Children infectious diseases

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Vaccination by anatoxin

  1. Child, aged of 4 months, was brought in a polyclinic for vaccination. Indicate what immunity is created by vaccination:

      1. Natural active immunity

      2. Artificial passive immunity

      3. *Artificial active immunity

      4. Natural passive immunity

      5. Natural specific immunity

  1. In a maternity hospital a girl was born with medical contraindications for vaccination. Indicate the dose of vaccine which it follows to apply for the subsequent vaccination of the child:

      1. 0.25 dose BCG

      2. 0.3 dose BCG

      3. *0.5 dose BCG

      4. 0.75 dose BCG

      5. 1 dose BCG

  1. In a maternity hospital a girl was born with temporary contraindications for vaccination. Indicate the place of subsequent vaccination of the child:

      1. Maternity hospital

      2. At home

      3. In the hospital

      4. *In child's policlinic

      5. In regional child's polyclinic

  1. A child with malignant tumor came to a polyclinic. He receives frequent transfusions of blood preparations. In anamnesis there is absent the vaccination against viral hepatitis. Could a doctor vaccinate this child?

      1. Vaccination is not done

      2. Vaccination by one dose of vaccine

      3. Vaccination by the half dose of vaccine

      4. *Vaccination by two doses of vaccine

      5. Vaccination according the calendar

  1. In the age of 1-month and 28 days a child was brought to a polyclinic for vaccination against tuberculosis. Have a district pediatrician to do the Mantoux test before the vaccination?

      1. Must

      2. *Must not

      3. Must not in case of vaccination in the hospital

      4. must not at presence of phtysiatrist consultation

      5. Must not at presence of immunologist consultation

  1. In the age of 2-months a child was brought to a polyclinic for vaccination against tuberculosis. Must a district pediatrician appoint the Mantoux test before the vaccination?

      1. *Must

      2. Must not

      3. Must not in case of vaccination in the hospital

      4. must not at presence of phtysiatrist consultation

      5. Must not at presence of immunologist consultation

  1. In January the parents brought the child of 6 months in the vaccination room for routine DTP vaccination (third). The doctor recommend to parents to refrain from vaccination. Which of the following was the temporary contraindication for DPT vaccination?

      1. *Influenza epidemic in the city

      2. Insufficient weight gain of the Child (deficit 5%)

      3. Dentition

      4. An upper respiratory tract viral infection 1 month ago

      5. Increased body temperature to 37,6 oC after the previous vaccination

  1. In the blood of new-born antibodies to the virus of measles are revealed. About the presence of what immunity can it testify?

      1. Artificial passive

      2. Natural active

      3. *Natural passive

      4. Artificial active

      5. Inherited

  1. On the 2nd day after the DPT vaccination mother had seen at the injection site - in the upper outer quadrant of buttocks - infiltration with hyperemia of the skin 2 cm in diameter; general condition of a child is not violated. What is the most possible cause of infiltration?

      1. *Variant of normal vaccination process

      2. All of the above

      3. Wrong choice of injection site

      4. Allergic reactions to vaccine components

      5. Lack of vaccination sites processing (secondary infection)

  1. The child of 4 years is vaccinated out of the terms of calendar. Indicate the recommended chart of vaccinations against hepatitis B for vaccination of children out of terms of calendar:

      1. *now, through 1, 6 months

      2. through 3, 4, 5 months

      3. through 3, 4, 9 months

      4. through 3, 4, 8 months

      5. through 3, 9, 18 months

  1. The child was born in term in a maternity hospital. A mother renounced from vaccinations, however after the discharge from maternity hospital changed her mind. Indicate a vaccine and the dose which it follows to apply.

      1. 0.25 dose BCG

      2. 0.3 dose BCG

      3. 0.5 dose BCG

      4. *1 dose BCG

      5. 1 dose BCG-M

  1. The child was born in term in a maternity hospital. A mother renounced from vaccinations, however after the discharge from maternity hospital changed her mind. Indicate till what age of child vaccination against tuberculosis is done without the previous Mantoux test:

      1. to 2 weeks

      2. to 1 month

      3. *to 2 months

      4. to 3 months

      5. to 6 months

  1. The child was vaccinated against tuberculosis in a maternity hospital. In one-year age a district pediatrician did not find the vaccinal rib in the place of injection. Indicate what time after vaccination (in case of rib absence) does it follow to do the additional vaccination after negative Mantoux test:

      1. 1 year

      2. *2 years

      3. 3 years

      4. 6 years

      5. 7років

  1. The child, 12 months, in three days after the Mantoux test comes for vaccination. What diseases does it follow to vaccinate a child from?

