Socrates programme

Participating Institution nr. 2. University of Gent

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Participating Institution nr. 2. University of Gent
Type: University. Subject areas: all subject areas from 01 to 16, except theology (ECTS has been implemented in all subject areas) types of international activities of Ghent University both in education and research

Size: a. personnel (absolute numbers and full time equivalents): figures of 2000

academic and research: 3306 (2861 FTE)

administrative and technical: 2080 (1972 FTE)

b. learners (figures of 2001-2002)

number of students enrolled: 23.904 students enrolled

number of graduates 7822 in 1999-2000


i. education (handled by the international relations office):

1. EU-funded programmes: Socrates, Tempus, ALFA, EUMEDIS, Leonardo, EU-US, EU-Can, EU-India,

2. educational projects funded by the Flemish government in the following priority countries: Vietnam, China, Ukraine, South-Africa and Russia

3. management of 56 inter-university bilateral agreements

4. membership of different national and international organisations

ii. research (handled by the research policy office):

1. EU-funded co-operation projects

2. development co-operation programmes funded by the Belgian government

Experience: The History Department of Ghent University has a long lasting tradition of international cooperation: Important international links have been established with European and American partners since the beginning of the twentieth century. Henri Pirenne (medieval history) and Jan Dhondt (contemporary history) are well known historians, organising this kind of cooperation, continued by their successors. A sample of topics, dealt with: urban history; rural history; ecclesiastical history; history of the labour movement; grass roots history. The History Department of Ghent University is since decades responsible for the national, yearly Bibliography of Belgian History (covering all periods) and organises from time to time courses for local historians in order to improve the quality of their research. Since the thirties, the History Department of Ghent University has specialties - for teaching and research - with almost all the universities of the Netherlands and with several French universities.

Participating Institution nr. 3. University of Roskilde
Type: University. Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Communication and Information Sciences, Education, Teacher Training, Teaching, Research;

Size: a. 700 teaching staff, 250 administrative staff b. 8000 full time students, 500 part time students;

Expertise: Teaching and Research of History at Highest National level. Education of University and Secondary School Teachers, Research Candidates and Doctors;

Experience: Ample Experience in Local, Regional and National Teaching and Research Cooperation (e.g. with Copenhagen U. and Lund U., Malmö Högskola (Sweden). Partner in Nordic Exchange Programme (Nordplus), European (Erasmus/Socrates), Tempus and global.

Participating Institution 4. University of Bielefeld
Type: Humanities and cultural sciences, social sciences, natural sciences, technical and information sciences, public health studies;

Size: a. 237 full professors, 506 assistants, 822 administration, b. 20318 students;

Expertise: Research activities (Faculty of History and Philosophy - Department of History):

Huldigungen. Zum Wandel politischer Kommunikation im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert (Prof. Frevert, Prof. Braungart (DFG-Teilprojekt des Sonderforschungsbereichs)

Inszenierungen der Macht vor wechselndem Publikum: Hochadelige Selbstdarstellung in Kurorten als Form politischer Kommunikation (Prof. Haupt) (DFG-Teilprojekt des Sonderforschungsbereichs)

Die Politisierung des Privaten und die Familiarisierung des Politischen in der Sowjetunion der 20er und 30er Jahre (Prof. Günther) (DFG-Teilprojekt des Sonderforschungsbereichs)

1968-ein Kommunikationsereignis? (Prof. Gilcher-Holtey) (DFG-Teilprojekt des Sonderforschungsbereichs)

Vaterland und Nation in politisch-religiösen Diskursen der frühen Neuzeit. Ein deutsch-französischer Vergleich (PD von Friedeburg, Prof. Mager) (DFG-Teilprojekt des Sonderforschungsbereichs)

Das „Politische“ in der Selbstverständigung der Literatur: Westdeutschland und Frankreich im Vergleich (1945 bis 1965) (Prof. Haupt) (DFG-Teilprojekt des Sonderforschungsbereichs)

Politische Konversionen im 20. Jahrhundert (Prof. Haupt) (DFG-Teilprojekt des Sonderforschungsbereichs)

