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“I have MUCH MORE TO SAY TO YOU, MORE THAN YOU CAN NOW BEAR: but when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, HE WILL GUIDE YOU INTO ALL THE TRUTH. He will not speak on His own;

He will speak only what He hears, and HE WILL TELL YOU WHAT IS YET TO COME. He WILL GLORIFY ME because it is from me that He will receive what He will make known to you”. (John 16:12-14)

Are there things pertaining to Salvation, or to Christian doctrine, that Jesus FORGOT to tell us?

If you believe MAN-MADE RELIGION, the answer is “yes”.

If you believe JESUS, the answer is “NO”.

I am SO tired of seeing HERETICS stating FALSE DOCTRINE unabashedly on YouTube and other public forums while born-again Christians cower, or GET THEIR BUTTS KICKED BY RELIGIOUS LIARS.

If you are a heretic, I hope you can lay aside the “prepackaged” teachings of your man-invented sect long enough to consider Truth, as found in God’s inerrant Word.

And if you ARE born-again, when I teach something like this, it is intended TO INSTRUCT YOU AND PREPARE YOU to answer heretics and non-Christians.


I CAN’T DO EVERYTHING, or be everywhere.

We need THE ENTIRE Body of Christ to step up and STAND FOR the Truth.

That’s not too much to ask, is it?

WHAT IS RULE #1 to understand Scripture?

And some of you have read it HUNDREDS OF TIMES on this website and STILL “don’t get it”.


THE FIRST THING you need to do IS CHECK TO SEE IF SCRIPTURE IS BEING understood and quoted IN CONTEXT!!!

TO WHOM is Jesus speaking in this passage?

WHEN did He say these words?

WHEN was this promise FULFILLED?


Again: Scripture is VALID, ONLY when quoted IN CONTEXT.

If it’s taken OUT OF context, it is A LIE spawned by the father of lies. (John 8:44)

And yes, satan infamously “quoted Scripture” OUT OF CONTEXT -- to Jesus Himself! (Matthew 4:5-7)

It’s no “coincidence” then that his LYING CHILDREN also quote Scripture out of context, mimicking their LYING father, while PRETENDING to be “Christian”. (John 8:44; 2 Corinthians 11:14-15)

Jesus was speaking to the disciples in the Upper Room.

He had just announced His impending death. (John 12:7, 23-27; 13:21; 16:16-19)

The disciples were confused and troubled by His announcement: HOW could Jesus speak of the Kingdom of God, and then say that He (the King) HAD TO DIE?

That is why they “COULDN’T BEAR NOW” (at that particular time) any more revelation.

Jesus said that, when the Holy Spirit came, He (the Spirit) would lead the disciples to ALL THE TRUTH (in context, concerning His death, Resurrection and Ascension and why they were ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for Salvation).

And WHEN did the Spirit come TO THOSE SAME DISCIPLES?

ON THE DAY OF Pentecost: 50 DAYS AFTER Jesus' Crucifixion, 47 DAYS AFTER His Resurrection, AND 7 DAYS AFTER His Ascension (Acts 1:3-9; 2:1-4).

The disciples would have received that revelation (the “many other things” that Jesus still had to tell them) 7 days AFTER Jesus ascended to heaven.

Later, they PUT IT IN WRITING.

Their writings would eventually become what we know today as “the NEW Testament”.

Not to mention that Jesus SPENT THE PREVIOUS 40 DAYS (before His Ascension) communing with those disciples and PERSONALLY SHARING WITH THEM THOSE “MANY OTHER THINGS HE STILL HAD TO TELL THEM”pertaining to the kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3).

(Thank you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit!)

Here’s what Jesus DIDN’T say in that passage:

1. “The Holy Spirit will reveal things THAT I NEVER SAID”.

2. “The Holy Spirit will reveal things THAT CONTRADICT what I have taught”.

3. “The Holy Spirit will reveal EXTRA-BIBLICAL TRADITIONS OF MEN 300 years OR MORE AFTER I’ve ascended to heaven” (Roman Catholics).

4. “The Holy Spirit will reveal NEW THINGS THAT CONTRADICT MY WORD 1,795 years later” (LDS, Mormons, Church of Christ).

