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UDC 378.015.311:

M. Elkin,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, professor

the honoured worker of education

the head of the department of pedagogy

and art of teaching of Melitopol

Bohdan Khmelnitskiy State Pedagogical University
The relevance of the research. Scientific-research activity of students in the higher school is an important component of the preparation of the highly skilled staff of the relevant profile, including future teachers, and focuses on the following major tasks: the formation of the scientific world outlook, mastering by the students of methodology and methods of scientific research, expanding the theoretical outlook, and scientific knowledge of the future specialist; development of the creative thinking and individual skills of students in the solution of theoretical and practical tasks; inculcation skills of independent scientific-research activities to the students, involving them to the solving of scientific problems; intensifying knowledge in a specific scientific field, skills development in carrying out scientific-research works, preparation of scientific publications; foundation and development of scientific schools, creative teams, training and education of the provision scientists-researchers and teachers in higher educational institution [6, p. 166-167]. Almost all modern documents of education note the need for training the specialists, capable to conduct various types of research.

The essence of the research work of students is revealed in the works of V. Bondar [3], V. Zhuravlev, V. Zagvyazynskiy [5] and others. The development of students’ research skills as a component of professional training of future teachers was considered by L. Barna [8], S. Dudar [4], students’ research skills as a component of professional training of future teachers of natural sciences were studied by A. Stepanyuk and N. Moskalyuk [9]. Theoretical and practical aspects of the development of students’ research skills in the context of the European integration of science and higher education were considered by V. Sitkar. The problem of research skills development of future teachers of different disciplines was considered by: Ye. Kulik, O. Rogozina (labour training), V. Bazurin (mathematics, physics), M. Kniazian (foreign language), O. Myrgorodska (geography), N. Moskalyuk, O. Tymoshenko, L. Szewchyk (biology), G. Odintsova (the Ukrainian language), I. Omelyanenko (methods of physical education), V. Lisovuy, M. Falko (music), V. Gevko, I. Fedorov (history). V. Bazelyuk considered the features of the research skills development of managers of general educational establishments in the system of post-graduate pedagogical education. Yu. Volynets studied the development of students’ research skills who are going to be future teachers of pre-school educational establishments, T. Gladyuk, S. Balashova and Ye. Spasska investigated the process of the development of students’ research skills of the pedagogical college; N. Golovin – ones of the agrotechnical institute. The problem of development of active cognitive activity, which lies in the basis of development and improvement of research skills and skills of students, is studied in the works of such authors as L. Avramchuk, V. Andreev, G. Artemchuk, A. Verbitsky, S. Zaskalyeta, V. Kovalchuk, M.Kniazian, P. Luzan, Ye. Spitsyn [7]. However, the issues related to the development of research skills of future teachers of natural-science disciplines require a deeper and more thorough consideration.

The objective of the study is to consider the peculiarities of the research skills development of future teachers of natural-science disciplines in the system of pedagogical education.

The modern complex and dynamic teaching process specifies requirements to the professional competence of teachers of natural sciences. Nowadays along with the traditional, laid down in the professional diagram, skills and priority ways to the creation of conditions for better students’ assimilation of knowledge in a subject, teachers have to perform more of the requirements: to determine the degree of efficiency of methods that are used and optimal organizational forms; to provide the results of their own activity; to conduct a corrective work. These complex goals are possible to solve on condition of carrying out research activities in the educational process, which is aimed at the study of its essence, the internal system and connection with other phenomena.

Research activity in the educational process can be relatively divided into 3 main stages: preliminary (includes the setting of research goals, the nomination of the hypothesis, the study of existing approaches and views on the problem of the study); the one of executive activity (includes the selection of instruments of research activities, that is, the methods of research and the research of its own, i.e. the organization and realization of experimental activities in the educational process); analytical (the obtained result and its compliance with the set objectives are analyzed, problems and approaches of further work are set) .

In the process of pedagogical studies a teacher needs special skills, aimed at ensuring the effective conduct of research activity. Accordingly, such skills will be called research ones. In the context of pedagogical activity research skills are defined as methods of obtaining knowledge about the process of upbringing, education and development of the child's personality, determination of relations between the facts and the phenomena of this process.

