Good- impeccable, immaculate, unprecented, picture-perfect, worthwhile bad- unacceptable, adverse, malicius

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Have a healthy pay rise- haqoniy ravishda oylik olish
Take more senior role- promotion
Move into management- to become boss
Gain valuable experience- tajriba olish
Niche-ideal position
Meager income - low income
Have job security- less likely get fired
Be stuck behind a desk all day- be obsessed with work
Have a boss who breathes down your neck- boss who puts you in surveillance
Boost a strong sense of discipline-
BOUNCE IDEAS OFF PEOPLE- share ideas with
On a daily basis- everyday
Feel cut-off – ozini chopilgandek his qilish
Underpay- kam haq tolamoq
Creditable conduct
Dynamic, zealous personnel
Stringent requirements and regulations
Increment-raise in salary
Freelancer- self employed
Coalition- birlashmoq
Consensus- agreement
Immaculate reputation or conduct
Impeccable skill ( also speaking the language)
Novice- beginner
Versatile- capable of many skills
Act on the whim of the moment- do something slowly
Permanent post- job
To shortlist- to opt job applicants
Perk- reward given from work ( car, house, money)
Avoiding such untoward ramifications including downsize, outsource ( dapat) and restructure (the organization change)
Face stress in the period of adaptating to alien surrounding
Telecommute- working online
Take sick leave- ishdan juvab alib getishlik
Job-hopping – changing the job frequently
We ought to plant our day in a meticulous way- ota ehtiyotkorona
Downshifting- reduce the workload and to put your feet up
Pursue career- endeavor to promote
Have a defined career path
Future career prospects
Organize job trainings and/or day release programs
The risk of redundancy
Performance at reviews and appraisals
Subsidizing healthy pursuits – sportni pul bn supply
Encourage them with increments, perks and/or financial rewards
Financial state and employment
Pursue a fulfilling career that ensures a satisfied life
Workers= personnel, subordinates, employees, laborers
Salary= remuneration, earning , income, wage( for specific work done)
Required educational background
Have experience and soft skills
To be of immediate benefit to the company
-Water contamination == plastic waste reduction
-Overpopulation== one-child legislation,
- Soil erosion, salinity and oil spill
• adverse effects on the prestine environment and creatures living there
- Greenhouse effects== environmental inspectors who randomly visit such factories and are empowered under the law to impose a fine or completely seal the production facility found in violation of the rules
- Waste disposal==recycling the solid waste
- Water vapor and carbon dioxide == the latter is afforestation (planting new forests)
- Loss of biodiversity
- Deforestation
- Ozone layer depletion
- Climate change == pollution reduction
- Flooding coastal regions== building flood protection barriers
-Environment can be considered as a blanket that keeps life on the planet sage and sound
- A race for seeking resources
- Disturb the plant and animal habitat
- Human activity
- Environmental control desk in the city office
- Hurting ecological balance
- Solar or hydrogen-powered cars
- comes with huge environmental cost
-emit hazardous gas
-dump dangerous materials in our rivers
- Flora and fauna
- Abuse of environment
- improved behavior of homeowners
- to regulate recycling laws
- waste-free environment
- recycling facilities and systems
-education = schooling
-tertiary, third-world education
-competence, aptitude, faculty
-huge pressure and burden on students
-polished verbal skills
-will aid them lifelong in every arena
-dilate horizon
-cranial capacity
- show dedication
- children from working-class families
- conduct, demeanor
-increase ones marketable skills
-hone literacy skills
-good at = proficient, adapt, excel at
- obnoxious behavior
- clever = witty, omniscient, shrewd, keen, competent, ingenious
- boosts their morale
- can put one ahead of the game
-diploma= required education background
-shaping children future
- prompt children to ( if technology)
- emotionally secure environment
- intellectual and social development
- lay robust foundation from a very young age
- promise a more perspective
- compete on a global scale
- books can be easily underlined and turned front as well as back
-enrich teaching process
-should students learn computer skills and their software handling there will be no need to training during their employment
-they limit students imagination power
- children's natural curiosity and artistic energy
- prompt feedback
- exams are a way to monitor learning progress
--- self-determination
-- goal-setting
- mental agility ( thinking)
-- goal- attainment
- contextual supports and opportunities
- devoided of a deeper understanding of correct moral behavior
- thus, the higher the level of education in a country, the better the chances of development are
- doorway to success
- it serves as the key which will unlock numerous doors that will lead to success
- their chosen occupation
- pursue further studies
- to achieve and maximize potentials
- yield improvement
- apply knowledge and experience in their line of job
- have strong will and determination
- problem solving and creative thinking
- marginalized
- freshman
- sophomore
-student loans and scholarships
-skip classes
- comprehensive, inclusive, integrated education
receive tuition
personalized tuition
Strict curriculum
those with special educational needs or learning disabilities
Support and guidance
Library resources
syllabus information
Assessments and examinations
Technological competence
Mental, moral and aesthetic development
Cultivation of skills, trades or professions
Widening participation
The older generation transferring their life wisdom to their