      1. Whooping-cough, mumps, rubella

      2. *Measles, mumps, rubella

      3. Measles, whooping-cough, rubella

      4. Whooping-cough, hepatitis, rubella

      5. Rubella, whooping-cough, measles

  1. The child, aged 3 months, was vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping-cough, poliomyelitis, Ніb-infection. What interval is need before next vaccination against these diseases?

      1. 2 weeks

      2. *1 month

      3. 5 months

      4. 6 months

      5. 12 months

  1. The child, aged 4 months, was vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping-cough, poliomyelitis, Ніb-infection. What interval is need before next vaccination against these diseases?

      1. 2 weeks

      2. *1 month

      3. 5 months

      4. 6 months

      5. 12 months

  1. The child, aged 5 months, was vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping-cough, poliomyelitis, Ніb-infection. What interval is need before next vaccination against these diseases?

      1. Not less than 3 months

      2. Not less than 6 months

      3. Not less than 9 months

      4. *Not less than 12 months

      5. Not less than 18 months

  1. The child, aged 6 years, a week ago was vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis, measles, rubella, mumps. In his family a patient with tuberculosis is revealed. Indicate through what term after the vaccination it is possible to do the Mantoux test:

      1. on the next day

      2. in 2 weeks

      3. *in 1 month

      4. in 2 months

      5. in 3 months

  1. The healthy child of 6 years from the HIV-infected mother came for vaccination against poliomyelitis. What vaccine must receive this child?

      1. *Only IPV

      2. OPV

      3. According to the calendar of inoculations

      4. IPV or OPV by choice

      5. Vaccination is not done

  1. To the child of 18 months fourth vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping-cough was done. It is known from anamnesis that after the third one he has the febrile. What recommendation does it follow to give to the parents in case of the credible increase of temperature?

      1. *paracethamol during 1 day

      2. paracethamol during 3 days

      3. Aspirin during 1 day

      4. analgin during 1 day

      5. analgin during 3 days

  1. To the child, 12 months, the first vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps was done. What age will be done the second vaccination against this disease?

      1. 18 months

      2. 2 years

      3. 5 years

      4. *6 years

      5. 11 years

  1. To the child, aged 6 months, which was born with temporary contraindications for vaccination, in the conditions of child's polyclinic the Mantoux test was done. In 72 hours after estimation of results, a district pediatrician permitted on vaccination by the BCG-vaccine. Indicate the most probable result of the Mantoux test:

      1. *negative

      2. hyperemia 2 mm

      3. papule 2 mm

      4. papule 3 mm

      5. papule 4 mm

  1. To the child, aged 6 months, which was born with temporary contraindications for vaccination, in the child's polyclinic the Mantoux test was done. In 72 hours after estimation of the results, a district pediatrician find in the place of test only hyperemia of 2 mm. Is the vaccination against tuberculosis possible in this case?

      1. *Not to vaccinate

      2. to vaccinate

      3. to vaccinate only at presence of phtysiatrist consultation

      4. to vaccinate in the hospital

      5. to vaccinate only at presence of immunologist consultation

  1. To the district pediatrician children aged from 3 months to 4 years come for vaccination. What vaccinations does it follow to do to the children of 3 months?

      1. Hepatitis B

      2. DTP + OPV + Ніb

      3. DTaP +OPV + Ніb

      4. *DTP + IPV + Ніb

      5. DTP + IPV + hepatitis B

  1. To the girl, aged 5 months, the vaccination against poliomyelitis by OPV was done. How long does it follow to hold from injections, planned operations?

      1. 15 days

      2. 20 days

      3. 25 days

      4. 30 days

      5. *40 days

  1. To the girl, aged 5 months, the vaccination against poliomyelitis by OPV was done. What from enumerated is forbidden during next 40 days?

      1. *Injections

      2. Insolation

      3. Introduction of weaning

      4. Walks

      5. Massage

  1. To the girl, aged 5 months, the vaccination against poliomyelitis by OPV was done. What from enumerated is forbidden during next 40 days?

      1. *parenteral manipulations

      2. Insolation

      3. Introduction of weaning

      4. Walks

      5. Massage

  1. To the girl, aged 5 months, the vaccination against poliomyelitis by OPV was done. What from enumerated is forbidden during next 40 days?

      1. *Planned operations

      2. Insolation

      3. Introduction of weaning

      4. Walks

      5. Massage

  1. What kind of immunity to rubella virus has the breast-fed baby of 5 months if her mother at the age of 12 years had rubella?

