
Wilson, D. J., 591
Wilson, G. D., 368
Wilson, G. T., 195
Wilson, P. J., 119
Wilson, T. D., 602
Wilson, T. G., 323
Wiltshire, S., 488
Windholz, G., 257
Winerman, L., 610
Winik, L. W., 521
Winkielman, P., 600
Winner, E., 298
Winocur, G., 236
Winogard, E., 224
Winsler, A., 402
Winson, J., 148
Winstead, B. A., 419
Winston, J. S., 109
Winter, D. G., 326, 425
Winters, B. D., 67
Wise, E. H., 50
Wiseman, R., 135
Wismar, K., 474
Witelson, S., 368
Withey, S. B., 498
Witt, C. M., 122
Wittchen, H., 515
Wittenbrink, B., 601
Wixted, J. T., 233
Wohl, J., 562
Wolf, Y., 310
Wolfe, D. A., 371
Wolfe, M. S., 430
Wolff, N., 570
Wolff, R., 92
Wolitzky, D. L., 547
Woller, K., 493
Wolpert, E. A., 148
Wood, E., 353
Wood, J. M., 466
Wood, J. P., 108
Wood, J. V., 47
Wood, W., 353, 580
Woodruff, N., 296
Woodruff, S. I., 489
Woods, S. C., 318, 319
Woodson, S. R. J., 333
Woody, E. Z., 155
Woolf, V., 282
Woollett, K., 219
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I-14 Name 
World Health Organization 
(WHO), 317
World Mental Health Survey 
Consortium (WHO), 534, 536
Worthley, R., 280
Wren, A. M., 319
Wright, K., 151
Wright, R. A., 313
Wrosch, C., 431
Wrzesniewski, 480
Wu, L-T., 169
Wu, W-Y., 580
Wu, Y., 425
Wuensch, K. L., 611
Wuethrich B., 165
Wundt, W., 15–16
Wurtz, R. H., 87
Wyatt, H. R., 317
Wynn, K., 408
Wyra, M., 237

Xiao, Z., 520
Xu, M., 318

Yamawaki, N., 371
Yancey, C., 202
Yang, J., 283
Yang, L., 565
Yano, S., 278
Yao, S-Q., 291
Yao, Y., 220
Yapko, M. D., 149
Yardley, L., 8
Yates, A., 504
Yeager, D., 474
Yechiam, E., 611
Yeomans, M. R., 119
Yermolayeva, Y., 606
Yesilyaprak, B., 474
Yonas, A., 130
Yordanova, J., 144
Yoshino, K., 201
Yost, M. R., 371
You, S. H., 88
Yougentob, S. L., 119
Young, G. A., Jr., 493
Young, T., 111
Young-DeMarco, L., 366
Yumru, M., 564

Zacks, J., 244
Zahidi, S., 344
Zaitsu, W., 227
Zajonc, R. B., 328, 604
Zaragoza, M. S., 227
Zarren, J. L., 156
Zaslavsky, O., 257
Zaslow, J., 371
Zaslow, M., 401
Zatorre, R., 87
Zayas V., 176
Zebrowitz, L. A., 605
Zebrowitz-McArthur, L., 587
Zeigler, D. W., 166
Zetocha, K., 224
Zevon, M., 487
Zhang, D., 296
Zhang, F., 321
Zhang, G., 605
Zhang, Y., 256
Zheng, H., 310
Zhou, Z., 112, 115, 119
Zhour, Y-H., 291
Zians, J., 326
Ziegler, M., 281
Zigler, E., 296
Zigler, E. F., 390
Zika, S., 475, 476
Zilbergeld, B, 358
Zimbardo, P. G., 26, 593
Zimmerman, R. R., 399
Zimmermann, U. S., 167
Zimprich, D., 281
Zimring, F. M., 557
Zinkham, G. M., 223
Zito, J. M., 567
Zlotnick, C., 531
Zolotor, A., 188
Zuckerman, M., 311
Zurbriggen, E. L., 371
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Subject Index 
Page numbers followed by f refer to fi g-
ures. Page numbers preceded by an A 
refer to the appendix. 

