
Halla (Hl;) [n] stew, cooked in a cooking pot ([Halla])? Halla Hilal

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Halla (Hl;) [n] stew, cooked in a cooking pot ([Halla])?

Halla Hilal (Hl;) [n] saucepan; pot; cooking p.?; cooking pot (type?)

Halla yaHill (Hl;) [vt] solve; decode?; decipher?

Halla yaHill (Hl;) [vt] untie (knot; not shoelace); unbind; unfasten?; unravel?; undo (knot; not shoelace)

Hallaag –iyn; Halaaliyg (NOT) *[–a]) (Hlg) [n] barber; hairdresser (men's only?)

Hallaaga –aat (Hlf) [n] razor

Halluwf Halaaliyf (Hlf) [n] wild boar; boar; wild–b.

Halma –aat (Hlm) [ns?] dream

Hama yaHmiy (Hma) [vt] protect; guard?; safeguard?

Hama yaHmiy (Hma) [vd] deprive of; prevent from

Hama (zawl) min ∫iy/OBJ yaHmiy (Hma) [vtj]/[vd] forbid; prohibit

Hamaam coll (Hm;) [ng] pigeon/p.s; dove/d.s

Hamaama –aat (Hm;) [ns] pigeon; dove

Hamad yaHmid (Hmd) [vt] praise (normally God); laud (normally God); extol (normally God)

Hamal ? (Hml) [n] lamb

Hamal yaHmil (Hml) [vt] carry?; bear; lift?; pick up?; support

hamala (hml) [n] abandoned object?

Hamd illa 9ala s–salaama ('lh) [nx] God; praise be to G. for your well–being (said after someone returns from a journey, also after a near–accident)

Hamd illa 9ala s–salaama (Hmd) [n/?] praise; p.to God for your safe return(from a journey)

Hamgaan –iyn; Hamaaga (Hmg) [a] angry (temporary state); annoy; a.ed (temporary state); engrage; e.d (temporary state)?; infuriate; i.d (temporary state)

hamm humuwm (hm;) [n] problem?

hamm humuwm (hm;) [n] worry; care; concern; sorrow?; grief?; distress?

hamma (no)passive) yahimm (hm;) [vt] care"; bother; be b.ed about"

Hammaam –aat (Hm;) [n] toilet; flush t.; flush toilet

Hammaam –aat (Hm;) [n] bath; bathroom

Hammaam –aat (Hm;) [n] shower

Hammaam du∫∫ –aat du∫∫ (d∫;) [n] bathroom with shower; shower

Hammaam du∫∫ –aat du∫∫ (Hm;) [n] bathroom with shower; shower

hammal yihammil (hml) [vt] abandon; neglect totally

hammal yihammil (hml) [vt] abandon (totally)

Hammal yiHammil (Hml) [vtj /[vd] load, an animal with; put a load (on an animal)

Hanaan (Hn;) [n] affection; love (affection)

Hanafiyya –aat (Hnf) [n] tap

Hanafiyya –aat (Hnf) [n] tap (fitment)

handasa (hnds)[n] engineering/mechanical e.?; architecture?

Hanjara (= [Hanjuwr]) Hanaajir (Hnjr)[n] larynx? (associated with speaking); throat (associated with speaking); windpipe

Hanjuwr (= [Hanjara]) Hanaajiyr (Hnjr)[n] larynx? (associated with speaking); throat (associated with speaking); windpipe

Hanna 9ala yaHinn (Hn;) [vj] pity/show p. to; sympathise with; sorry; feel s. for

Hanna lay yaHinn (Hn;) [vj] long for; yearn for

Hannaan –iyn? (Hn;) [n] beloved (used affectionately of children: = [(al–)Habiyb]

Hanuwn –iyn (Hn;) [a] touch; t.ing (voice, music); move; m.ing (voice, music); appealing (voice, music)

hara∫ yahri∫ (hr∫) [vt] scratch (to relieve an itch)

Haraaba –aat (Hrb) [n] war

Haraam (Hrm) [a?] forbid; f.den (according to Islamic Law [∫ariy9a])

Haraam 9ala (Hrm) [aj?] forbid; f. for (according to Islamic Law [∫ariy9a])

Haraam 9alayk (Hrm) [aj?] shame?(indicates disapproval of an action)

Haraamiy –iyya (Hrm) [n] thief; robber; criminal?

