Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 354–5
Joyce, James: Ulysses 240
JSTOR digital library 383
Jung, Carl 223–4
Kahneman, Daniel 294, 295–6, 338–9
Kasparov, Garry 320–1, 320
Khmer Rouge 264
Khrushchev, Nikita 263, 273–4
Kurzweil, Ray 24, 25, 27; The Singularity is Near 381
Kyoto protocol, 1997 215–16
Lake Fayum engineering project, Egypt 161–2, 175, 178
Larson, Professor Steve 324–5
Law of the Jungle 14–21
lawns 58–64, 62, 63
lawyers, replacement by artificial intelligence of 314
Lea, Tom: That 2,000 Yard Stare (1944) 244, 245, 246
Lenin Academy for Agricultural Sciences 371–2
Lenin, Vladimir 181, 207, 251, 271, 272, 273, 375
Levy, Professor Frank 322
liberal humanism/liberalism 98, 181, 247; contemporary alternatives to 267–77; free will and 281–90, 304;
humanism and see humanism; humanist wars of religion, 1914– 1991 and 261–7; individualism, belief
in 290–304, 305; meaning of life and 304, 305; schism within humanism and 246–57; science
undermines foundations of 281–306; technological challenge to 305–6, 307–50; value of experience
and 257–9, 260, 387–8; victory of 265–7
life expectancy 5, 25–7, 32–4, 50
‘logic bombs’ (malicious software codes) 17
Louis XIV, King 4, 64, 227
lucid dreaming 361–2
Luther, Martin 185–7, 275, 276
Luther King, Martin 263–4, 275
Lysenko, Trofim 371–2
MAD (mutual assured destruction) 265
malaria 12, 19, 315
malnutrition 3, 5, 6, 10, 27, 55
Mao Zedong 27, 165, 167, 251, 259, 263, 375
Maris, Bill 24
marriage: artificial intelligence and 337–8, 343; gay 275, 276; humanism and 223–5, 275, 276, 291, 303–4,
338, 364; life expectancy and 26
Marx, Karl/Marxism 56–7, 60, 183, 207, 247–8, 271–4; Communist Manifesto 217; Das Kapital 57, 274
Mattersight Corporation 317–18
Mazzini, Giuseppe 249–50
meaning of life 184, 222, 223, 299–306, 338, 386
Memphis, Egypt 158–9
Mendes, Aristides de Sousa 164–5, 164
Merkel, Angela 248–9
Mesopotamia 93
Mexico 8–9, 11, 263
Michelangelo 27, 253; David 260
Microsoft 15, 157, 330–1; Band 330–1; Cortana 342–3
Mill, John Stuart 35
‘mind-reading’ helmet 44–5
Mindojo 314
MIT 322, 383
modern covenant 199–219, 220
Modi, Narendra 206, 207
money: credit and 201–5; Dataism and 352, 365, 379; intersubjective nature of 144, 145, 171, 177;
invention of 157, 158, 352, 379; investment in growth 209–11
mother–infant bond 88–90
Mubarak, Hosni 137
Muhammad 188, 226, 270, 391
Murnane, Professor Richard 322
Museum of Islamic Art, Qatar 64
Muslims: Charlie Hebdo attack and 226; Crusades and 146, 147, 148, 149; economic growth, belief in
206; evaluating success of 174; evolution and 103; expulsions of from early modern Europe 197, 198;
free will and 285; lawns and 64; LGBT community and 225 see also Islam
Mussolini, Benito 302
Myanmar 144, 206
Nagel, Thomas 357
nanotechnology 23, 25, 51, 98, 212, 269, 344, 353
National Health Service, UK 334–5
National Salvation Front, Romania 136
NATO 264–5
Naveh, Danny 76, 96
Nayaka people 75–6, 96
Nazism 98, 164–5, 181, 182, 247, 255–7, 262–3, 375, 376, 396
Ne Win, General 144
Neanderthals 49, 156, 261, 273, 356, 378
Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylonia 172–3, 310
Nelson, Shawn 255
New York Times 309, 332–4, 347, 370
New Zealand: Animal Welfare Amendment Act, 2015 122
Newton, Isaac 27, 97–8, 143, 197
Nietzsche, Friedrich 234, 254, 268
non-organic beings 43, 45
Norenzayan, Ara 354–5
Novartis 330
nuclear weapons 15, 16, 17, 17, 131, 149, 163, 216, 265, 372
Nyerere, Julius 166
Oakland Athletics 321
Obama, President Barack 313, 375
obesity 5–6, 18, 54
OncoFinder 323
Ottoman Empire 197, 207
‘Our Boys Didn’t Die in Vain’ syndrome 300–3, 301
Page, Larry 28
paradox of knowledge 55–8
Paris Agreement, 2015 216
Pathway Pharmaceuticals 323
Petsuchos 161–2
Pfungst, Oskar 129
pharmacists 317
pigs, domesticated 79–83, 82, 87–8, 90, 98, 99, 100, 101, 231
Pinker, Steven 305
Pius IX, Pope 270–1
Pixie Scientific 330
plague/infectious disease 1–2, 6–14
politics: automation of 338–41; biochemical pursuit of happiness and 41; liberalism and 226–7, 229, 232,
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