Zur politischen Konstruktion von Rechtsräumen (14.-16. Jahrhundert) (Prof. Bulst) (DFG-Teilprojekt des Sonderforschungsbereichs)

Der frühmoderne Staat als politischer Kommunikationsraum. Die Grafschaft Lippe 1747-1802 (Prof. Suter) (DFG-Teilprojekt des Sonderforschungsbereichs)

Altersgrenzen politischer Partizipation in Antike und Moderne (Prof. Frevert, Prof. Schmitz) (DFG-Teilprojekt des Sonderforschungsbereichs)

Stipendienprogramm Marie Curie (Prof. Haupt, EU-Projekt)

Kooperationsvorhaben Bratislava (Prof. Haupt, VW-Stiftung)

Drogenkonsum in Westberlin und London in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren: Wandlungen eines sozialen Problems (Prof. Haupt, DFG)

Personenaustausch mit Frankreich-PROCOP (Prof. Gilcher-Holtey, DAAD)

Die Enteignung der Bauern. Zum Wandel landwirtschaftlicher Expertise im 20. Jahrhundert (Prof. Radkau, DFG)

Öffentliche Buße. Rituale, Verfahrens- und Sanktionsformen für die Absolution offenkundlicher Sünden in der Kirche des 15. und 16. Jhr. (Prof. Schreiner, DFG)

„Neue Industrien“ und institutioneller Wandel: Transnationale Unternehmen im deutsch-amerikanischen Vergleich (1880-1929/32) (Prof. Abelshauser, Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Stiftung)

Eine Monarchie der Höfe. Der vizekönigliche Hof als politischer Kommunikationsraum in der spanischen Monarchie (16. –17. Jh.) (Prof. Büschges, DFG)

Integrierter deutsch-französischer Studiengang (Prof. Bulst, Deutsch-französische Hochschule (DFH))

Graduiertenkolleg: Sozialgeschichte von Gruppen, Schichten, Klassen und Eliten (Fakultät, DFG)

Förderung der Weiterqualifikation von Doktoranden und Hochschullehrern aus Warschau (Prof. Merl, DAAD)

Experience: Experience in cooperation at the level of academic teaching: Exchange programs (Teachers, learners)
Participating Institution n. 5. University of Bochum
Type: Full University: teaching and research in all areas

Size: a. 392 professors; 4518 personnel including professors; b. 35126 students

Expertise: In the field covered by the project and experience in cooperation at local, regional, national and transnational level.

Experience: Co-operation with a large number of research institutions (in history: Group for the Research of the history of Business and Industry; Institute for Social History and Social Movements; Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Ruhr Area; Network Gender Studies; 21 partnership with Universities abroad, various exchange programmes (ca. 4000 foreign students).
Participating Institution nr. 6. University of Hannover
Type: University. Sciences, Technology, Arts, Humanities;

Size: a. 1373 b. 27068;

Expertise: AA.Projects using p.ex. ODL, modern medias:

The Ancient History is presently collaborating with the Institute for knowledge-based systems (Institut für rechnergestützte Wissensverarbeitung) in a project which is testing and evaluating the use of new media in teaching history.

Medieval History (several external projects financed by thirds), History of International Relations, Religious Orders in Europe, Women and Power in Medieval Europe

The Medieval, Modern and Contemporary History is actively taking part in research and teaching in the new post-graduate course „European Integration/European Studies“ which yet uses modules and the ECTS credit system

The Department developed a special programme „Applied Regional History“ over the past twenty years. There is a close connection between academic research, student collaboration and application of results in a local context („Villages and rural areas“, „Area planning and regional development“, „Emigration“ etc.)

Contemporary History: several projects financed by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and Volkswagenstiftung about „Holocaust and forced labour“, „Women in concentration camps“, „Resistance“, „Gestapo and fiscal authorities“; production of new material (CD Roms for schools, exhibitions, etc.); Cultural History, History of Media (history of radio (1925-1960); history of daily living (several exhibitions), history of film and media

East European History (West-East relations)

African History (several DFG and Volkswagen projects): IAS programmes with several African universities, research seminar on „extra-European history at schools“,

History of Latin America (IAS programme with Costa Rica)

World system studies,

Regional history (interdisciplinary working group) publishing series on regional history, preparing exhibitions and series of conferences.