As noted above, much attention and time has been paid to and is still being devoted to the problem of skills in modern pedagogy and psychology. There are different approaches to the definition of the skills necessary for successful educational-cognitive and professional activity (O. Abdullina [1], O. Ostryanska, V. Slastyonin, L. Spirin, and others).

Research skills of future teachers, in the opinion of many scientists, are determined as a complex of professional qualities, which provide the readiness of students of higher pedagogical educational institutions for carrying out targeted analytical-synthetic, diagnostic and search-and-transforming actions on the basis of the practical application of systematic knowledge in the process of theoretical and experimental research in the training and education of schoolchildren.

In their research A. Stepanyuk and N. Moskalyuk convincingly prove that: the meaningful research skills development of future teachers of natural sciences, as its key competence provides training to creative self-development of personality and a high standard of professional activity. Along with this, research skills development of the students is not seen as a goal in itself, but as a way to improve the quality of the future specialists training [9, p. 37].

Commanding the research skills will help a specialist in the field of education and will give an opportunity to determine the ways of optimization of pedagogical process at the educational institution and provide the conditions for the maximum capacity of the child.

S. Dudar emphasized the fact that the development of students research abilities and skills of the pedagogical university should be viewed as a compulsory element of the training; for the successful development of research skills and abilities this activity must be systemic and systematic, as they are not generated automatically but only on the basis of the study of disciplines, provided with educational plans. These skills should be purposefully and systematically developed during the whole period of the students training in all types of educational activities in the classroom and extracurricular classes; it is important to foster students’ interest in academic teaching and research, to develop the students' understanding of the fact that their training is coming to scientific knowledge; to develop a research component in the outlook of the future specialists [4, p. 69].

Thus, some conditions, which are necessary for the development of research skills, must be clearly highlighted. It’s also important to set objectives the solution of which will lead to the efficiency of development of a teacher’s research activity.

In their research A. Stepanyuk and L. Barna, point out that: there are different ways to develop research skills of future teachers. The most important among different approaches to the formation of relevant skills, is the one aimed to provide students with methods of scientific knowledge and the creation of educational environment, which implements the principle of the training-through-research. The first approach has not been the subject of scientific research yet, and the latter meets the requirements of the Bologna process, in accordance with which it is necessary to increase a significant portion of research methods of training in the process of preparation of specialists [8, p. 60]. These approaches were mostly worked over regarding the development of appropriate skills among schoolchildren. Back in the late 50-ies of the twentieth century M. Danilov noted that along with the mastery of knowledge as the result of historical development, mastering the methods of scientific research should be involved as well. Together with the implementation of the research method of training in the practice of the secondary and higher schools the concept of study skills is distinguished (P. Blonskiy, G. Vashchenko, A. Pinkevych, B. Raikov, K. Yagodovskiy). In modern pedagogy this problem is becoming increasingly relevant in connection with the necessity to create the most favorable conditions for the deep knowledge acquisition by the students, for the development of their thinking, for the development of skills to acquire knowledge independently. Future teachers of natural sciences must be clearly aware of the problems of pupils’ research skills development.

In this regard it should be stressed that already in the senior pre-school age a child is ready for active cognitive activity. This is due to the increase of the role of the verbal-logical thinking (in comparison with the baby and medium pre-school age), the increase of the arbitrariness of the cognitive processes. The motivations of mental activity are also changed. Thus, the senior preschool age is a synthesized period for the development of a common method of mental activity, which is to develop the skills to accept and set a goal; select the methods of its solution, test, and evaluate the results. The development of these abilities is realized under the guidance of an adult. Due to the engagement of children in the search of knowledge, the management of specific and general sensory search actions, the elementary research activity as a preparatory stage of the proper research development is generated.

One of the most effective means of development of basic research activity in the senior pre-school age is the acquaintance with the phenomena and objects of the surrounding nature. Direct interaction of children with nature awakens them to a constant search for answers to a lot of questions about the surrounding plants and animals, as well as about a variety of natural phenomena. Proper management and purposeful organization of research activity on the material of natural science on the one hand, contributes to the development of the children's curiosity as quality, and on the other hand – the development of skills of independent mental activity.

