Mount Moriah History from 1853 to 1978

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W.M. - George Anderson

S.W. - Frank N. Thompson

J.W. - LeRoy Atkinson

Mt. Moriah #28 Lodge circa 1915 – 1920.

Brother Isaac D. Gabel gave a talk on the history of King Solomon’s Temple.
Attention called to fact that Trenton Lodges had been infringing upon the territorial jurisdiction of Mount Moriah over Broad St. Park and White Horse. Such infringement had been entirely innocent, but waivers will he asked in the future.
November 24th was Past Master’s Night. “Remarks being called for from Past Masters the Senior Past Master, William H. Wilson, led the van with reminiscences and was followed in turn by each of the Old Guard.”
W.M. - Frank N. Thompson

S.W. - LeRoy Atkinson

J.W. - Arthur Dyson
There was a funeral service for Brother John Watson at his residence on South Warren Street in Trenton, to which the Lodge proceeded by trolley.
Visiting officers from Column Lodge No. 120 conferred the Fellowcraft Degree on four candidates.
There was a funeral service in Allentown, to which the Lodge proceeded by auto. This is the first reference to a car used as a means of transportation.
There were nine candidate rejections. Some territorial waivers were granted, and some refused.
October 11th was Veterans Night. Fellowship and speech making followed with adjournment to Bordentown House for a banquet. “And then wended their way homeward, well pleased with the first recognition of the old members and hoping that all might be present at the next Veterans Night.”
1917 - America Enters World War I
W.M. - Leroy Atkinson

S.W. - Arthur Dyson

J.W. - Elmore F. Furth
We assisted St. Cecile Lodge of New York with a funeral service held at a local cemetery for one of its members. We later received a very fine letter of appreciation from the Worshipful Master of St. Cecile.
Ten visitors from True Craftsman Lodge No. 202, of Trenton, were present on May 23rd.
The Lodge voted to remit the dues of any Brother who may serve in the Armed Forces during duration of war. (There were eight Brethren in service at this time.)
The Trustees were authorized to buy $3,000 in Liberty Loan Bonds.
Lodge members voted to buy a U.S. flag and a Service Flag.
There was a donation of $25.00 to the Red Cross Fund and another $25.00 to the Treasurer of Community House Fund.
Fourteen members were raised during the year.

1918 - World War I
W.M. - Arthur Dyson

S.W. - Elmore F. Furth

J.W. - Clarence D. Crobaugh
The Lodge initiation fee was raised to $60.00.00.
The comment of, “Members and visitors as per register,” appears for first time in the minutes of February 27th. Up until this time, all present had been listed by name in the minutes.
Five dollars was donated to a Masonic Club in France, of which Brother John F. Miller was a member.
Because of war conditions, frequent dispensation was given to shorten periods between degrees. Various requests were received by the Lodge to confer degrees upon candidates of distant Lodges for men stationed at Camp Dix (a.k.a. Fort Dix).
There was a funeral service for a deceased Brother conducted by the Lodge at his residence, in the evening.
The Grand Master stated that owing to war conditions, shortage of help, and of food, no more dinners would be furnished visiting delegation to the Masonic Home. But he hoped the Brethren would visit anyway.
The salary of Secretary was increased to $100.00.
1919 - World War I Ends June 28th
W.M. - Elmore F. Furth

S.W. - Clarence D. Crobaugh

J.W. - Joseph I. Burroughs
It was reported that shares in Burlington Building and Loan would soon expire. Consequently, the Trustees were authorized to buy 15 new shares.
There was a donation of $50.00 to Community House.

It was determined that Mount Moriah would have exclusive jurisdiction over territory of Broad Street Park, and Deutzville. The said territory to start at the Delaware and Raritan Canal, extending through the center of Lalor Street, to the center of Cedar Lane, and thence to the center of Olden Avenue, taking in such territory lying south and west of said boundary line. Territory lying outside the city limits of Trenton, beginning at the city line, and extending for a radius of three miles from Prospect Heights, Slackwood, and Bromley. Mount Moriah to have concurrent jurisdiction with Trenton, and other interested Lodges.