The University of Hannover is a member in the new project "Learning Lab Lower Saxony" in cooperation with other prestigious universities in Europe and United States.

Experience: AB. New interdisciplinary research and study programmes (M.A. and certificates):

Periphery and Centre (History, Sociology, Religious Science, Political Sciences etc.): specialised on African and Latin American History in relation to European History

European Integration/European Studies (History, Sociology, Religious Science, Political Sciences: European identities, economy, multi-culturalism, foreign relations, regional development, women’s politics etc.)

Gender Studies (History, Sociology, Psychology, Political Sciences etc.): social transformations and gender roles, a new project concerning New Media in Education and Teaching using ECTS, ODL etc. is being submitted recently in the framework of VINGS (Virtual International Gender Studies in the Net in cooperation with the Universities of Bielefeld, Bochum, Hannover and the Fernuniversität Hagen (University of Open and Distance Learning), a new internet based study course “Gender Studies” is planned.

Women and New Media in History and Politics: Research based on “learning-diaries” how female students deal with and use New Media for their studies. Another aspect is, how women are represented in the New Media in the field of history and politics and how these results can be integrated in teaching at school. (Department of History and Didactics).

Virtual learning in higher education in cooperation with “teacher-online” from “Schulen-ans-Netz (schools-in-the-net)”. These virtual seminars are evaluated and constantly improved. (Centre of Didactics of Sciences and Social sciences).

Didactics on the level of higher education: How can students of educational sciences improve their historical knowledge using New Media in virtual learning and how should teaching at universities correspond to the need of daily school life? Students should be enabled to use New Media competent and critically when they teach pupils.

Studies in Regional History (Continuous Education for persons working the field of History, using new medias, will introduce modules, ECTS and ODL

Participation in the new study programme “Transformation Studies”, interdisciplinary programme at the University of Hannover, history, religious science, political science, sociology, etc., dealing with the transformations taking place in the relationship between industrialized countries (Center) and the countries of the Third World (Periphery).

Participation in the new project N-21 (Niedersachsen/Lower Saxony-21st century), sponsored by the regional government, cooperation with schools, Learning Lab History to get pupils in touch with academic learning, web-chats, internet discussions etc., use of new soft-ware.

B. Experience in cooperation

Cooperation with a great number of organisms in Germany: p.ex. Ancient History Commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen, the Lower Saxony Institute of Regional Historical Research (founded by members of the Department), Lower Saxony Peace and Conflict Research, Institute of African Studies in Hamburg, Institut Francais de Hanovre, CNRS Paris, Centre of the Modern Orient in Berlin, Foreign Office in Berlin, GTZ (Society for Technical Co-operation), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Volkswagenstiftung, Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst

Member in the ECTS-pilot project since 1991, member in the Clioh-Network, contacts to several other European, African, American and Latin-American universities; contributions in a UNESCO-sponsored history of the Europeans by several colleagues.
Participating Institution nr. 7. University of Leipzig
Type: University; Humanities, Medicine, Natural Sciences, Arts and Social Sciences;

Size: a. 4.000 (without the Department of Medicine), b. 25.454 students;

Expertise: The University of Leipzig covers a large field of historical studies from general, regional and contemporary history to history of fine arts, historical linguistics, history of sciences, history of proper names, culture studies in an historical perspective etc.;

Experience: The Institute of Romance Studies, which is primarily involved in the Thematic Network Project CLIOHNET, has experiences in the organization of international and national conferences concerning history of socio-linguistic problems and history of language policy, with particular (but not exclusive regard to romance language speaking countries and international Frankophonia including East European countries as Romania, Moldova and Ukraine.

Since 1995, the university extensively involved in the SOCRATES/ ERASMUS exchange and in addition cooperates with 40 other universities throughout the world. Within the field of History, the university signed 23 ERASMUS bilateral agreements with institutions of 11 countries. ECTS has been widely introduced and used.