      1. *Passive natural

      2. Active artificial

      3. Active natural

      4. Passive artificial

      5. Immunity is absent

Tasks to photo

  1. Fig. 6 shows how to check:

    1. *Kernig’s sign

    2. Lessague’s sign

    3. Upper Brudzinsky’s sign

    4. Middle Brudzinsky’s sign

    5. All of them

  2. Where you should place the needle at this manipulation in children (Fig. 1):

    1. *The space between lumbar vertebrae 4-5

    2. The space between lumbar vertebrae 1-2

    3. The space between lumbar vertebrae 2-3

    4. The space between sacral vertebrae 4-5

    5. The space between sacral vertebrae 2-3

  3. This manipulation (Fig. 1) is usually done for:

    1. Diagnosis of meningitis

    2. Differential diagnosis of serous and purulent meningitis

    3. Differential diagnosis of meningism (neurotoxicosis) and meningitis

    4. Diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage

    5. *All of these

  4. In purulent meningitis the cerebrospinal fluid sampling during this manipulation (Fig. 1) is done for:

    1. *bacteriological, biochemical, clinical research

    2. Bacteriological, biochemical research

    3. biochemical, clinical research

    4. virological, biochemical, clinical research

    5. bacteriological, virological, biochemical, clinical research

  5. Name a pathological symptom in this patient (Fig. 43).

    1. *increased anterior cervical lymph nodes

    2. increased anterior and posterior cervical lymph nodes

    3. increased submandibular lymph nodes

    4. increased anterior cervical and submandibular lymph nodes

    5. generalized lymphadenopathy

  6. Which disease is characterized by such changes in the patient (Fig. 43)?

    1. *Infectious mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr infection)

    2. Parotid infection (mumps)

    3. Influenza

    4. Rhinovirus infection

    5. Parainfluenza

  7. Which disease is characterized by such changes in the patient (Fig. 43)?

    1. Acute tonsillitis (angina)

    2. Diphtheria oropharyngeal (tonsillar)

    3. Adenovirus infection (pharyngoconjunctival fever)

    4. Infectious mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr infection)

    5. *All of them

  8. Which disease is characterized by such cough (Fig. 3), having paroxismal character?

    1. *pertussis

    2. parainfluenza

    3. obstructive bronchitis

    4. pneumonia with obstructive syndrome

    5. measles in the catarrhal period

  9. How long should be isolated the patient (Fig. 3), who is coughing so typically?

    1. *30 days from the disease onset

    2. 14 days from the disease onset

    3. 17 days from the disease onset

    4. 21 days from the disease onset

    5. 5 days from the attacks beginning

  10. How long should be quarantine for person contacted with this patient (Fig. 3), who is coughing so typically?

    1. 30 days

    2. *14 days

    3. 17 days

    4. 21 days

    5. 25 days

  11. During a typical moderate course of the disease (Fig. 3) at the end of cough paroxism will appear:

    1. Redness and edema of the face

    2. Sweating

    3. Lacrimation

    4. Possible vomiting

    5. *All of these

  12. The complication of which infection has developed in this patient (Figure 4)?

    1. *Meningococcal disease, generalized form (meningitis)

    2. Meningococcal disease, generalized form (meningococcemia)

    3. Parotid infection (mumps)

    4. Infectious mononucleosis

    5. Meningococcal infection, localized form (nazopharyngitis)

  13. What symptom is presented on this picture (Figure 4)?

    1. *Greffe

    2. Koplik's

    3. Filatov

    4. Pastia

    5. Moorson

  14. The complication of which infection has developed in this patient (Fig. 5)?

    1. *Meningococcal disease, generalized form (meningitis)

