Defensible space. _____ is the philosophy of creating living and working spaces that are secure by design._ - bu dizayn bilan xavfsiz bo'lgan yashash va ish joylarini yaratish falsafasi.
Do you want those shoes? I don’t want __them____ . Siz ushbu poyafzallarni xohlaysizmi? __ istamayman.
Don’t forget to ___turn__ off the lights when you come to bed.. Yotoqqa kelganingizda chiroqni o'chirishni _ unutmang.
Don’t wait for me. I _might be____ (be)late. It depends on the traffic.. Meni kutmang. Men _ (kech) bo'laman. Bu tirbandlikka bog'liq.
Father is calling Ali and me. He wants ___us___ .. Ota Ali va meni chaqirmoqda. U hohlaydi __ .
GED stands for _____. General Education Diploma.. GED _ ma'nosini anglatadi.
Gifted students are __________. Iqtidorli talabalar ______
Give me two __ pieces of ____ cake, please.. Iltimos, menga ikkita __ kek bering.
Goodbye, darling. I __will___ phone as soon as I arrive.”“Thanks. Bye!” “Xayr, azizim. Kelishim bilan _ telefon qilaman ”. “Rahmat. Xayr! ”
Have all the sandwiches ___been eaten__(eat)?. Barcha sendvichlar _ (ovqatlaning)?
Have you got ___any__ homework? _ uy vazifangiz bormi?
He has __a lot of___ money. He’s a millionaire. . Uning _ puli bor. U millioner.
He is Mrs. Taylor’s __-____ husband.. U Teylor xonimning __ eri.
How many ___glasses__ are there in the cupboard. . Shkafda nechta _ bor.
How many stars are on Uzbekistan’s flag? 12. O'zbekiston bayrog'ida nechta yulduz bor?
How ___ many __ people live in your house? . Sizning uyingizda _ kishi qanday yashaydi?
I ___met__(meet) a friend while I __was doing___(do) the shopping . Do'stim bilan _ (uchrashaman)
I ___turned__ (turn) round and __saw___ (see) Paula. . Men _ (burilish) dumaloq va _ (qarang) Paula.
I ___was paying__(pay) for my things when I __heard__ (hear) someone call my name. . Kimdir mening ismimni chaqirganda ____ (eshitsam), narsalarimga _ (to'layman).
I __have___ just ___had__ a good idea. Let’s eat out tonight.. Men yaxshi fikr _ shunchaki _. Keling, bugun kechqurun ovqatlanaylik.
I can see __lots of___ newspapers. . _ gazetani ko'rishim mumkin.
I can see a lot of ___ people ___ outside the building.. Men bino tashqarisida juda ko'p __ ko'rishim mumkin.
I can see Amanda. __She____ is waiting for the New York plane. Men Amandani ko'ryapman. __ Nyu-York samolyotini kutmoqda.
I don’t know __ many ___ students in this class. Because I am a newcomer. . Men bu sinfdagi _ talabani bilmayman. Chunki men yangiman.
I have __a few___ close fiends. Two or three. Menda _ yaqin odamlar bor. Ikki yoki uchta.
I haven’t got ___any___ paint.. Menda __ bo'yoq yo'q.
I haven’t got the keys. Father has got ___them___ .. Menda kalitlar yo'q. Otamda __ bor.
I lost my glasses. I looked __everwhere___, but I couldn’t find them.. Men ko'zoynaklarimni yo'qotib qo'ydim. Men _ ga qaradim, lekin ularni topolmadim.
I need __some___ help with my homework. Are you free? . Menga uy vazifasi bo'yicha _ yordam kerak. Bo'shmisiz?
I put __ a little ____ sugar on the fruit. I do not like sugar very much.. Men mevaga __ shakar qo'ydim. Men shakarni unchalik yoqtirmayman.
I saw _some____ change on the table a minute ago. Bir daqiqa oldin stolda _ o'zgarishni ko'rdim.
I was at __---___ home all day yesterday. Men kecha butun kun _ uyda bo'ldim.
I was given this watch __from___ my aunt.. Menga bu soat _ xolam berildi.
I was late for work because I __missed___ the bus.. Men avtobusga _ kelganim uchun ishdan kechikdim.
I work in ___the__ company that makes __----___ carpets. Men _ gilam ishlab chiqaradigan _ korxonada ishlayman.
I’ll be ready in __a few___ minutes. . Men _ daqiqada tayyor bo'laman.
I’ll wait for you half __an____ hour.. Men sizni yarim soat __ kutaman.
I’m bored. I want __ something ___ interesting to read, or __ somebody __ to talk to, or __ somewhere __ interesting to go. Men zerikdim. Menga _ qiziqarli o'qish yoki ____ bilan suhbatlashish yoki ____ qiziqarli.
In our garden there is __a___ huge pine tree, and there are __a lot of___
bushes. . Bizning bog'imizda _ ulkan qarag'ay daraxti bor va _ mavjud butalar.
In which city is Tamerlan’s mausoleum located? Samarkand. Tamerlan maqbarasi qaysi shaharda joylashgan?
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