HaRaaRa (Hr;) [n] heat; hotness; warmth?

HaRaaRa (Hr;) [n] heat; warmth?

HaraaSa - (HrS) [n] cell?; prison–cell?; police-cell?

HaraaSa - (HrS) [n] guard?

Haraasa ? plural (Hrs) [n] guard

harab (; HaRab) yahrub; yahrib (hrb) [vim] flee; escape; run away; away; run away; desert?

Harag yaHrig (Hrg) [vt] burn; sting?; hurt?

Haraka –aat (Hrk) [n] thing; object

Haraka –aat (Hrk) [n] thing; object

Haraka –aat (Hrk) [n] thing; object

Haraka –aat (Hrk) [n] movement; motion; commotion

Haraka ? plural (Hrk) [n] traffic

Harakiy –iyn (Hrk) [a] active (moves around a lot); lively (moves around a lot)

Haraktuw tagiyla (Hrk) [n] slow; he's slow

HaraS (HrS) [n] guard (e.g. national guard)

Harat yaHrit (Hrt) [vt?] plough; cultivate (land)?; till?

Harat yaHrit (Hrt) [vt] plough; cultivate?; till?

Harbiy (Hrb) [a] active (in positive sense); enthusiastic; plucky (prepared to have a go at things)

Harbiy (Hrb) [a] military; war (adj.); warlike?; bellicose?; martial

Hargaan –iyn (Hrg) [a] enrage; e.d; furious; angry; very a.

Hargaan –iyn (Hrg) [a] anger; easily a.ed; cross; easy to make c.

Hargaan –iyn (Hrg) [a] angry (= normally a.); cross (tending to be c.)

Hargaan –iyn (Hrg) [a] unforgiving?

Hargaan (= [maHruwg]) –iyn (Hrg) [a] furious; easily roused to fury; forgiving not f.?

Harib Huruwb; (*?)Huruwbaat (Hrb) [nf/ ?] war

Harib Huruwb (Hrb) [nf/ ?] war/w.fare; fight?; combat?; battle?

Harif Huruwf (Hrf) [n/] letter (of alphabet)

Harit (Hrt) [nv/] plough; p.ing?; cultivate; c.ing?; till; t.ing?

Hariyg (either same as [Hariyga] or bigger than [Hariyg]) Haraayig (Hrg) [n] fire (accidental only?); conflagration

Hariyga (either same as [Hariyg] or smaller than [Hariyg]) Haraayig (Hrg) [n] conflagration; fire (unintended only?)

Hariyga (either same as [Hariyg] or smaller than [Hariyg]) Haraayig (Hrg) [n] fire (accidental only?); conflagration

Hariym (Hrm) [np] woman; women; lady; ladies

Hariymaat (Hrm) [np] woman; women; lady; ladies

Harr (Hr;) [n] heat; warmth?

Harr (Hr;) [n] hot?; warm?

Harr (Hr;) [n] weather; hot weather; hot weather

Harraata –aat? (Hrt) [n] plough

Harrak yiHarrik (Hrk) [vtm] excite?; instigate?; agitate?; excite; stimulate?

Harrak yiHarrik (Hrk) [vtm] excite; stimulate?; excite?; instigate?; agitate?

Harrar yiHarrir (Hr;) [vt] free; set free; liberate; emancipate; release

Hasa yaHsa (Hsa) [vi] sip; drink (up) by s.ing

HaSa coll? (HSa) [ng?] kernel/k.s?; stone/s.s(of fruit)?; pit/p.s(date)?