    2. Meningococcal disease, generalized form (meningococcemia)

    3. Parotid infection (mumps)

    4. Infectious mononucleosis

    5. Meningococcal infection, localized form (nazopharyngitis)

  15. Which neurological symptom the hydrocephalus is complicated by in this patient (Fig. 5)?

    1. *Paraplegia of the lower extremities

    2. Paraplegia of the upper extremities

    3. Tetraplegia

    4. Left-sided hemiplegia

    5. Right-sided hemiplegia

  16. Fig. 6 shows how to check:

    1. Upper Brudzinsky’s sign

    2. Middle Brudzinsky’s sign

    3. *Lower Brudzinsky’s sign

    4. Lessague’s sign

    5. All of them

  17. Fig. 7 shows how to check:

    1. *Upper Brudzinsky’s sign

    2. Middle Brudzinsky’s sign

    3. Lower Brudzinsky’s sign

    4. Lessague’s sign

    5. Kernig’s sign

  18. Fig. 7 shows how to check:

    1. *Nuchal rigidity

    2. Middle Brudzinsky’s sign

    3. Lower Brudzinsky’s sign

    4. Lessague’s sign

    5. Kernig’s sign

  19. Fig. 8 presents a pose of:

    1. *meningitis patient

    2. encephalitis patient

    3. patient with poliomyelitis, spinal form

    4. patient with poliomyelitis, pontine form

    5. healthy infant

  20. Fig. 8 presents a pose of:

    1. a patient with purulent meningitis

    2. a patient with serous meningitis

    3. a patient with meningism (neurotoxicosis)

    4. a patient with meningoencephalitis

    5. *characteristic in all these diseases

  21. In (Fig. 9) is represented a pose of:

    1. patient with purulent meningitis

    2. patient with serous meningitis

    3. patient with meningism (neurotoxicosis)

    4. patient with meningoencephalitis

    5. *is characteristic in all these diseases

  22. What infectious disease is characterized by such rash (Fig. 10)?

    1. *Meningococcal infection (meningococcemia)

    2. Measles in the period of pigmentation

    3. Scarlet fever, severe form

    4. Varicella (chickenpox), bullous form

    5. Rubella

  23. Name a symptom that is typical for rash, presented in this picture (Fig. 10)?

    1. Concentrated in the folds of the skin

    2. Is accompanied by the itching

    3. Appears by several waves

    4. *Not disappear with pressure

    5. Macular-papular

  24. Name a symptom that is typical for rash, presented in this picture (Fig. 10)?

    1. It is rough (“sand paper”)

    2. Completely disappears without scarring or scaling

    3. Appears gradually for 3-4 days

    4. *Large rashes necrotizing in the center

    5. Typically is present on the scalp

  25. Name a symptom that is typical for rash, presented in this picture (Fig. 10)?

    1. Further pigmentation of elements

    2. In the period of recovery occurs scaling of the epidermis

    3. It is polymorphic

    4. *Large rashes will scarring

    5. It is mainly localized on the face, upper extremities

  26. Residual period of which disease you could see in this patient (Fig. 11)?

    1. *Poliomyelitis, spinal form

    2. Poliomyelitis, pontine form

    3. Meningococcal infection (meningitis)

    4. Meningococcal infection (meningococcemia)

    5. Varicella-Zoster (cerebellitis)

  27. What neurological symptom is accompanied a residual period of poliomyelitis in this patient (Fig. 1)?

    1. *Paraplegia of the lower extremities

    2. Paraplegia of the upper extremities

    3. Tetraplegia

    4. Left-sided hemiplegia

    5. Right-sided hemiplegia

  28. Name the time of primary vaccination (child's age) for the prevention of this disease (Fig. 11):

    1. *3, 4, 5 months

    2. 1 day, 1, 6 months

    3. 1 year, 6 years

    4. 3, 4, 5, 18 months

    5. 3-7 day, 7 years, 14 years old

  29. Indicate which vaccine is used for primary vaccination (first and second) to prevent this disease (Fig. 11)?

    1. Oral poliovaccine

    2. *Inactivated poliovaccine

    3. MMR

    4. DTP

    5. Acellular DTP

  30. Indicate which vaccine is used for primary vaccination (third) and booster vaccinations (revaccinations) to prevent this disease (Fig. 11)?

    1. Oral poliovaccine

    2. *Inactivated poliovaccine

    3. MMR

    4. DTP

    5. Acellular DTP

  31. Which form of poliomyelitis has this patient (Fig. 12)?

    1. *spinal

    2. pontine

    3. bulbar

    4. meningeal

    5. inapparent

  32. What disease can be assumed in this patient (Fig. 12)?

    1. *Poliomyelitis (paralytic)

    2. Enterovirus infection (epidemic myalgia)

    3. Enterovirus infection (summer flu)

    4. Meningococcal infection (meningoencephalitis)

    5. Measles (meningoencephalitis)

  33. Name the date of revaccination (child's age) for the prevention of this disease (Fig. 12):

    1. 3, 4, 5 months

    2. *18 months, 6, 14 years

    3. 18 months, 6 years

    4. 3, 4, 5, 18 months, 6, 14 years

    5. 7 years, 14 years

  34. What disease can be assumed in this patient (Fig. 13)?

    1. *Poliomyelitis (paralytic)

    2. Enterovirus infection (epidemic myalgia)

    3. Enterovirus infection (summer flu)

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