A-B-C model of rational-emotive 
behavior therapy, 553 –554
AAA Foundation for Traffi c Safety, 101
Abnormal behavior, 504
controversies underlining our 
understanding of, 535–537
defi ning, 503–504
different perspectives on, 505f –508
DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for,
Absolute thresholds, 100–101
Acetylcholine (ACh), 67f
Acrophobia, 515
Action potential, 67 f
Activation information modulation 
(AIM) theory, 149
Activation-synthesis dream theory,
147f, 149
Activity theory of aging, 431
Acupuncture, 122
Adaptation, 102
Adaptive testing, 292
Addictive drugs, 159–161
ADHD (attention-defi cit hyperactivity 
disorder), 506, 530–531
Adipose tissue, 76 f
average heights and weights 
during, 398 f
defi nition of, 412
drug use by, 160 f
egocentrism of, 418
marijuana use by, 168 f
myth versus reality of stormy, 
rites of passage around the 
world, 420
smoking as “rite of passage” 
during, 487, 489 f
Adolescence development
moral and cognitive, 414–416
physical, 412–414
puberty and, 412–414, 417–418
social, 416–420
Adolescence egocentrism, 418
Adolescent suicide, 418–420
Adrenal glands, 76 f
Adulthood development
aging body and physical changes,
427–428 f
changing gender roles, 426
cognitive changes in late adulthood,
emerging adulthood, 422–423 f
growing old, 426–427 f
physical, 423–424
social, 424–425
Advertising agency creator, 581
Afferent (sensory) neurons, 72
African Americans. See also  Racial/ 
ethnicity differences
adolescent suicide and, 418–419
psychological tests using norms 
of, 462
sickle-cell anemia and, 390
stereotype vulnerability of, 602
Age differences
cross-sectional research on, 
masturbation and, 365f
memory span changes and, 409f
sound range by, 117f
Age of viability, 388–389
catharsis of, 609
defi nition of, 608
frustration-aggression approach 
to, 609–610
as instinctual drive, 608–609
Is This Aggression? quiz, 609f
observational learning approach 
to, 610
adjusting to death, 432
cognitive changes, 428 f –430
growing old, 426–427
physical changes and, 427–428
social relationships and, 431–432
Aging theories
activity theory of aging, 431
disengagement theory of 
aging, 431
genetic preprogramming, 427, 428
wear-and-tear, 427–428
AIDS (acquired immune defi ciency 
syndrome), 373, 390, 391 f
effects by consumption, 166f
overview of, 162 f
Alcohol abuse. See also Drug use/
alcohol use disorders and, 531
as avoidant coping strategy, 480
binge drinking, 164–165 f
prenatal development and 
mother’s, 391
Alcohol use disorders, 531
Alcoholics, 166–167
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 559
Algorithms, 248
All-or-none law, 62
Altruism, 612
Alzheimer’s disease. See also Organic 
mental disorders
ACH production relationship 
to, 67
biological basis of, 531
brain deterioration due to, 236 f
description and progress of, 430
memory dysfunctions of, 
neuroplasticity relationship to, 88
new treatment approaches to, 
American Psychological Association 
“Help Center,” 573
defi nition of, 236
dissociative, 520
dissociative fugue, 520
Amphetamines, 162–163
Amygdala. See also Brain
description of, 83 f , 84
experience of emotions and role 
of, 333–334 f
memory and role of, 218 f , 219 f
prejudice and activation of the, 600
Analytical learning style, 203 f
Androgens, 356
Androgynous individuals, 354
Anemia (sickle-cell), 390
aggression and, 608–610
dealing effectively with, 613
ethics of research on, 52–53
language used by, 270–271
Anorexia nervosa, 322–323 f , 531
Anorgasmia, 374
Anterior pituitary gland, 76 f
Anterograde amnesia, 236
Antianxiety drugs, 567
Antidepressant drugs, 565 f –566
Antipsychotic drugs, 564–565 f
Antisocial (sociopathic) personality,
Anxiety disorders
causes of, 517–518
defi nition of, 513
generalized anxiety disorder, 
515, 516 f
OCD (obsessive-compulsive dis-
order), 515–517, 517 f
panic disorder, 514–515
phobic disorder, 513–514 f
Aphasia, 87–88
Apparent movement, 131
Applying psychology. See also
contagion of emotions and 
happiness, 496
Facebook online friends, 606
facial expressions of smiling 
athletes, 337
fetal exposure to testosterone and 
gender behavior, 352
to forget traumatic memories, 220
judged at fi rst sight, 451
Opportunity NYC paying for good 
behavior, 188
preventing psychological dis-
orders, 572
robot artifi cial intelligence, 286
role of sleep in memory and 
thinking, 144
stress and depression by college 
students, 537
testing value of self- 
affi rmations, 47 f
texting while driving distrac-
tion, 101
thought-based interface technol-
ogy helping disabled 
individuals, 82
understanding modern 
problems, 21
video games improving cognitive 
functioning in older 
adults, 429
when hunches save lives, 258
Archetypes, 445–446
Archival research
compared to other methods, 45 f
description of, 37
Arousal approaches to motivation
compared to other 
approaches, 315 f
defi nition of, 311
Arrangement problems, 252, 
253 f , 254 f
Artifi cial intelligence
building smarter robot, 286
computer, 249
Asian Americans. See also Racial/ 
ethnicity differences
adolescent suicide and, 419
alcohol consumption by, 165
Assessment. See also Evaluation
attachment, 339
behavioral, 466–468
biomedical therapy, 568–569
intelligence, 287–292
personality, 461–468, 601
Association areas of cortex, 87–88
Assumed-similarity bias, 586
Ataque de nervios disorder, 538
assessing, 399
defi nition of, 398–399
terry-cloth “monkey” experiment 
on, 399 f
cognitive dissonance of confl icting,
582 f –583
defi nition of, 579
factors leading to change in, 
link between behavior and, 
routes to persuading change 
in, 580 f –581
Attribution processes, 584–586
Attribution theory, 585
Atypical antipsychotics, 564, 565 f
Authoritarian parents, 401, 402 f
Authoritative parents, 402 f
Autism, 531
Autobiographical memory, 229 f
Automatic division, 71 f , 72
Autonomic division, 71 f , 72
Autonomic nervous system
parasympathetic division of, 
72–73 f
sympathetic division of, 72, 73 f
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