5. “The Holy Spirit will reveal NEW THINGS -- THAT CONTRADICT MY WORD -- TO A LIAR and PROVEN FALSE PROPHETESS NAMED ELLEN G. WHITE 1,829 years AFTER my Ascension (Adventists).

6. “The Holy Spirit will reveal NEW THINGS THAT CONTRADICT MY WORD TO A LIAR NAMED Mary Baker Eddy 1,832 years AFTER my Ascension (Christian Science).

7. “The. Holy Spirit will reveal NEW THINGS THAT CONTRADICT MY WORD TO A LIAR and PROVEN FALSE PROPHET NAMED Charles Taze Russell 1,835 years AFTER my Ascension (Jehovah’s Witnesses).

8. “The Holy Spirit will reveal NEW THINGS THAT CONTRADICT MY WORD TO A LIAR and PROVEN FALSE PROPHET named Herbert Armstrong 1,912 years AFTER my Ascension (Church of God).

9. “The Holy Spirit will reveal NEW THINGS THAT CONTRADICT MY WORD TO A BUNCH OF LIARS 1,913 years or more AFTER my Ascension SO THEY CAN FLEECE MY SHEEP, EXPLOIT THEM TO SATISFY THEIR BOUNDLESS GREED, and preach a FALSE “gospel” of prosperity.”  (Word of Faith)

Jesus NEVER SAID any of the 9 things listed above.

Well WHAT ABOUT John 20:30?

And Jesus truly DID many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book”.

Or, John 21:25:

“Jesus DID many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.”

These two verses are often used by Roman Catholics and Mormons to “justify” THEIR FALSE, EXTRA BIBLICAL DOCTRINE, and INVENTED TRADITIONS, that CONTRADICT GOD.

One tiny problem, though:

These two verses clearly say that Jesus DID many other things. NOWHERE DO THEY SAY THAT JESUS SPOKE “many other things” NOT contained in Scripture.


If nothing else, SOME US NEED TO LEARN TO UNDERSTAND what we read:

Since when are “DOING” and “SPEAKING” THE SAME THING?

Tch tch tch tch tch…

Jesus DIDN’T FORGET to tell us ANYTHING.

EVERYTHING is written somewhere in His written Word, and it is by THAT WRITTEN WORD that ALL THE UNSAVED WILL BE JUDGED. (Revelation 20:12-15)

Proverbs 30:6:

ALL who add to His Word ARE LIARS.


MONDAY, JULY 4, 2016

William Tyndale

I recently heard a traditional Jewish rabbi refer to the “Day of Atonement” (Yom Kippur), as the day of “at-one-ment” with God.

What HE DIDN’T ACKNOWLEDGE, for obvious reasons, is that he was using language coined by Christian Reformer William Tyndale.

If you’ve ever used the words “Passover”, “atonement” or “scapegoat”, you have used words introduced into the English language by William Tyndale while doing his translation.

A key figure in the Reformation, Tyndale spoke 7 languages fluently, and did THE FIRST TRANSLATION of the Bible into English directly from the original Hebrew and Greek texts.

Tyndale was an Oxford and Cambridge educated scholar.

He could have put his impressive credentials to work for organized religion and COULD HAVE HAD A LONG, SUCCESSFUL AND PROFITABLE CAREER had he been willing to compromise the Gospel of Grace.

Influenced by Erasmus’ translation of the New Testament into Greek, HE DISCOVERED JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH and, like Luther, could never turn back to a FALSE, IMPURE “gospel” of grace and faith PLUS works, which GOD SAYS ARE INCOMPATIBLE (Romans 11:6)

He had a burning passion to share the Good News with English speaking people, and make it available to them in their native tongue.

While John Wycliffe had already done a translation of the Bible into English, in the 14th century, he had translated mainly from the Latin Vulgate, NOT straight from the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.

Also, dissemination of Wycliffe’s work was significantly restricted, by both organized “Christianity” and the fact that THE PRINTING PRESS HAD NOT YET BEEN INVENTED.

Wycliffe’s English translation had also been banned by Roman hierarchy, which burned every copy on which it could get its mendacious, murderous hands, and forbade its reading under penalty of death.

