Questions to be discussed: 1. Independent work and learning
2. Role of extracurricular activities
3. The content and process of organization of extra-curricular work at school, lyceum and college
Key terms: extracurricular activities, contemporary strategies, active learning, leaders of extracurricular activities.
Independent work and learning Nowadays the role of an independent work (learning) at all stages of education is increasing. One of the organizational forms of teaching is independent work (self-study) run out of direct contact with a teacher (homework, laboratory work) or run under control of the teacher and run through teaching material and monitoring by the teacher (distance learning). Independent work is the important part in ELT, because 30 % of teaching and learning time is given to the independent work. The teacher must 1) understand the goal of independent work and the final result of ELT at a certain level; 2) know the procedure of independent work. Independent work can be conducted in the classroom and out-of-classroom in the written and oral form. Independent work can be organized as an individual work, or pair and group work.
It is known that independent work activates students’ cognitive activity making learning process more successful and developing self-learning abilities of learners.
The aim of the teacher is 1) to select the content of ELT, 2) to provide rational organization of students’ self-learning, 3) to develop students’ self-learning strategies. Each student uses the source of information depending on his/her needs and capabilities, he/she works in own tempo to come to some result. That’s why an independent work shapes flexible form of organization and contributes increasing responsibility of each student for the results of education.
It is necessary for development students’ independent learning:
- to become aware of the purpose of activity and all tasks;
- to know the procedure of tasks doing;
- to be able to use different aids for tasks doing;
- to be able to see the visual and verbal supporters in the material of the task to overcome the difficulties;
- to provide the appropriate conditions for task doing.
Teachers can train students to take charge of every stage of their independent learning, which includes:
- setting goals;
- identifying and developing strategies to achieve such goals;
- developing study plans;
- reflecting on learning (which includes identifying problem areas and the means of addressing these problems);
- identifying and selecting relevant resources and support;
- assessing one’s own progress (which includes a certain criterion for evaluating performance and learning).
Independent work can be organized as individual work, in pair work, small group and with whole class. These organizational forms call upon to create and develop a set of organizational, information, cognitive and communicative skills which provide moving to language proficiency and learning strategies interactively.