A well-known national teacher K. Ushinskiy noted: I consider the natural history subjects to be the most convenient to accustom the child's mind to logic. The logic of nature is the most accessible and the most useful logic for children... ... The logic of nature is the most accessible for children evident and irrefutable... Any physical phenomenon is also the most effective exercise for children. Here the child clearly and practically learns the logical notions: causes, consequences, objectives, purpose and conclusions. In these statements K. Ushinskiy emphasized the role of science in the development of the child’s thinking, his curiosity and mental activity.

In the process of acquaintance with the nature a child learns the main ideas of natural science (the idea of the connection of the organism with the environment, the idea of unity and diversity of the nature, relations and dependencies, changes and development in nature). On the one hand, this contributes to the development of the integral picture of the world, on the other hand, motivates the child to an active mental activity. In the preschool age observations and simple experiments are carried out on the material of the natural content. Primarily due to their accessibility, visibility and content these forms of work are accessible to the 5-7 year old child. Through the skillfully organized experiments and observations, the children receive the first ideas about research methods.

Thus, the content of knowledge about the nature in the preschool age is reasonable adequate for the development of basic research activity as the first stage of the research one.

The expansion and deepening of research activity is ensured in primary school. Children have a certain amount of knowledge about the surrounding world and well-developed means of their mental activity. The junior pupils’ level of sensory, intellectual, emotional, volitional and motivational development rises much higher. A learning activity becomes the principal type of activity. Goals, motives and forms of activity are changed. Besides, the nature of elementary search activity is altered. Regarding the research skills within the search activity, consolidation of the acquired ones at the preschool age is taking place.

In primary school there is a further development of cognitive activity, skills and abilities development of search activity based on natural knowledge. The value of the natural science education in mastering the skills of research activity cannot be overestimated. In primary school the development of the analyzers functioning continues to ascend. Through them the child accumulates the concepts of the surroundings and enriches his sensual experience.

The specific characteristics of the natural knowledge (chiefly visibility) give the opportunity to develop sensory culture, contribute to the improvement of observing as an activity and observation as a quality.

In high school students are prepared with the previous activity to the solution of more complex cognitive tasks. The content of knowledge about reality is being complicated. The range of phenomena studied is being expanded. A variety of new subjects of the natural-science course appear either. During this period skills of the educational-cognitive activity are improved in the course of mental and physical development. In addition, this age range is sensitive for the development of sensibility. This fact is important for the research activity.

A large amount of educational material gives the possibility to organize the educational process in such a way that the students are to get knowledge in the objectives of the training course, as well as additional objectives, which are the answers to the questions arising in the course of the training, or aimed at satisfaction of cognitive interest of certain students. Pupils of the high school, due to the peculiarities of psychophysical development, are capable to the active cognitive activity. Cognitive activity is a deep belief in the need for knowledge, creative mastering of the system of scientific knowledge, which is expressed in the awareness of the objectives of the activity, the readiness of the individual to the vigorous and immediate cognitive activity. For this kind of activity it is necessary to realize certain conditions, due to which the students acquire the need for cognition and learning the rational ways of behavior and thinking.

One of the conditions is the goal-directed work on the development of research skills in courses of natural subjects. If the purposeful and systematic work on the skills development of actually research activity is carried at school, it can be formed in all the structural components up to high school age. Moreover, the most adequate content of the research activity of the students again is the knowledge of the specific factors: visibility, systemacity, occurrence of relations and methods of research (observation, research, experiment) which are mainly learned by the students at the lessons of natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics). Students are acquainted with the methods of processing the results of these studies at the lessons of mathematics. The research activity of pupils will definitely be of informative character, it still can not be characterized as a scientific activity. But the achievement of good results appears rather possible. The development of research activity in higher school age contributes to the attainment of desire for self-education; specifying the area of cognitive interests at the time of extracurricular activities (when entering the secondary professional and higher education institutions).

In the process of teaching in teacher training colleges, higher educational institutions of the pedagogical profile the creative research activities of the future teachers acquire further development. Modern authors, engaged in study of the formation and development of students’ professional skills of educational institutions of the pedagogical profile, note that in the properly organized teaching process and teaching practices, scientific-research activity of students comes to a qualitatively new level of scientific and pedagogical studies [2].