A century later, taking advantage of the recently invented printing press, Tyndale made his English Bible, translated directly from the original languages, available to the public at large.

Tyndale’s Bible is still with us today.

In recognition of his scholarship and significant cultural contributions, there are a number of colleges across the world, named in Tyndale’s honor. They include:

Tyndale House in Cambridge

William Tyndale College in Farmington Hills, Michigan

Tyndale Theological Seminary in Shreveport, Louisiana, and Fort Worth, Texas

Tyndale University College and Seminary in Toronto

Tyndale Christian School in South Australia

The Tyndale-Carey Graduate School in New Zealand 

Tyndale Park Christian School in New Zealand.

Tyndale Theological Seminary in the Netherlands

There is also a well-known Christian publishing house named Tyndale House in his honor.

Tyndale’s translation became extremely popular among those hungry for the “unfiltered” Truth found in the Word of God.

His translation influenced many modern English versions of the Bible, including the eventual translation and publication of the King James Bible.

Therefore, EVERYONE who has ever read the Bible in English owes Tyndale a great debt of gratitude.

His English translation even indirectly influenced translations of the Bible into OTHER modern languages.

Unfortunately, it was immediately branded “heretical” by the corrupt hierarchy in Rome for the simple fact that, being far more accurate than their Latin Vulgate, it debunked many of their false dogmas.

As a result, this great scholar and great Christian, was hunted down like a wild animal by Roman henchmen and – horror of horrors – William Tyndale WAS BURNED AT THE STAKE on October 6, 1536 FOR THE “CRIME” of translating the Word of God into English so everyone could read it. (Revelation 18:24)


We HONOR William Tyndale: great preacher of Truth, prestigious scholar, eminently qualified Bible translator, Christian martyr, and great HERO of the faith.

SUNDAY, JULY 3, 2016



As always, Jesus is THE Truth.

This statement has double meaning: it means that many would come CLAIMING to be the Messiah.

But also that many would come (supposedly in Jesus' Name, supposedly Christian) PROFESSING "faith" in Jesus as the Messiah AND WOULD DECEIVE MANY.

Although Jesus warned repeatedly of such deception, His warning seems to have fallen on deaf ears.

In the 20th century alone, 23 individuals claimed to be either the reincarnation of Jesus, the Second Coming of Jesus, or both.

Among them were the infamous Jim Jones, Haile Selassie, former Emperor of Ethiopia and the Rastafari "messiah", Sun Myung Moon, David Koresh, and Puerto Rican deceiver and religious opportunist Jose Luis Miranda.

All these false prophets and antichrists have died and gone to hell for their unbelief, and for preaching a false gospel.

And we got 5 new "messiahs", so far, in the 21st century.

That means some new "messiah" is emerging every three years.

This begs the question, HOW can all these self-anointed "messiahs" DECEIVE SO MANY SO EASILY?

HOW do these deceivers GET SO MANY PEOPLE to BLINDLY follow them, give them EVERYTHING - and I mean EVERY thing - money, possessions, children, families, soul and body?

HOW do they get them to become SO SUBSERVIENT that they'll follow THE DECEIVERS ANYWHERE, leaving everything behind, without any objection, no questions asked?

All 909 people could have refused to follow Jim Jones to Guyana.

Had they done so their lives would have been spared.

BUT they DIDN'T.

Jim said "let's go" and THEY SUBMISSIVELY followed, taking over 300 innocent children with them who were also murdered in that awful tragedy.

There are multiple factors that contribute to this rampant deception. However, the PRINCIPAL REASONS these individuals are deceived are:

1. They DON’T KNOW Jesus.

They may have some sort of “Christian” RELIGION, but they DO NOT KNOW Christ personally and intimately. They DO NOT HAVE JESUS LIVING in their hearts by faith.

2. They DON'T KNOW the Bible.

They may know a few passages of Scripture that their self-serving leader has used to brainwash them into believing that he is “the messiah”, but THEY HAVE NEVER STUDIED THE SCRIPTURES COMPLETELY, AND ON THEIR OWN.

Hence, they DON'T KNOW the REAL Christ.