HaSaaya –aat (HSa) [ns?] kernel?; stone (of fruit)?; pit (of date)?

Hasab (Hsb) [j] according to; in accordance with; depending on

Hasab yaHsib (Hsb) [vt] calculate; count

Hasab yaHsib (Hsb) [vis+] compute; reckon; calculate

Hasab yaHsib (Hsb) [vis+] reckon; consider; regard as

Hasab aZ-Ziruwf (Hsb) [j] depend; it d.s" (literally: 'depending on the circumstances)

Hasab aZ-Ziruwf (Zrf) [n/] depend; it d.s" (literally: 'depending on the circumstances)

HaSal yaHSal (HSl) [vi] appear (i.e. come/be made to come into being)

HaSal yaHSal (HSl) [vi] arise; come about; happen; occur; place; take p.

Hasana –aat (Hsn) [n] charity (given to beggar); alms (given to beggar); money given to beggar; gift to beggar

HaSiyr HaSaayir (HSr) [n] mat (made of plastic); plastic mat

HaSiyra –aat; HaSaayir (HSr) [n] mat/matting (esp. in roof)

HaSiyra –aat; HaSaayir (HSr) [n] partition, made of bamboo canes ([gana]) tied together

HaSiyra –aat; HaSaayir (HSr) [n] wall; partition made of bamboo canes ([gana]) tied together

hassa (hs;) [d] now; just now; immediately

Hassa bay yaHiss (Hs;) [vjs+][vts+] feel; sense

Hassa bay yaHiss (Hs;) [vjs] perceive; feel; sense; intuit; conscious; be c.; aware; be a.

hassa9 (hs9) [d] just now; now; immediately

hassa9 (hs9) [d] now; just now

Hassa9 (Hs9) [d] now; just now; immediately

Hassaas –iyn (Hs;) [a] sensitive (about oneself); touchy

HaSSal yiHaSSil (HSl) [vt] arrive at; get to (a place); reach; come to

Hassan yiHassin (Hsn) [vt] better; make better; improve; ameliorate

Hassan (to be confirmed) yiHassin (Hsn) [vt] improve; better; make b.; ameliorate

hassiy (hs;) [d] now; just now

Hasuwd –iyn; Husada (Hsd) [a] envious

Hasuwd –iyn; Husada (Hsd) [a] grudge; g.ing?; envious (by)temperament); jealous (by)temperament)

Hasuwd –iyn; Husada (Hsd) [a] grudge; g.ing?; jealous (by)temperament); covetous?

Hasuwd –iyn; Husada (Hsd) [a] envious (by)temperament); jealous (by)temperament); grudge; g.ing? (by)temperament)

HaTab coll (HTb) [ng] firewood; wood; firew.

HaTab coll (HTb) [ng] wood; undressed w.

Hatta yaHitt (Ht;) [vi] drop (of leaves, from tree); fall (of leaves, from tree)

Hatta yaHitt (Ht;) [vt] lose (leaves, of a tree); drop (leaves, of a tree)

Hatta (Ht;) [o] even/even if?; if; even if?

Hatta (Hta) [c] till; until

Haw∫ Hay∫aan; aHwaa∫ (Hw∫) [n] courtyard (with mud or brick walls)

Haw∫ Hay∫aan; aHwaa∫ (Hw∫) [n] courtyard; enclosure (round house only?); yard

Haw∫ Hay∫aan; aHwaa∫ (Hw∫) [n] enclosure (around house; made of [ga∫∫])

Haw∫ Hay∫aan; aHwaa∫ (Hw∫) [n] enclosure (around house?) (made of mud or bricks)

hawa hiwyaat (hwa) [nm] air; atmosphere; wind; draught; weather?; climate?