The Lodge bought $2,000.00 in Liberty Bonds.
The Secretary reminded the Lodge that members who served in the Armed Forces would soon be home, and something should be done to honor them. A Committee was appointed to work with the General Committee of the city, and $25.00 appropriated for expenses.
The Grand Master reported that he had appointed Most Worshipful Brother Woodward as Grand Treasurer, to fill the vacancy caused by death of Brother Burk.
During the year, 17 regular and 11 emergent communications were held, 25 new members were elected, and 12 rejected. The Secretary reported that 17 of our members had been Masons for more than 40 years. The list was headed by Brother Henry Brown, now residing at Nantucket, Mass., who was 62 years a mason.
W.M. - Clarence D. Crobaugh

S.W. - Joseph J. Burroughs

J.W. - J. Harold Lucas
There were thirteen petitions received at the meeting of January 14, and four more at the next meeting.
The Grand Secretary sent a letter stating that proposed improvements at the Masonic Home had been postponed because of prevailing high prices.
Lodge initiation fee was increased to $85.00.
The Lodge made a donation of $10.00 to help fund the move of the Clara Barton School House, from its present site to location opposite Public School.
Resolutions of congratulation were sent to Brother Henry Brown on his 63rd anniversary as a Mason.
Lodge members made a donation of $50.00 to the Washington Memorial Association.
Trustees were asked to look into the matter of our purchasing this building, and were authorized to offer $6 per share, for stock of the Hall Association.
The Lodge held 19 regular, and 12 emergent communications during the year. There were 32 new Masons raised, and the class of the year presented a gold watch to Worshipful Master Crobaugh. The assets of the Lodge were listed as $6,930.00.
W.M. - Joseph J. Burroughs

S.W. - J. Harold Lucas

J.W. - John A. Campbell
From the reply of Brother Henry Brown, upon receiving the resolutions of the Lodge, “Don’t fail to attend your meetings whenever you can. If the spirit of Masonry is in your Lodge you are in good company - no better.”
Allentown was determined to be in the territorial jurisdiction of our Lodge.
Disbursements show frequent payment for cigars. At that time, it was customary to pass them out to members and visitors after Lodge was closed.
The Grand Secretary’s office acquired a new addressograph machine, and sold the old one to Mount Moriah for $20.00.
The Masonic Home fee for initiates was $10.00.
Mark Chin Foo, a local laundryman, was elected to membership.
At the Annual Communication, the Trustees reported the assets of the Lodge to be $9,255.
W.M. - J. Harold Lucas

S.W. - John A. Campbell

J.W. - Harry Reeves
The Lodge donated $25.00 to the Delaware Fire Co., toward the purchase of a New Motor Apparatus.
The Lodge was invited to the corner-stone laying of the Masonic Temple at Paterson.
November 8th was designated as the date for observance of the Masonic birthday of George Washington, the Most Worshipful W. Holt Apgar was the speaker.
We had a visitation by the Grand Master (Arthur Potterton). For entertainment there were readings by Brother W. L. Wise, and selections by Naylor’s Quartet (from Trenton).
After the Annual Communication, the Brethren retired to the Community House on Church Street, where McCallister served a banquet at a cost of $393.75.
W.M. - John A. Campbell

S.W. - Harry Reeves

J.W. - William T. Strang
The salary of the Lodge Secretary was set at 75 cents per member, that of Tyler at $125.00 (per year), and that of Treasurer at $25.00 (per year).
Brother Anderson reported that all stock of the Bordentown Hall Association had been purchased by the Lodge, and the Directors of the Association were now the Trustees, Treasurer and Secretary of the Lodge. The United States Post Office had been secured as a tenant for the lower floor, and necessary alterations were made to accommodate it.
The members voted to send two representatives (Master and Senior Warden), to the corner-stone laying of George Washington Memorial (at Alexandria, VA.), and pay their expenses.
The Senior Grand Warden, Right Worshipful Ralph E. Lum, spoke at the Lodge’s observance of the Masonic birthday of George Washington (in November). Following the meeting, they adjourned to the Community House where the Annual Banquet was served.
The Lodge bought tickets of the Feast of St. John, for the Master and Wardens, held in the Stacy-Trent Hotel (in Trenton), at a cost of $3.25 each.
W.M. - Harry Reeves