Among the priority tasks of scientific-research activity of students of natural sciences we identify: encouraging creative activity of students, enhancing their knowledge of theory, methods and methodology of scientific researches, development of skills and abilities in educational and research activity, engaging students to the intensification of scientific-research work on the problems of natural sciences; the development of creative activity experience of the future specialists according to the modern understanding of the content of higher education; introduction of new forms of organization of scientific-research activity in the higher pedagogical educational institution with the purpose of increasing its efficiency.

Unfortunately, most of the attention in the modern psychological-pedagogical literature has focused on the scientific-research work of students of senior courses or study group research work, while the methodological basis of the research is laid during the first and the second year of studying in a higher educational institution. It should be noted that disciplines of natural-science course (biology, physics, chemistry, geography, etc.) have the priority role in this process. Therefore, knowledge, abilities and skills acquired in the study of natural science disciplines in this period, are extremely important for students of senior courses.

Thus, during the first year of studies the conditions of future teachers’ adaptation to the new form of education in the system of pedagogical education, their adjustment to a new group and development of individual and professional contacts are established. The student works independently with a large amount of information. Teachers should pay essential attention to teaching students ways of search and information processing and introduction of the requirements for presentation of a scientific text. The students acquire the ability to analyze the facts and phenomena, to draw conclusions, etc. In the course of the training the experience of search for information from different sources, its systematization and generalization, analysis, writing and design of summaries, reports, etc is acquired. Finishing the first course a student should have a clear idea about the system of research work in higher educational institution. The study of the natural-science disciplines develops such mental operations, as a theoretical analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc., with the help of which natural science thinking is developed.

Second-year students should realize the specific character of scientific research, its logic and structure. At this stage, students learn to identify and define the problem and contradictions, set objectives, to find and define a subject and an object of research, and also to plan the course of research work, to carry out research selection in accordance with objectives set and research requirements. Second-year students are involved to take part in scientific groups, scientific conferences, and carry out courseworks. The student is aware of the value, the importance and necessity of research activities in his professional training.

Third-year students should know the fundamental principles of planning, organization and carrying out experimental work, the specificity of the use of different research methods. Research activity is realized in the practical mastery of the procedure of scientific research in the real conditions of the educational institution. On the third course a student should clearly understand the importance of experimental work and the need for its performing.

On the senior courses students confirm and improve the knowledge and skills in solving specific research tasks. They acquire great experience in research, writing course papers, articles, participating in competitions, conferences and seminars, olympiads on natural-science disciplines. A graduate should be aware of the role of research activity in his own professional development and self-realization, strive to find original research solutions, prove out independence, and differentiate interest in the object of the research activity in accordance with the personal inclinations, professional or scientific interests.

The content of natural disciplines and its features need to be considered by the teacher in the process of the development of students' research activity: the theoretical basis, necessary for further successful study of general professional and special disciplines; the specificity of the scientific speech, the mastery of which allows students to develop their creative thinking and commitment to research activity; methodology of the sciences, which are the basis of natural disciplines, in order to enable successful development of knowledge, abilities and skills of students; the usage of the methodology of the study, which includes methods, stages, approaches and content of the research activity; the development of personality characteristics that are necessary for the performing the scientific research.

It is important that mastering the research skills future teachers and those who are already working, carry these skills from their own experience on the pedagogical process in the educational institution. This occurs in two directions: a research within the pedagogical process and children training for the research activity in the framework of the course of study. This can be effectively acquired on the material of the natural-science content.

Thus, the research activity is one of the essential and necessary components of future teachers’ professional activity, including teachers of natural sciences. The skills of research activity, the ability to self-education will allow a future teacher of natural science constantly enrich the bundle of a professional knowledge and skills during the whole creative life. To realize it effectively special skills are required. The research skills development of teachers of natural sciences should be conducted deliberately, systematically, and in stages during the training in a higher educational institution. The research skills development of future teachers of natural-science disciplines is a necessary requirement for their future professional activity. These skills should be gradually developed during all period of training depending on the content of training and the requirements applied to the student during a particular course of studies.
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