In case you're thinking "well, that COULD NEVER happen TO ME", think again.

It COULD happen to ANYONE who doesn't know Jesus PERSONALLY and INTIMATELY, and who doesn't know His written Word.

It may not always END in mass murder, the way it ended for most of these hapless idolaters, but you can be just as deceived by THE MANY DECEIVERS -- that (unfortunately) OUTNUMBER the preachers of the true Gospel of Grace-- and GO STRAIGHT TO HELL.

Taking Jones as an example, I have read his bio, and have watched numerous documentaries about him on PBS, History Channel and, more recently, on CNN.

Every time one of the Jonestown survivors is interviewed, he or she invariably says that they thought THIS GUY ACTUALLY WAS Jesus Christ in His Second Coming.

They're NOT the least bit embarrassed to say that in front of the cameras, for everyone to hear.

Their PITIFULLY IGNORANT REPLY PROVES that they “never KNEW” Jesus and that they are biblical ILLITERATES.

My Bible has said for 2,500 years that at His Second Coming Jesus returns with POWER AND GREAT GLORY : that He IMMEDIATELY RULES the whole world from Jerusalem. It also says that, at His Second Coming, He annihilates Antichrist’s armies at Armageddon, that Antichrist and his false prophet are thrown ALIVE into the lake of fire, and that He establishes a Kingdom of PEACE ON EARTH. (Revelation Daniel 7: 12:19:11-20; 20:4)

Of course, secular reporters will never ask them:

"HOW could you even remotely think this guy was Jesus? Are you really THAT STUPID?"

All predatory cult leaders like Jones, Charles Manson, and David Koresh, actively pursue, attract and take advantage of the marginalized, dysfunctional and disenfranchised.

However, the MAIN REASON groupies buy their lies is THEY DON'T KNOW JESUS and they DON'T KNOW HIS WORD.

This is WHY it's SO IMPORTANT - especially in this day and age of galloping deception -- that we study God's Word FOR OURSELVES, commune DIRECTLY with Him in Spirit, and compare ANY TEACHING we hear or read WITH JESUS' WRITTEN WORD.

If it doesn’t pass the Word test, it is to be REJECTED.


That's why God gave us the Bible to begin with: So that we would know WHO HE REALLY IS, WHAT HE REALLY SAID and DID - and NOT be easily deceived (Acts 17:11).

HOW could these individuals believe Jim Jones was Jesus in His Second Coming when HE HAD NO KINGDOM on earth?

When HE WASN'T RULING THE WORLD but merely a rather small group of dysfunctional, emotionally needy people?

When nations were NOT subject to him?

When he didn’t defeat ANY Antichrist?

When he made predictions that NEVER HAPPENED?

When the earth was not restored to Edenic condition, as will be the case, according to Scripture, when Jesus returns?

When the guy voraciously engaged in extramarital and homosexual activity with members of his cult?


When he promoted FEAR, not love? (1 John 4:16-18).

When he manipulated and blackmailed others into SUBMISSION (Revelation 22:17).

When he ABUSED men, women and children?


When he was A DRUG ADDICT?

When members of his cult were being physically, emotionally, mentally and sexually abused?

When he OPENLY REJECTED the Bible, which is where we learn about Jesus in the first place? (Matthew 4:4).

When NO ONE ever saw him perform ANY miracle?

I could go on and on.

ALL of these things are stated in the Bible.

Jones contradicted ALL OF THEM.

Yet these poor, misguided souls REALLY, TOTALLY and BLINDLY BELIEVED he was Jesus.

That proves THEY DIDN'T KNOW the Bible: And, even more importantly, that THEY DIDN'T KNOW Jesus.

Since that fateful day, Jonestown survivors have either turned to paganism, or shunned religion, although some still claim to "believe in God" and "believe in Christ".

I genuinely feel sorry for these pitiful, gullible, utterly deceived individuals. And it's not my intention to attack or criticize them.

They all lost loved ones, have been totally traumatized by the Jones experience and, as a result, are emotionally scarred for life.

