neptunium – a transuranic element produced in nuclear reactors by the neutron bombardment of u-238: decays rapidly to plutonium and then to u-235. Symbol: np; atomic number: 93.
neptuniy– u-238 ning neytron bombardimonlari natijasida yadroviy reaktorlarda ishlab chiqarilgan transuranik element: tez plutonyumga, keyin esa u-235 ga pasayadi. Ramz: np; atom raqami: 93.
neutralization – to add an acid to a basic solution or a base to an acidic solution until the resulting solution is chemically neutral (ph = 7).
neytrallash – natijada olingan eritma kimyoviy jihatdan neytral (ph = 7) bo'lmaguncha kislotadan kislotali eritma yoki eritma qo'shiladi.
neutron – an elementary particle having no charge, mass slightly greater than that of a proton, and spin of ½: a constituent of the nuclei of all atoms except those of hydrogen. symbol: n.
neytron– hech qanday zaryadsiz elementar zarracha, protonga qaraganda biroz kattaroq massa va ½ ga aylanadi: vodoroddan tashqari barcha atomlarning yadrosini tashkil qiladi. belgilar: n.
niacin– a crystalline acid, c 6 h 5 no 2 , that is a component of the vitamin-b complex, found in fresh meat, yeast, etc., produced by the oxidation of nicotine, and used in the prevention and treatment of pellagra.
niatsin– nikotinga oksidlanish natijasida hosil qilingan va pellagraning oldini olish va davolashda ishlatiladigan yangi go'sht, xamirturush va hokazolarda mavjud vitamin-b kompleksining tarkibiy qismi bo'lgan c 6 h 5 no 2 kristalli kislotasi.
nickel–a hard, silvery-white, ductile and malleable metallic element, allied to iron and cobalt, not readily oxidized: used chiefly in alloys, in electroplating, and as a catalyst in organic synthesis. Symbol: ni; atomic weight: 58.71; atomic number: 28; specific gravity: 8.9 at 20°c
nikel –temir va kobaltga o'xshash qattiq, kumush-oq, po'stlog'li va zararsiz metall element, oson oksidlanmagan: asosan qotishmalarda, galvanikda va organik sintezda katalizator sifatida ishlatiladi. Ramz: ni; atom og'irligi: 58,71; atom raqami: 28; o'ziga xos tortishish: 20 ° c da 8.9
niobium– a steel-gray metallic element resembling tantalum in its chemical properties; becomes a superconductor below 9 k; used chiefly in alloy steels. Symbol: nb; atomic number: 41; atomic weight: 92.906;specific gravity: 8.4 at 20°c.
niobiy – kimyoviy xossalarida tantalga o'xshash po'lat kulrang metall element; 9kdan past bo'lgan superkompyuterga aylanadi; asosan qotishma çeliklarda ishlatiladi. Ramz: nb; atom raqami: 41; atom og'irligi: 92.906, solishtirma og'irlik: 20.4 daraja 8.4.
nitrate – a salt or ester of nitric acid, or any compound containing the univalent group –ono 2 or no 3
azot oksidi – nitrat kislota ishlab chiqarishda oraliq mahsulotni - elektr yuzidagi yuqori haroratlarda atmosferada kislorod va azotning to'g'ridan-to'g'ri birikmasidan tashkil topgan, rangli, biroz suvda eriydi, no, mis bilan ishqoriy nitrat kislota ta'sirida hosil bo'ladi
nitric acid – a colorless or yellowish, fuming, suffocating, caustic, corrosive, water-soluble liquid, hno 3 , having powerful oxidizing properties, usually obtained from ammonia or from chile saltpeter: used chiefly in the manufacture of explosives and fertilizers and in organic synthesis.
azot kislotasi –odatda ammiak yoki chili selitrasi yordamida olingan kuchli oksidlovchi xususiyatlarga ega bo'lgan rangsiz yoki sarg'ish, yong'inga qarshi, tozalovchi, kaustik, korroziv, suvda eriydigan suyuqlik, hno3: asosan portlovchi moddalar va o'g'itlarni ishlab chiqarishda va organik sintezda qo'llaniladi
nitric oxide – a colorless, slightly water-soluble gas, no, formed by the action of dilute nitric acid on copper, and by the direct combination of atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen at the high temperatures of an electric arc: an intermediate in the manufacture of nitric acid.
nitrat – nitrat kislota tuzining yoki esterining yoki univalent bo'lmagan guruhni -ono 2 yoki no 3 ni o'z ichiga olgan har qanday aralash