S.W. - William T. Strang

J.W. - Elwood S. Peiffer, Jr.
There was a donation of $25.00 made to the Building Fund of McKinley Hospital (in Trenton).
Worshipful Brother George W. Swift gave $5,000.00 to the Lodge. This was used to redeem bonds outstanding against the Hall Association, to the sum of $4,075.
Proposed plans and specifications were presented for the renovation of the building, and bids for the work amounted to $12,965.48. These plans provided for the use of the second floor as our Lodge Room.
An electric vacuum cleaner was purchased jointly by the Lodge, Chapter, and Commandery.
A donation of $10.00 was made to the local July 4th celebration, and $100.00 was given toward the cost of the Soldiers Memorial.
The Lodge was addressed by Right Worshipful Howard R. Cruse, Junior Grand Warden, on November 26th. Subsequently, the Annual Banquet by McCallister, followed at the Community House.
The Lodge Secretary called attention to fact that our oldest member, Brother Henry Brown, was 67 years a Mason. He suggested all the Brethren send him post cards.
1925 - Purchase of the Lodge Building
W.M. - William T. Strang

S.W. - Elwood S. Peiffer, Jr.

J.W. - Harold B. Dubell
The Directors of the Hall Association reported that all stock was now owned by the Lodge. The building mortgage bonds of $4,000 were paid. Insurance of $30,000.00 was held on the building, with $4,000.00 on furniture and fixtures. All taxes and bills were paid, and there was cash on hand of $1,370.00.
A petition for affiliation was received from a member of a Lodge in Scotland.
Consideration was being given to various means of financing alterations to the building.
There was an invitation from Brother L.L. Hand, Pastor of the Trinity M. E. Church, to attend divine services, that was accepted.
The initiation fee was increased to $100.00. The Masonic Home assessment and annual dues were raised to $7.50.
Colonel Landon, of the Bordentown Military Institute, invited the Lodge to be present at the initiation of a number of students into the order of DeMolay (at the gymnasium of the school).

Life membership was established at $200.00.

The first meeting in “new quarters” was on December 9th. An inspiring and delightful address was given by Right Worshipful (and Reverand) A. Boylan Fitzgerald, after which, there was adjournment to Community House for our Annual Banquet.
W. M. - Elwood S. Peiffer, Jr.

S.W. - Harold B. Dubell

J.W. - Earl W. Harris
Refreshments after our meetings were provided by the Railroad Women’s Aid Society.
Brother Andrew M. Celia, Secretary of the Trenton District of Masonic Relief Association of New Jersey, gave a talk on its work.
Brother Chaffee made a gift of $100.00 to the Lodge.
The Lodge effort for funds, to renovate our building, resulted in total subscriptions of $23,350.00.
Donations of $25.00 each, were made to then Building Funds of Burlington County Memorial Hospital (at Mount Holly), and Mercer Hospital (at Trenton).
A donation of $100.00 was made to the George Washington Memorial at Alexandria, VA.
Future notices of emergent communications, to confer funeral rites, would be published in newspapers (instead of sent by mail).
Our oldest member, Brother Henry Brown died, and was 69 years a Mason.
The Deputy Grand Master, Howard R. Cruse, spoke at the Annual Banquet.
The Charity Fund assets at end of year amounted to $871.19. The Hall Association had notes payable of $25,450.00.
W.M. - Harold B. Dubell

S.W. - Earl W. Harris

J.W. - William L. Wise
The Trustees were authorized to purchase a new lantern, suitable slides, and fifty folding chairs.
On October 5th, there was an Emergent Communication at the request of Gothic Lodge, “To give them an opportunity of proving their proficiency in the work of Masonry. The officers of Mount Moriah temporarily vacated their stations and places, which were filled by those of the Gothic Lodge, who proceeded to demonstrate their ability, which was proven to the satisfaction of all present.”
Past Grand Master Ralph E. Lum spoke at the Annual Banquet.
W.M. - Earl W. Harris

S.W. - William L. Wise

J.W. - Rudolph Volz
An illustrated lecture on the Masonic Home was given by our District Deputy, DeWitt H. Steedle.
In response to an appeal from the Grand Master, 25 cents per member was appropriated for the George Washington Memorial.
The Lodge Secretary was authorized to buy a new addressograph.
At the request of the local American Legion Post, a resolution was adopted endorsing Camp Dix as the site for the proposed Veterans Hospital.
There was a donation of 10 cents per member for Brethren in Florida and Puerto Rico, suffering from results of the recent hurricanes.
There was a charity collection of $165.00 at annual McCallister dinner.