As great a tragedy as the November 18, 1978, mass murder of over 900 members of People's Temple was, here's AN EVEN GREATER tragedy:

I have NOT HEARD ONE Jonestown survivor say:

"Wow! I look back on it now and ask myself: HOW could I have bought Jim's act, and all his lies which CONTRADICT the real Christ again and again?"

"How could I have been SO DECEIVED WHEN THE BIBLE SAYS ________ about Jesus, and Jim was THE EXTREME OPPOSITE?"

These people HAVE NOT LEARNED ANYTHING from this painful experience, and would be just as easily deceived today as they were four decades ago.

They STILL DON'T KNOW God's Word.

They DIDN'T KNOW Jesus then, and STILL DON'T KNOW Jesus today.



"....there are some WHO TROUBLE YOU AND WANT TO DISTORT THE GOSPEL of Christ. But EVEN IF WE OR AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEN should preach to you a gospel CONTRARY to the one we preached to you, LET HIM BE ACCURSED (Galatians 1:7-8).

A cult is a group or organization that, while often quoting CERTAIN Scriptures and calling itself "Christian", DENIES one or more of the FUNDAMENTAL TENETS of the Christian faith.

Since we constantly get new believers coming to faith in Christ, as well as new readers, let's go over what those fundamentals are:

1. The Bible is the infallible, inerrant Word of God and is THE final authority on everything.

2. There's One Almighty, eternal God, who manifests Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

3. Jesus Christ is God manifested in human form.

4. Jesus is SINLESS and was born of a virgin.

5. Jesus lived, died, was buried, physically rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven.

6. Jesus in your heart = COMPLETE salvation. There's NO SALVATION IN ANY OTHER PERSON, OR BY ANY OTHER MEANS.

There is NO SALVATION IN ANY RELIGION, I don’t care WHAT it’s called, or WHAT it may “claim”.

Salvation is faith in Jesus alone, not faith in Jesus "PLUS" something else.

7. Jesus WILL RETURN TO EARTH to set up His everlasting Kingdom.

The most obvious signs of a cult are:

1. Denying the Deity of Jesus.

2. DETRACTING from Jesus’ PERFECT and COMPLETE Work of Redemption.


4. Exalting that cult’s (denomination’s) founder.

One dead giveaway that you’re dealing with a cult is if the group says that Jesus ISN’T God.

If the organization DETRACTS from Jesus by denying His eternal Deity, or by saying that He died to save us, BUT…

There are NO “BUTS”.

He TOOK AWAY the sin of the world – ONCE AND FOR ALL (John 1:29; Hebrews 9:25; 1 John 3:5).

Consequently, God NO LONGER COUNTS OUR SINS AGAINST US (Romans 4:8; 2 Corinthians 5:19).

If it DIMINISHES His PERFECT, COMPLETE Work of Redemption, claiming it's NOT ENOUGH to save us and we must ADD works IN ORDER TO BE SAVED, like law keeping, 10 commandment keeping, Sabbath keeping, water baptism, membership in that group, circumcision of the flesh, following dietary laws, or if it ADDS ANYTHING ELSE…


If it EXALTS ANYONE BUT Jesus (the denomination itself, or its founder): Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Ellen White, Charles T. Russell, or Herbie Armstrong.


Many cult leaders CLAIM TO BE the “reincarnation of Jesus”, claim that the Book of Revelation refers to them, and that they've come to "complete" Jesus' work of redemption.

Examples of this blasphemy are Jim Jones, David Koresh, Sun Myung Moon, and that DEAD nitwit Jose Luis Miranda.

Anyone who makes such claim IS A LIAR, and an instrument of satan.


Jesus DID IT ALL! He left NOTHING “undone” with regards to our Salvation: “IT is FINISHED!!!” (John 19:30)

Most cults tend to be SECRETIVE and practice SECRET rituals, which they WARN their members NOT TO divulge, under threat of SERIOUS and DRASTIC CONSEQUENCES if they break the "code of silence".

They all practice MIND CONTROL to one extent or another, BRAINWASHING THEIR MEMBERS with ungodly doctrine, and subjecting them TO BLIND, UNQUESTIONING submission to the cult leader's teachings.

If you're involved with any group that engages in ANY of the above, RUN -- don't walk away from it RUN from it, as fast as you can.

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