232, 234, 247–50, 247n, 252; life expectancy and 26–7, 29; revolution and 132–7; speed of change in
pollution 20, 176, 213–14, 215–16, 341–2
poverty 3–6, 19, 33, 55, 205–6, 250, 251, 262, 349
Presley, Elvis 159–60, 159
Problem of Other Minds 119–20, 126–7
Protestant Reformation 185–7, 198, 242–4, 242, 243
psychology: evolutionary 82–3; focus of research 353–6, 360–2; Freudian 117; humanism and 223–4, 251–
2; positive 360–2
Putin, Vladimir 26, 375
pygmy chimpanzees (bonobos) 138–9
Quantified Self movement 331
quantum physics 103, 170, 182, 234
Qur’an 170, 174, 269, 270
rats, laboratory 38, 39, 101, 122–4, 123, 127–8, 286–7
Redelmeier, Donald 296
relativity, theory of 102, 103, 170
religion: animals and 75–8, 90–8, 173; animist 75–8, 91, 92, 96–7, 173; challenge to liberalism 268;
Dataism 367–97 see also Dataism; defining 180–7; ethical judgments 195–7; evolution and see
evolution; formula for knowledge 235–7; God, death of 67, 234, 261, 268; humanist ethic and 234–5;
monotheist 101–2, 173; science, relationship with 187–95, 197–8; scriptures, belief in 172–4;
spirituality and 184–7; theist religions 90–6, 98, 274
revolutions 57, 60, 132–7, 155, 263–4, 308, 310–11
Ritalin 39, 364
robo-rat 286–7
Roman Empire 98, 191, 192, 194, 240, 373
Romanian Revolution, 1989 133–7, 138
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare) 365–6
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 223, 282, 305
Russian Revolution, 1917 132–3, 136
Rwanda 15
Saarinen, Sharon 53
Saladin 146, 147, 148, 150–1
Santino (chimpanzee) 125–7
Saraswati, Dayananda 270, 271, 273
Scientific Revolution 96–9, 197–8, 212, 236–7, 379
Scotland 4, 303–4, 303
Second World War, 1939–45 21, 34, 55, 115, 164, 253, 262–3, 292
self: animal self-consciousness 124–7; Dataism and 386–7, 392–3; evolutionary theory and 103–4;
experiencing and narrating self 294–305, 337, 338–9, 343; free will and 222–3, 230, 247, 281–90, 304,
305, 306, 338; life sciences undermine liberal idea of 281–306, 328–9; monotheism and 173, 174;
single authentic self, humanist idea of 226–7, 235–6, 251, 281–306, 328–41, 363–6, 390–1; socialism
and self-reflection 251–2; soul and 285; techno-humanism and 363–6; technological challenge to liberal
idea of 327–46, 363–6; transcranial stimulator and 289
Seligman, Martin 360
Senusret III 161, 162
September 11 attacks, New York, 2011 18, 374
Shavan, Shlomi 331
Shedet, Egypt 161–2
Silico Medicine 323
Silicon Valley 15, 24, 25, 268, 274, 351, 381
Sima Qian 173, 174
Singapore 32, 207
smallpox 8–9, 10, 11
Snayers, Pieter: Battle of White Mountain 242–4, 243, 246
Sobek 161–2, 163, 171, 178–9
socialist humanism/socialism 247–8, 250–2, 256, 259–60, 261–2, 263, 264, 265, 266–7, 271–4, 325, 351,
soul 29, 92, 101–6, 115–16, 128, 130, 132, 138, 146, 147, 148, 150, 160, 184–5, 186, 189, 195, 229, 272,
282, 283, 285, 291, 324, 325, 381
South Korea 33, 151, 264, 266, 294, 349
Soviet Union: communism and 206, 208, 370, 371–2; data processing and 370, 370, 371–2;
disappearance/collapse of 132–3, 135, 136, 145, 145, 266; economy and 206, 208, 370, 370, 371–2;
Second World War and 263
Spanish Flu 9–10, 11
Sperry, Professor Roger Wolcott 292
St Augustine 275, 276
Stalin, Joseph 26–7, 256, 391
stock exchange 105–10, 203, 210, 294, 313, 369–70, 371
Stone Age 33–4, 60, 74, 80, 131, 155, 156, 157, 163, 176, 261
subjective experience 34, 80, 82–3, 105–17, 143–4, 155, 179, 229, 237, 312, 388, 393
Sudan 270, 271, 273
suicide rates 2, 15, 33
Sumerians 156–8, 159, 162–3, 323
Survivor (TV reality show) 240
Swartz, Aaron 382–3; Guerilla Open Access Manifesto 383
Sylvester I, Pope 190–1
Syria 3, 19, 149, 171, 220, 275, 313
Taiping Rebellion, 1850–64 271
Talwar, Professor Sanjiv 286–7
techno-humanism: definition of 352–3; focus of psychological research and 353–9; human will and 363–6;
upgrading of mind 359–66
technology: Dataism and see Dataism; inequality and future 346–50; liberal idea of individual challenged by
327–46; renders humans economically and militarily useless 307–27; techno-humanism and see
Tekmira 203
terrorism 14, 18–19, 226, 288, 290, 311
Tesla 114, 322
Thatcher, Margaret 57, 372
Thiel, Peter 24–5
Third Man, The (movie) 253–4
Thirty Years War, 1618–48 242–3
Three Gorges Dam, 163, 188, 196
Thucydides 173, 174
Toyota 230, 294, 323
transcranial stimulators 44–5, 287–90, 362–3, 364
Tree of Knowledge, biblical 76–7, 77, 97, 98
tuberculosis 9, 19, 23, 24
Turing, Alan 120, 367
Turing Machine 367
Turing Test
120 23andMe 336
Twitter 47, 137, 313, 387
US Army 287–90, 362–3, 364
Uganda 192–3, 195
United States: Dataism and 374; energy usage and happiness levels in 34; evolution, suspicion of within
102; Kyoto protocol, 1997 and 215–16; liberalism, view of within 247 n; nuclear weapons and 163;
pursuit of happiness and 31; value of life in compared to Afghan life 100; Vietnam War and 264, 265;
well-being levels 34
Universal Declaration of Human Rights 21, 24, 31
Urban II, Pope 227–8
Uruk 156–7
Valla, Lorenzo 192
Valle Giulia, Battle of, 1968 263
vampire bats 204–5
Vedas 170, 181, 270
Vietnam War, 1954–75 57, 244, 264, 265
virtual-reality worlds 326–7
VITAL 322–3
Voyager golden record 258–9
Waal, Frans de 140–1
Walter, Jean-Jacques: Gustav Adolph of Sweden at the Battle of Breitenfeld (1631) 242, 243, 244–5
war 1–3, 14–19; humanism and narratives of 241–6, 242, 245, 253–6
Warsaw Pact 264–5
Watson (artificial intelligence system) 315–17, 315, 330
Watson, John 88–9, 90
Waze 341–2
web of meaning 143–9
WEIRD (Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic) countries, psychology research focus on
354–5, 359, 360
West Africa: Ebola and 11, 13, 203
‘What Is It Like to Be a Bat?’ (Nagel) 357
White House lawn 62, 62, 63
Wilson, Woodrow 309
Wojcicki, Anne 336
World Cup Final, 2014 36, 37, 63
World Food Conference, Rome, 1974 5
World Health Organization 10, 11, 13
writing: algorithmic organisation of societies and 160–3; invention of 157–60, 379; shaping reality through
Yersinia pestis 7, 7
Zeus 47, 144–5, 176
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