Hawa yaHwiy (Hwa) [vt] treat (snake-bite, etc., by use of a magic charm

Hawaalay (Hwl) [j] approximate; a.ly; around; about; rough; r.ly

Hawaalay (Hwl) [j] around; about; circa (normally with time?)

Hawaalay (Hwl) [j] rough; r.ly; approximate; a.ly (normally with time?)

Hawaalayn (Hwl) around (physical); round (physical)

HawD HayDaan; aHwaaT? (HwD) [n] basin; sink; trough; water–trough

HawD HayDaan; aHwaaD (HwD) [n] cistern; tank; reservoir?

HawD HayDaan; aHwaaT? (HwD) [n] plot; small p. of land (e.g. for watercress, onions)

HawD (al-#asiyl) (HwD) [n] sink (for washing up); basin; washing-up basin; washing-up basin

HawD (al-#asiyl) (#sl) [n] sink (for washing up); basin; washing-up basin; washing-up basin

HaWja - (Hwj) [n] need; neediness; necessity

hawl ? (hwl) [n] entrance-hall (in house); lobby

Hawwaa∫a –aat? (Hw∫) [n] field; cottonfield?; plot of land (10)feddans?)?

Hawwaa∫a –aat? (Hw∫) [n] plot of land (10)feddans?)?; field

Hawwal yiHawwil (Hwl) [vd] make into; turn into; convert to

Hawwal filim yiHawwil (Hwl) [vd] film; make into a film/movie; turn into a film/movie

Hawwal filim ya9mal (flm) [n/] film; make into a film/movie; turn into a film/movie

HawwaS yiHawwiS (HwS) [vi] squint–eyed; bc. s.

HawwaS yiHawwiS (HwS) [vi] squint–eyed; go s.; cross–eyed; go c.

HawwaT yiHawwiT (HwT) [vt] protect (property, etc.) by reading the Qur'an; read; read the Qur'an in order to protect (property, etc.)

HawwaT yiHawwiT (HwT) [vt] treat (an)ailment; by use of magic charms)

Haya (Hya) [n] modesty (due) m., in accordance with social norms); restraint; self-r. in accordance with norms of social modesty; self-restraint, in accordance with norms of social modesty

Hayá° (Hya) [n] life

Hayl (Hwl) [n] strength (physical); force (physical); power (physical); vigour (physical); might (physical)

Hayraan –iyn (Hyr) [a] confuse; c.d (used to drunks, as an insult); perplex; p.ed (used to drunks, as an insult)baffle; b.d (used to drunks, as an insult)

Hayraan –iyn; Hayaara (Hyr) [a] confuse; c.d?; perplex; p.ed?; baffle; b.d?

HayTa HiyaT (HyT) [n] wall

HayTa HiyaT (HyT) [n] wall (of a building,or free–standing)

Haywaan xala –aat xala (Hya) [n] wild animal (i.e. not domesticated)

Haywaan xala Hayawaanaat xala (Hy;) [n] wild animal; animal; wild a.

Haywaan; HaYwaan –aat (Hya) [n] animal; beast; creature

Haywaan; HaYwaan –aat (Hya) [n] animal; beast; creature (big) animal only; small animals are [Ha∫ara]

Hayy aHya (Hya) [n] district (of a town; standard term); quarter (of a town; standard term); area (of a town; standard term); part (of a town; standard term)

HaYY –iyn (Hya) [a] lively; animated; cheerful; energetic?

Hayyar yiHayyir (Hyr) [vt] loss; put at a l. to know what to do; stump (leave so. not knowing what to do)

Hayyar yiHayyir (Hyr) [vt] baffle?; perplex?; confuse

hazam yahzim (hzm) [vt] defeat (e.g. in sport); beat (e.g. in sport)

hazam yahzim (hzm) [vt] defeat; vanquish; rout?

hazam yahzim (hzm) [vt] vanquish; defeat

Haziyn –iyn (Hzn) [a] sad (thing, general disposition, now); sorrowful? (thing, general disposition, now); mournful? (thing, general disposition, now); grieve; g.d? (thing, general disposition, now)

Haznaan ? (Hzn) [a] grieve; g.ing; mourn; m.ing; mourning; in m.