Productive member of a civilized society
lead disciplined/healthy life
Computer education in schools plays a major noteworthy role in the career development of young children
Education lays the foundation stone for our future
Education exxpands their vision and creates awareness
Good salary=better earning opportunities
Education is prerequisite of the prosperity and modernization of country
Pursue a fulfilling career that ensures a satisfied life
brings them to the top of dreams
Education is really worth investment
Educated peoplemake an educated nation
Large enough to accommodate the students
Individual attention
Progress of country is comparatively reflected by the success of students
Education is a ticket to a job
Computer education
Human trafficking- the trade over people
Identity theft – fictitious documenting
Forgery- soxtalashtirmoq
Smuggling- контрабанда
Cyber crime
Poaching- illegal hunting
Vandalize- damage to the public property
Illicit – illegal
Criminal conspiracy and corrupt
Domestic violence
Juvenile delinquency- teenager crime
Bail- kafil
Conviction- hukm qil
Counterfeit== fictitious
Custody, (jail), detention, – arrest
Prison sentence for repeat offenders
Homicide- murder
Incarcerated, confine- arrested
Delinquent, offender
Plaintiff- the person who sued someone
Prosecution, indictment – ayblov
Sue – give someone to the court
Rehabilitation centre
Serial killer
Traitor – person who bertray the country
Trial- sud process
To serve out a custodial sentence
Miscarriage of justice- aybsiz aybdor
A triumphed-up charge- tomat
Remanded in custody- being kept in jail till trial date
An unanimous verdict – agreeable and impeccable deduction
Contest a verdict – to think that the deduction was injustice and make trial again
Condoned the deed, in the view of the offender age
Denounce- publicly considered to be evil
Children with exceptionable demeanor
Instigate – undamoq va avj oldir
Communal riots and protests
To quash an indictment – remove the prosecution
Retribution – jazo
Sordid purpose – garazli ( iflos ) maqsad
Plunder – to attack and rob
Impunity- devoid of retribution
Allegation- indictment without proof
Custody- 1) vasiylik
Immunity- was been rescued from prison
-Additionally, seminar and campaigns can be conducted at the ground level to aware people about the benefits of exercising
-minimal exercise regime
- Balanced diet
- Processed food
- Aerobic exercise (kind of разминка)
- Inactive lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits
- burning less calories and gaining weight
-consume large portions of high-calorie food
- reduce blood glucose
- Metabolism might deteriorated
-moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily
-blood pressure
- Regular exercise stimulate blood flow to the brain and nerve growth
- A basic health checkup and pay their medical bills
-health care, well-being
- Free health insurance
- Cardiac issues (heart)
- Dehydration (shortage of water)
- Rehabilitation
- Stamina
- Therapy
- Vaccination
- curbing addiction to fast foods
- Intake of saturated fats
- cut down on sugar
- Health-conscious nation
- regulating their own behavior in the long term
- packaged food from stores which can easily be microwaved and consumed
- contains healthy and organic ingredients
- They are prepared under unhygienic conditions and use many chemicals to make them tastier
- Harmful for health, in the long run
- Heal, cure
- Combat poor health
- Physical workout
- Chronic disease
- Nutrition and exercise
- Immunity
- pull them in constant stage of depression
- Catchy illnesses by massive vaccination practices allowed longer life expectancy
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- doubles the risk of cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure
- Junk food
- engage in sports
- Intense workout
- Sugar free
- Body mass index (вес)
-Connect freely and easily with no geographical barriers
- Benefit from it either in work or social contexts
-the availability of new communication technologies
-mixing with their peers in the real world
-these ‘virtual’ relationships are a poor substitute for real friendship
-Proximity and closeness
-It is less likely to experience loneliness
-Popularity will continue to flourish
- Due to advances in technology people are perpetually available
-hack the data
- facilitate easy communication
-no privacy for an individual
-distanced themselves from society
-rapid and wide application of technology
- Most of the household work automatically
- sidetracked by notifications
- -Multifarious advanced
- To tap in to limitless source of information
-register with a site and claim to be an adult
- Online fraud and hacking
- Sensitive information falling into the hands of criminals
- Governments should ensure that adequate legislation and controls are in place
- Digitalization (everything becomes electronic)
-Become rapidly obsolete
-Computer literate
-Control remotely
-Hacking into the network – To gain illegal access to the compute
-Internet-enabled – Machines or appliances that have Internet access
-Wireless hotspots – A location where the Internet is available
-Online piracy – The downloading of licensed media without payment
-Technophile – a person who is enthusiastic about new technology
- State-of-the-art
-cyber attack
- Computer fatigue – tiredness from computer
-stuck behind a computer
-tourism industry
-people opt travelling as a holiday get away
- Boost in country’s economy
- Provides an incentive in infrastructure
- Cultural collaborations
-Local traditions that have a rich cultural heritage are reduced to wearing costumes
-Tourists often lack respect for local traditions and culture, refuse to follow local dress standards, get drunk in public, or behave rudely or inappropriately towards locals.