Students at Leipzig University can enrol in 10 international oriented degree programs of various subjects. Moreover, the university prepares two transnational programs which will start in 2001.

The University of Leipzig hosted the EAIE annual conference last year.

Participating Institution nr. 8. University of Tuebingen
Type: University, 04-05; 07 – 15

Size: a. personnel (absolute numbers and full time equivalents) ca. 1100 (teaching staff); b. learners more than 20000;

Expertise: Comprehensive teaching program (Antiquity to Present) in the Historical Seminar;

Experience: Socrates exchange in History (about 30 partnerships) for students and staff. ECTS Pilot Project from the beginning.
Participating Institution nr. 9. University of Athens
Type: State University;

Size: a. University: teaching staff 2250, Department: teaching staff 39, b. University: 75000 students, Department: 2000 students;

Expertise: The Department of History offers a full teaching and research programme at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in all areas and fields of historical interest, from the Ancient Period to the Post-World War. In addition, the department runs a series of interdisciplinary courses and seminars with other departments of the University of Athens as well as with other Universities.

Experience: The Department has been involved in the Erasmus/Socrates programmes from their inception. Besides these networks, the department runs various joint research and teaching projects with several Universities in Western, Eastern and Central Europe and Eastern Mediterranean.

Participating Institution nr. 10. University of Thessaloniki

Type: University. All areas from 01 to 16;

Size: a. teaching staff 2586, administrative staff 697, b. 75019 students;

Expertise: Jean Monnet and other educational and research programmes;

Experience: Vast experience in Socrates, Tempus.

Participating Institution nr. 11. University of Alcalá de Henares
Type: State University: Architecture, Urbanistics and Regional Planning, Business Sciences, Education Sciences and Teacher Training, Engineering and Technology, Geography and Geology, Humanities, Linguistics and Philology, Law, Mathematics and Information Science, Medical Sciences, Natural and Social Sciences, Sport Science, Work Science, Tourism;

Size: 1.620 teaching staff, 23.410 students;

Expertise: The University of Alcalá devotes a great interest to History and Humanities. The Faculty of Letters and Arts has a History degree course, where all epochs are included, from Prehistory to Contemporary History, and a Humanities degree course, with very important History subjects. In the Faculty there are two History Departments inaugurated in 1983. History I Department includes 5 areas: Prehistory, Ancient History, Medieval History, Historiographical Techniques and Sciences, and Philosophy. History II Department includes 4 areas: Modern History, Contemporary History, America History and Art History, particularly European History; History of the Americas; History of Spain. The Faculty structure offers too the support of philosophical, philological, geographical and art history resources.

Experience: The History degree course of the University of Alcalá has participated since the beginning in the ECTS History Network. It has a lot of Socrates/Erasmus mobility agreements with many partner institutions, and it participates, under the coordination of Prof. Dolores Cabañas, in CLIOH Prog Project, and CLIOHNET. It has contributed to finance two Intensive Programmes "Nations, nationalities, identities in the History of Europe" and “Empires, States and regions”. And it will take part in eHLEE from September 2004
Participating Institution nr. 12. University of Barcelona
Type: University; 21 Faculties and University Schools; 100 Departments and 93 doctoral programmes;

Size: a. 4200 teaching staff, b. 76000 students;

Expertise: History; European History; Catalan History, Medieval and contemporary History; longstanding SOCRATES links.