Haznaana ? (Hzn) [a] mourning; woman in mourning period (and) wearing white clothes); grieve; woman who is grieving for a death (wearing white clothes)

HaZZ (HZ;) [n] luck; fortune; good f.

hazza yahizz (hz;) [vt] shake; swing?; brandish?; wave?

Hazzan yiHazzin (Hzn) [vtj] distress?; sadden; sad; make s.

Hibir - (Hbr) [n/] ink

Hibir - (Hbr) [n/] ink

Hibuwb kiyna (Hb;) [np] pill; quinine p.s; tablet; quinine t.s

Hidaa∫ar ('Hd) [n?] eleven

Hidaa∫ar (9∫r) [n] eleven

Hidaa∫araawiy ('Hd) [a] eleventh (ordinal number)

Hidaa∫araawiy (9∫r) [a] eleventh (ordinal number)

Hidaad (Hd;) [nv]? mourning

HiDaana –aat (HDn) [n] creche

Hidd (Hd;) [nv?] mourning (of women only?)

HifiZ yaHfaZ (HfZ) [vt] learn by heart/memorize

HifiZ yaHfaZ (HfZ) [vt] learn by heart; memorize; heart; learn by h.

HifiZ yaHfaZ (HfZ) [vt] remember?; memorize; learn by heart; heart; learn.

Hifiz yaHfaZ (HfZ) [vt] retain; hold (safe); care; take c. of; keep; save

Hijaab –aat; Hijbaat (Hjb) [n] charm; amulet (leather pouch in which Quran, etc.) ...

Hijja Hijaj (Hj;) [n] pretext; excuse (= pretext); reason; baseless r. (= pretext)

Hijjayya ? (Hja) [n] riddle

Hikaaya –aat (Hka) [n] matter; affair; thing?

Hikaaya –aat (Hka) [n] story; tale; narrative; account

Hilaaga (Hlg) [nv] shave; s.ing

Hilim aHlaam (Hlm) [n/] dream

Hilim aHlaam (Hlm) [n/] dream; sweet d.s; sweet dreams

Hilim bay yaHlam (Hlm) [vjs+] dream of

Hilla *Halaal; Hallaal (Hl;) [n] village; hamlet?

Hilla *Hilaal; *Hilal (Hl;) [n] village; hamlet?

Hiluw (Hla) [a/] fresh (water)

Hiluw –iyn (Hla) [a/] sweet; pleasant?; nice; charming; delightful; pretty

Himaar Hamiyr (Hmr) [n] donkey

Himaar Hamiyr (Hmr) [n] donkey (used as insult, to indicate stupidity); stupid; idiot; idiotic

Himaaya ? plural (Hma) [n] protection

Himlat taHmal (Hml) [vi] pregnant; get pregnant

hin (hn)[w] they (fem. plural)

hina (hna) [d] here; over here

hinaak (hna) [d] there; over there

hinaaka (hna) [d] there; over there

hinaay –a –iyn/–aat (hn)[n?] thingy; whatsit (filler word)

hinaaya –aat (hn)[n] thing/thingy/thingummibob

Hinayyin –iyn; Hunana (Hn;) [a] merciful?; tenderhearted?; compassionate?

Hinna (hn;) [n] henna

Hinna coll? (Hna) [ng?] henna (used on skin – only?)

hinna (hn)[w] they (fem. plural)

Hira yaHra (Hra) [vts+] expect?; hope

Hira yaHra (Hra) [vt] bear in mind; consider

Hira yaHra (Hra) [vts] expect?; hope

Hiraata *–aat (Hrt) [nv] plough; ploughing?

Hirig yaHrag (Hrg) [vi] burn/be burnt (passive, or simply intransitive?)

