particularly with microfilament production. In add-
ition, agglomerates can lead to material flow prob-
lems if left unchecked and can shut down entire
operations. Plug flow in the fluid bed is achieved
through a system of internal baffles (which can be
adjusted if necessary to alter the residence time) so
that each chip is given a very similar thermal treat-
ment and therefore achieves uniform crystallization.
Bag filter
Fines bin
Bleed off
Fluid-bed fan
Column air
Vibro discharge
Rotary valve
Air or N
Rotary valve
FIGURE 41.14
Continuous fluid-bed crystallizer/column dryer for polyester. (Courtesy of Rosin Engineering/Rosin
Americas Ltd.)
2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
W hen the c hips reach the last section of the fluid
bed in the cryst allized a nd he ated cond ition, they pa ss
over a weir an d descend into the column dryer. Thi s
unit was origi nally developed by Rosin in con junction
with ICI over a pe riod of 2 y to arrive at a design that
gives true piston or plug flow.
A constant , gentl e flow of heated, dehumidi fied air
or nitro gen is pr ovided upwar d through the column.
The de w poin t of this gas is caref ully co ntrolled by
either a molec ular sieve ab sorption system when us ing
compres sed air, or a combinat ion of two -stage re-
frigerat ion/drying system for low-pres sure gas sup -
plied by a fan. The compres sed air syst ems are
more cost effective for plants wi th capacit ies up to
1000 kg /h. Above this rate, the ambien t air system
is usuall y preferred. When nitr ogen is involv ed, it
becomes more cost effecti ve to us e a closed-loop ,
low-pres sure de humidifyi ng system for all but the
smallest of plant cap acities.
The pro duction of ch ips with a fina l mois ture
content of 50 ppm typic ally require s a resid ence time
of 2 h using heated gas with a de w point of 40
Whereas this mois ture level is sati sfactory for normal
yarns and staple fibers, micr ofilame nt quality requir es
a mois ture level of 20 ppm , which is achieve d by
corres ponding adjustment s to the retention tim e and
gas de w point.
Figure 41.14
, the gas supply to the column
dryer is heated after de humidifi cation using a simila r
heat exchanger as in the fluid bed. This relative ly
small amou nt of gas mixes wi th the gas above the
fluid bed and the same quan tity is then vented off to
atmosp here (air) or to a return line (nitrogen) afte r
the supply fan, such that the whol e syst em is ke pt in
pressur e balance. This small air loss is in fact the only
energy loss in the syst em. Sin ce the gas for the fluid
bed is recycled , the heat inpu t closely matche s that
requir ed to he at the chips, whi ch in any case are
heated for the subsequ ent extrusion pr ocess. In
many inst ances, the column dryer is posit ioned dir-
ectly above the extrude r.
It is clear from the discus sion in this ch apter that
numerous dr yer types can be used for drying of poly-
mers. Rotating doubl e-cone vacuum dryers, e.g., can
be used up to 300
C and 0.1 torr a bsolute pressure for
process ing PET, PBT, and liquid-cry stal polyme rs.
The combinat ion of high tempe rature and low pres-
sure assists semicryst alline an d nonc rystalline poly-
mers to cryst allize and align to increa se the streng th
of the polyme r. Polyest er, nylon, fluorop lastics, and
polyuret hane can also be dried in rotating- cone
vacuum dryers . Suc h dry ers can hand le flakes, chips,
pellets, and crystals . The slow tumbl ing actio n doe s
not cause changes in the shapes of particles . Units a re
commer cially available in v olume from 0.2 to 350 ft
For solvent -wet mate rials, closed- syst em ope ration
includin g solvent recove ry is possibl e. Highe r main-
tenance costs are the lim itations of such dryers .
Among the new types of dryers suited for poly-
mers, one may cite the centri fugal pellet dr yer mar-
keted by Gala Industr ies (Eagle Rock, VA), which
can be used to dry polyet hylene, PP, polyester, rub -
ber, and so on in three distinct phases: (1) predew a-
tering; (2) impac t dewateri ng; and (3) air drying. Up
to 95% of the water is remove d by impac t and gravi ty
through vertical perfor ated plates in the first stage .
The prede watered pellets are fed into a turbin elike
rotor encased in stationar y cy lindrical screens . As
the pellets move spira lly (in the second stage ) from
the bottom to the top of the rotor, the wat er co ntent
is reduced to a value between 0.5 and 1%. Finally , air
drying reduces the mois ture to below 0.05% in the
upper part of the rotor as air is forced through the
moving pellets.
Numer ous pa pers ha ve appeared in recent years
on drying of polyme rs and resi ns. Shah and Aroara
[17] have reviewed the stat e of the art of drying sus-
pension- PVC. They compare, in depth, continuous
FBDs, rotary dryers , and cyclone dryers. The impac t
on en ergy consumpt ion, maint enance co sts, and
product qualit y is assessed an d compared. They
show that FBD wi th immersed heat exch anger ha s
some limitations when severa l grades of polyme rs a re
to be dried with frequent g rade ch anges.
Reader s inter ested in mathe mati cal mo deling of
polyme r drying may refer to Vergnau d [18] .
Fol lowing is an exampl e of how selec tion of the
dryer is affected by qua lity of the dried product that
may be used as raw mate rial to prod uce differen t
consumer prod ucts. Sha h and Arora [19] ha ve sur-
veyed the various possible drye rs used for cryst alliza-
tion/dryi ng of polyest er chips from initial moisture
content of about 0.3 to 0.5% (wb) to under 50 ppm .
Aside from low average moisture con tent it is also
necessa ry to ensure uniform distribut ion of mois ture,
especi ally for certa in prod ucts, e.g. , producti on of
thin films . The unifor mity con straint is less severe if
the chips are to be used to make PET bottles.
shows schema tics of the cryst allizat ion/drying
steps involv ed. Genera lly, it is a two -step process . The
material is heat- sensi tive. The init ial cryst allizat ion/
drying is fast er than the drying step at low mois ture
levels. A two-stage dryer is indicated and is com-
monly used. It is possible to use different dryer types
for each stage as shown in
Figure 41.16
. A single
dryer type (e.g., column or packed bed dryer with
2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
the chips moving downw ard slowly unde r gravity) is
cheaper a nd hen ce recomm ended for the lowe r qual-
ity grade but a more exp ensive fluid bed followe d by
another fluid bed or co lumn dryer may be ne eded for
the higher quality g rade. Note that numerou s a lter-
natives are possibl e in each case. It is also impor tant
to ope rate the dryers at the correct con ditions of gas
flow rate, tempe ratur e, and hum idity. Dehu midified
air is needed to achieve low final moisture content s in
accordance with the equili brium moisture isot herms
of the prod uct.
Ano ther example of dryer selec tion is related to
the choice of a suitab le atomizer for a spray dryer.
A spray dryer is indica ted when a pumpab le slurr y,
solution , or suspensi on is to be reduced to a free-
flowin g powder . With pr oper choice of atomi zer,
spray chamber de sign, gas tempe ratur e, and flow
rate it is possibl e to ‘‘eng ineer’’ powder s of desired
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