Experience: The most developed EC education programme to date is the SOCRATES programme. MOBILITY PROGRAMMES ERASMUS chapter of SOCRATES programme In the year 2001/02, the UB had achieved activities by means of bilateral agreements with 445 European universities in the framework of tLis chapter. The UB was host 1152 ERASMUS students from all over Europe and 652 UB students were involved in the programme. The UB was also sent about 52 university professors. Moreover, in the current year 2002/03 the UB participates in 11 Intensive Programme at the same ERASMUS chapter. During the 2001/02 academic year the UB participated in 3 TEMPUS-PHARE programmes (1 contracted by the UB) basically addressed to structural projects. In the current year 2002/03, the UB participates in 2 European Community/United States of America project and 1 European Community/Canada project. In the current year 2002/03 the UB participates in 2 Curriculum Development at the ERASMUS chapter and in 7 ERASMUS Thematic Networks, 2 COMEN1US Action 2.1, 1 MINERVA and 1 GRUNDTVIG project. LEONARDO programme In the year 2001/02 the UB participates in 2 LEONARDO pilot projects. Moreover, the UB participates in 1 Joint Action SOCRATES, LEONARDO & YOUTH Jean Mounet initiative The UB had 2 Jean Monnet Chairs, from 1991-92 and from 1995-96 respectively. The UB also had 1 Permanent Course, 1 European Module and 1 Complementary ~itiative in the framework of this initiative. 2000 CULTURE programme In the current year 2002/03 the UB participates in 1 2000 CULTURE programme

Participating Institution nr. 13. University of Deusto (Bilbao)
Type: University Areas: 04, 05, 06, 08, 09, 10, 11, 14, and 16. Activities: Teaching (graduates and post-graduate degrees – Master and Doctoral) and Research.

Size: a. personnel: 1066, b. learners Part time: 1429 Full time: 13596

Expertise: History

Experience: Erasmus-since 1988, ECTS Pilot Scheme – since 1989, CLIOH-since its foundation.

The University of Deusto is very active in international and particularly European activities.

For the academy year 2003/2004 the following international programmes are active:

Student Exchange Mobility (Europe, Latinoamerica, USA, etc.)

Teaching Staff Mobility (Europe, Latinoamerica, USA, etc.)

Scholarship Programmes

Pedro Arrupe Foundation (SYLFF) Tokyo foundation.

Marie Curie

Human Resources training for Developing Countries

International Projects:

As co-ordinator:

Pilot project: Tuning educational structures in Europe. Co-ordinators together with Groningen.

HumanitarianNet: Thematic Network on Humanitarian Development Studies.

UNESCO Chair: Post-graduate education to Latinoamerican academic and social leaders. Technical assistance. International Congresses and conferences.

Network of centres for research on identity, Territory and Conflicts.

Master in International Humanitarian Assistance NOHA.

PROG: European doctorate in migration, diversity and identities.

PROG: European doctorate in peace studies.

IPUC 9: Migration, diversity and identities.

IPUC 10 Conflict Resolution and European Legacies of War Intensive Program

IPUC 11 Actors in Humanitarian Crises

MBA (master in Business administration) San Sebastian

EMP-MBA (European Management Programme) Bilbao.

Alfa Project: Education for Peace and Intercultural Issues (EPI).

Alfa Project: Social Economy

As partners:

PROG: European Post-academical Course on Substance Abuse Treatment

PROG: MUST Modification of the Undergraduate Tourism and Hospitality Degree Programmes

PROG: Méthodes Juridiques Comparées

European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation

MOD: EDICTE European Diploma in Competitiveness for Tourism Enterprises

European Master in Organization and Administration of Congresses

IP: Euroculture

IP: Méthodes Juridiques Comparèes: une dimension Européenne

IP: European Transformations- Transformations of Europe

IP: European Course on Prevention, Diagnosis and Evaluation in Substance Abuse Treatment

Leonardo da Vinci Project: EUROSET-European Social Enterprises Training

ODL in Engineering

Grundvig Project: A European Methodology for Recognising Skills & Accrediting prior learning in Lifelong Leanring using ECTS (ECTS-LLL)

Minerva Project: eLeading by eDoing

CLIOH Thematic Network: "Creating links and overviews for a new History agenda"
Deusto experts participation

Diploma supplement: National promotion

ECTS/Diploma Supplement Counselling: 2 counsellors and National Co-ordination

International Programmes Evaluation (TEMPUS: Bulgaria/Slovenia; Thematic Networks; Institutional Contract Projects)

Elaboration of evaluation criteria

Eurostrategies II

Bolonia Process (Leiria-Helsinki-Salamanca)

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