Hiriz ? (Hrz) [n/] charm; amulet (leather pouch in which Quran, etc.) ...

Hisa yaHsa (Hsa) [vi] sip; drink (up) by s.ing

Hisaab –aat (Hsb) [n] bill; invoice?; account (eg.) bank)

HiSaan HaSiyn (HSn) [n] horse (fully grown, male); stallion

Hiss *aHsaas (Hs;) [n] voice (most common meaning); sound?; noise?

Hiss *aHsaas (Hs;) [n] voice (most common meaning); sound?; noise?

Hiss *aHsaas (Hs;) [n] voice; sound?; noise?

HiSSa HiSaS (HS;) [n] class (school); period (school); lesson

Hitta Hitat (Ht;) [n] piece; bit; part?; portion; place

hiy (hy)[w] she; it; they (inanimate plural)

hiyya (hy)[w] she; it (fem. sing); they (inanimate plural)

Hizaam (normaly form [gaa∫]) –aat; aHzima (Hzm) [n] belt

Hizib aHzaab (Hzb) [n/] party (political)

Hubb (Hb;) [n] love; affection; attachment

Hufra Hufar (Hfr) [n] excavation

Hufra Hufar (Hfr) [n] hole (in ground only?); pit?; hollow?; cavity?

Hugna Hugan (Hgn) [n] hypodermic?; injection

hujuwm - (hjm) [nv?] attack; charge?; assault?; onslaught?; raid?

Hukum ? plural (Hkm) [n/] rule; sovereignty; government

Hukum ? (Hkm) [n/] verdict (legal)

hum (hm)[w] they (masc. plural)

Humaar Hamiyr/Hammaar (Hmr) [n] ass; donkey

Humaar Hamiyr (Hmr) [n] donkey; ass

Humaara –aat (Hmr) [n] ass; she–a.; donkey; female d.; female; f. donkey

Humma (Hma) [n] fever heat?; fever

Humma - (Hm;) [n] fever; heat of fever?

humma (hm)[w] they (masc. plural)

hun (hn)[w] they (masc. plural)

Hurga (Hrg) [n] pain (psychological, e.g. over killed child; involves also a degree of anger); torment (psychological, e.g. over killed child; involves also a degree of anger); suffering (psychological, e.g. over killed child; involves also a degree of anger); heartache (psychological, e.g. over killed child; involves also a degree of anger); grief (psychological, e.g. over killed child; involves also a degree of anger); anger; pain and anger (e.g. from killing of o.'s child)

Hurr –iyn (Hr;) [a] family; so. from a respected f.

Hurr –iyn (Hr;) [a] free

Hurr –iyn (Hr;) [n] free; liberty; at l.?

Hurriyya –aat (Hr;) [n] freedom; liberty; independence?; unrestraint?

HuSaan HaSiyn (HSn) [n] horse (fully grown, male); stallion

huw (hw)[w] he; it (masc. sing)

Huwaar Hayraan (Hwr) [n] follower (of a Sufi sheikh)

Huwaar Hayraan (Hwr) [n] pupil (in a Quran school)

Huwaar Hayraan (Hwr) [n] pupil in a Quran school [xalwa]; Quran student?

huwwa (hw)[w] he; it (masc. sing)

Huzun (Hzn) [n/] mourning period

i#aasa (#ws) [n] aid (as)part of emergency relief, development, etc.)

i∫aa9a –aat (∫y9) [n] rumour; hearsay

i∫aara –aat (∫wr) [n] signal; sign

i∫kaal –aat (∫kl) [n] problem; question; issue; difficulty

i∫ta#al ya∫ta#il (∫#l) [vt?] work; run; operate; motion; be in m. (machine)

i∫ta#al bay ya∫ta#il (∫#l) [vj] concern; be c.ed about; worry; be w.d about; bother; be b.ed about

i∫ta#al bay ya∫ta#il (∫#l) [vj] use; employ?