-Tourism can provide much-needed employment for people
- meeting people with different beliefs broadens our perspectives
-Visiting places one has never been to
-Introduction to different cultures catalases respect towards the mutual differences
-tourism generates a significant portion of national income
-tourism yields an additional income
-the influx of tourists
-they invariably burden the transportation system and contribute to pollution
-popular tourist destinations
-Ancient buildings, temples and monuments struggle to cope with a vast amount of visitor’s traffic and get damaged
- tour was a word for wealthy people only
-a golden age of international travel
-explore any other corner of Earth that has piqued their interest
-see the wonders of the globe
-remote and exotic places
-alleviate unemployment in the area
-adverse effects on the pristine environment and creatures living there
-Many people make a living by providing services for travelers
-bombarded with information on pictures of the locales
-geography and customs
-alien culture
-self-catering holiday
-offering entertaining and interactive scenarios
-out of ordinary comfort zone
-Traveling Relieves Stress and Anxiety
-Disconnect & Recharge
Arts deliver messages about
Arts teach us to cherish the beauty of culture
Art galleries and museums can serve as a source of income
Fuel for our spiritual lives
Art is the externalization of the individual skills and reflects the heritage of a country
Preserve the integrity and originality of a nation
Cultural specimens, artifacts, artworks, sculptures
Cultural identity is preserved
For example, the government of China spends large amounts of money to re-acquire works of art lost during its Cultural Revolution in order to provide its public a meaningful repository of art and culture to appreciate
Traditional music and ancient paintings
Improve the population’s sense of togetherness and belonging and boosts patriotism.
Children can develop creative thinking and imagination (creativity)
Art can help nurturing talents
Children do not have linguistic capabilities thus art can help with conveying meaning through pictures and symbols
Expresses national characteristics, practices and customs
Renaissance – activity which is becoming popular (music, art)
Rampant globalization
Free flow of goods and information
Lose century-old cultural uniqueness
A mixed cultural global village
Mass media and technology have promoted the norm of globalization
Traditional barriers among nations are gradually breaking down
Do not have the luxury of preparing a nutritious, time-consuming meal
Only spend minimal amounts
The bulk of government spending
Funds spent in these areas directly benefiting the population
Eventually grow the net revenues of the nation
The bulk of government spending should be made on more pressing needs of the people
The revenue emanating from___
Government should finance
Need a proper funding
The government should invest massively in
Undeniable usefulness of the media
Global audience
Catch up on current affairs
Online streaming websites
Spend an outsized amount of time
Limited adult supervision
Broadcast, aired
Newspapers are a dying industry
More informative and trustworthy
Online institutions
Tabloid (news about big names)
Propogate/ propaganda
Generation gap
Dysfunctional family
Provide with shelter, clothes and food
Accompany and educate the children to be useful member of society
Socialize with our friends
Individuals’ upbringing
get sound advice from them
Share similar beliefs and personal qualities
To select a circle of friends
To turn to family for critical advice
Strengthening familial bonds
A lifelong friend
Extended family
Long-term relationships
Nurture friendships
Share a common background
Intimate secrets that are impossible to share
Mutual understandings
Tolerant of their mistakes and imperfections
Parents set a role model
1) Portable
Students can fit entire libraries into a single gadget
2) Eco-friendly
Unlike books they do not require tapping into virgin forests to make paper and print them
3) Affordable
They are comparatively cheap
The cost of digitizing materials is less than the cost of publishing them
3) Accessible
Information can be obtained without having to leave the comfort zone
1) unreliable
They stop working when battery of the gadget is relatively low
2) Generates no income to an author
3) eye irritation
Funding for exploration
1) Knowledge generation
Understand the universe
Colonize other planets
Monitor the effects of global warming
Find planet on which humanity could pursue their lives
Longer life expectancy
Ageing population
To help uphold morals and values in a country
Increase in pension and health-care costs
Will put pressure on health-care facilities
Fail to cope with demand( patients)
Increase in job competition
Medical and social care expenses
Financially burden the government
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