the senators convened, Greenfi n told them
that there was nothing more he could do:
the bank was
simply out of fi sh. Some senators suggested that they
tell the truth to the islanders.
Those proposals died in
committee. Lindy searched for better answers.
He asked the island’s brilliant economist Ben Barnacle to
take over at the bank.
“No problem, sir,” said Barnacle. “The
situation is
that the citizens are losing confi dence. If we can start
spending more
of our Fish Reserve Notes now, that
will restore confi dence and then the citizens will start
spending again. If I have to, I’ll
drop the Fish Reserve
Notes from palm trees.”
Some of the senators were a bit confused. Although none
of them had Barnacle’s
economic training, some had the
feeling that the problems
stemmed from spending too
much to begin with. Buddy Goldfi sh tried to talk some
sense, but no one would listen.