i∫taag lay ya∫taag (∫wg) [vj] long for; yearn for; miss; come to m.

i∫taka min ya∫takiy (∫ka) [vj] complain about (raise a complaint about)

i∫tara ya∫tariy (∫ra) [vt] buy; purchase

i∫tiraakiy –iyn (∫rk) [a] socialist

i∫tiraakiyya (∫rk) [n] socialism

i9laam (9lm) [n] media

i9laan –aat (9ln) [n] poster?; bill?; placard?; sign

i9tabar ya9tabir (9br) [vd] deem; regard; consider; think of (as)

i9tagad (ann–uw) ya9tagid (9gd) [vj] believe (that)

i9tamad 9ala ya9tamid (9md) [vj] rely on; depend on; trust in?

i9taqad ya9taqid (9qd) [vj+]? believe (that)

i9taqal ya9taqil (9gl) [vt] arrest (esp. for political reasons); apprehend (esp. for political reasons); detain (esp. for political reasons)

i9taraD 9ala ya9tariD (9rD) [vj] object to; protest against?; resist?; oppose?

i9taraf bay ya9tarif (9rf) [vj] confess; admit; acknowledge; recognise; concede

i9tazar lay ya9tazir (9zr) [vj] excuse os. for; apologise for

i9tiraaf ? (9rf) [n] admission; acceptance?; acknowledgement?

i9tizaar –aat (9zr) [n] apology; excuse; plea?

ibil ('bl) [np] camel; c.s

ibil coll ('bl) [ng] camel; c.s

ibin abna ('bn) [n/] son

ibin uxtiy awlaad uxt–iyº (Ali) says [abna uxt–iyº] also possible – but presumably ‘borrowing’ from Standard Arabic) ('bn) [n/] nephew; my n. (daughter's son)

ibin uxtiy awlaad uxtiy ('xt) [nf/] nephew; my n. (daughter's son)

ibliys abaaliys ('bls)[n] devil

ibliys ('bls)[nx] Devil; the D.; Satan

ibn aadam ibn aadamiyn ('dm) [nx] person; man; human being

ibn as–suwdaan abna as–suwdaan? ('bn) [n/] Sudanese (person)

ibn as–suwdaan abna as–suwdaan? (swd) [n] Sudanese (person)

ibra ibar ('br) [n] needle (of a syringe)

ibra ibar ('br) [n] hypodermic?; injection

ibra ibar ('br) [n] needle; pin?

ibra ibar ('br) [n] needle; pin?

ibriyg abaariyg ('brg)[n] pot; water–p. (for ablutions)

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Бугун юртда
Эшитганлар жилманглар
Эшитмадим деманглар
битган бодомлар
Yangiariq tumani
qitish marakazi
Raqamli texnologiyalar
ilishida muhokamadan
tasdiqqa tavsiya
tavsiya etilgan
iqtisodiyot kafedrasi
steiermarkischen landesregierung
asarlaringizni yuboring
o'zingizning asarlaringizni
Iltimos faqat
faqat o'zingizning
steierm rkischen
landesregierung fachabteilung
rkischen landesregierung
hamshira loyihasi
loyihasi mavsum
faolyatining oqibatlari
asosiy adabiyotlar
fakulteti ahborot
ahborot havfsizligi
havfsizligi kafedrasi
fanidan bo’yicha
fakulteti iqtisodiyot
boshqaruv fakulteti
chiqarishda boshqaruv
ishlab chiqarishda
iqtisodiyot fakultet
multiservis tarmoqlari
fanidan asosiy
Uzbek fanidan
mavzulari potok
asosidagi multiservis
'aliyyil a'ziym
billahil 'aliyyil
illaa billahil
quvvata illaa
falah' deganida
Kompyuter savodxonligi
bo’yicha mustaqil
'alal falah'
Hayya 'alal
'alas soloh
Hayya 'alas
mavsum boyicha

yuklab olish