W.M. - William L. Wise
S.W. - Rudolph Volz

J.W. - Alfred L. Blauth

The 75th anniversary of the Lodge was marked by an address from Reverend, and Brother, Edgar L. Sanford; and a historical sketch by the Secretary. We were also entertained by Brother Charles S. Hydeman, of True Craftsman Lodge, with a talk on his travels abroad, and illustrated with motion pictures.

There was an invitation from the Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star for Lodge members to attend the institution of Bordentown Chapter No. 257, on March 16th. The Lodge extended use of its room without cost for that purpose.
There was $25.00 given for the relief of flood victims in Alabama.
The Master stated that April 27th, would be the anniversary of our oldest Brother, in point of membership, and suggested the Brethren all send him cards. (But his name was not given in the minutes!) However, everything was made clear in minutes of next meeting when it is recorded that Brother Charles W. Edwards sent a nice letter of acknowledgment.
There was also the unusual occurrence of two Funeral Services in one day.

Mt. Moriah #28 Lodge room pictured in 1930.
W.M. - Rudolph Volz

S.W. - Lewis M. Parker

J.W. - Earl Perry
The Lodge purchased a large Coffee Urn and an assortment of dishes from the Railroad Women’s Aid Society.

There was an invitation to join in a Masonic Night at Mount Holly, conducted by Reverend Billy Sunday, received and filed.

A 50 year Gold Token was presented to Brother Miles F. Burk, by Worshipful Brother Harold V. B. Voorhis, of Mystic Brotherhood Lodge No. 21. Brother Voorhis gave a very interesting and instructive lecture on, “Facts Leading to the Formation of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey.”
The Lodge raised Brother James L. Cranwell, who later became a Vice President of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
Lunch was provided after the meetings by the Eastern Star Chapter.
The Lodge received an invitation from Mount Holly Lodge to join in ceremonies of laying the corner-stone for their new Temple.
1931 - Officers Don Tuxedo’s
W.M. - Lewis M. Parker

S.W. - Earl Perry

J.W. - Theodore B. Bozarth
Members made a donation of $10.00 to the Mayor’s Committee on Unemployment.
There was an address by the Right Worshipful Francis P. Morton, on “Lodge Courtesy.”
There was $200.00 voted for an eye operation for a Brother of the Lodge.
Donations of 35 cents, per capita, were voted for the George Washington Memorial.
The wearing of tuxedos was begun by officers of the Lodge.
The speaker at our Annual Banquet was Reverend William K. D. Thomson, Chaplain of Column Lodge No. 120.
W.M. - Earl Perry

S.W. - Theodore B. Bozarth

J.W. - Clifford J. Whiteley
In February, the Lodge observed the 200th birthday of George Washington, with a program that included a talk by Brother Lewis M. Parker on “George Washington the Mason.” Then there was another talk by Brother Jay B. Tomlinson on “George Washington the Patriot.” And finally, there was a talk by Brother and Reverend John R. Mason on “George Washington the Christian Gentleman.” The program also included vocal selections by Brother Westover.
On May 25th, Brother Trout gave an interesting account of his trip to Alexandria, VA, for the dedication of the George Washington Memorial.
On June 15th, there was a surprise visit by the Grand Master, to honor Most Worshipful Brother Woodward. The Grand Master was accompanied by numerous Deputies and Grand Officers. After the meeting, the Brethren adjourned to the Parish Hall of the Episcopal Church for lunch. The Secretary concluded his record of the event by saying, “Altogether, notwithstanding the extremely hot weather, a most enjoyable evening was had by all present.”
There was a donation of $10.00 to the Committee for the 250th Anniversary of Bordentown.
Brother Joseph W. Wyks gave a talk on the “Northeast Corner of the Lodge.”
W.M. - Theodore B. Bozarth

S.W. - Clifford J. Whiteley

J.W. - Frank T. Trout
Worshipful Brother Croshaw, of Pyramid Lodge, presented a desk set to Brother Charles E. Burr, on behalf of himself and his Lodge. This was in appreciation of Brother Burr’s unselfish service over many years to Pyramid Lodge.
An interesting description of the Olympic Games (of last summer), was given by Brother William R. Weaver.

W.M. – Clifford J. Whiteley

S.W. - Frank T. Trout

J.W. - Horace E. Cason

Reverend and Brother Edgar L. Sanford addressed the Lodge on the topic of Ecclesiastes XII, “Remember now thy Creator---.”

Brother Dyer, Manager of the Trenton Branch of the Masonic Bureau, explained to the Lodge the purposes of the Masonic Bureau, and urged that there be reported to him any cases of unemployment or of opportunities for employment.

We donated $10.00 to Hope Hose Company for a new ambulance.

The Lodge attended Sunday evening religious services at Broad Street Park M. E. Church (Brother J. F. Dorman, of our Lodge, was the pastor).
On December 14th, Worshipful Brother Carl H. Claudy addressed the Lodge on “The Unknown Mason.”

W.M. - Frank T. Trout

S.W. - Horace E. Cason

J.W. - Charles R. Mitchell
Brother Jay B. Tomlinson talked to the Lodge about his trip to Ireland.
The Secretary was instructed to extend the appreciation of the Lodge to the Order of the Eastern Star, for the improved appearance of the old Lodge Room.
Worshipful Brother Whiteley read excerpts from a history of the Lodge, that he is preparing, “Which proved very interesting and showed the great amount of care and research he is putting into the work.”
The Lodge was addressed by Most Worshipful Howard R. Cruse.
On November 27th, Brother Harold B. Wells of our Lodge, and judge of the State Court of Errors and Appeals, gave a talk on the workings and procedure of that, and other Courts of the State.
W.M. -Horace E. Cason

S.W. - Charles R. Mitchell

J.W. - William R. Weaver
There was a further talk on Lodge history, by Worshipful Brother Whiteley.
In memory of the passing of Brother Rudyard Kipling, Worshipful Brother Wise read extracts from several of his works.
The Finance Committee reported that income is insufficient to meet current expenses, building maintenance, and the interest on Notes. They urged every effort to collect delinquent dues, and retrench on expenses, with the possibility of refinancing debt at a 4% basis, instead of 5%.
On February 26th, “Patriotic Night” hosted a talk by Most Worshipful Brother Woodward on the “Battle of Trenton.”
March 25th, “Grand Lodge Night” was hosted with talks by:

Brother Weaver - “Grand Lodge Communications”

Brother Mitchell - “Masonic Home and Charities”
Brother Parker - “Office of Grand Master”
Brother Whiteley - “History”
Brother Wise - “Masonic Leaders in Civil Affairs”

Brother Woodward - “Ritual”

There was a joint communication, at the request of our Grand Master, with Pyramid Lodge (New Egypt), “To re-consecration and re-dedication night.”
Silver tokens for 25 years of membership were now available to the Lodges for presentation.
There was a program in observance of 150th anniversary of the Grand Lodge, with speeches and Crescent Temple Chanters.
W.M. - Charles R. Mitchell

S.W. - William R. Weaver

J.W. - W. Earl Reeder

Worshipful Brother Earl Perry was elected Treasurer, to succeed Brother Hamilton B. Hale (deceased).

There was a donation of $10.00 to Kentucky flood sufferers.
At the Grand Lodge, Most Worshipful Brother Woodward was re-appointed Grand Instructor, Worshipful Brother Parker was appointed District Deputy of the 19th District, and Worshipful Brother Whiteley was appointed Grand Marshal. A reception for these three Brethren was held on June 23rd, at which the Grand Master and staff were present - with various speeches and music by Brother Russell Temple of Fraternal Lodge.
The Master was authorized to sell the old desks in the former Lodge room at whatever price he deemed proper.
There was a talk by Brother Harvey Hesser on, “The Constitution and Free Masonry.”

Twenty-five year silver tokens were presented for the first time. Presentations made by Right Worshipful C. Lyle Hagaman, Junior Grand Warden, with response by Past Master Ira C. Leedom. Music was provided by the Tall Cedars Band and refreshments were held in the old Lodge room.

There was a subscription dinner (McCallister) on December 8th, at the Baptist Church. Then there was adjournment to the Lodge room, where the Grand Secretary, the Right Worshipful Isaac Cherry, gave an illustrated talk on Past Grand Masters of New Jersey. This was followed by Scottish songs by Brother Laddie McCabe.
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