Thank you for buying my method.
How does it works?
It’s really simple. We will use a Tampermonkey Script which changes the timezone of our browser
whenever we make a new order on G2A. As soon as we get redirected to the payment page, our
timezone will chang
e, which will result in our order getting market as “Expired” on G2A’s payment
processor called “Bitbay”,
but not on G2A’s side itself.
So, if we pay for the products - our order will
get processed and delivered by G2A anyway,
but money will get INSTANTLY refunded to our wallet by
Important - Please read this:
Keep in mind that Bitbay will refund your expired order only if it’s above 0.002 BTC. Any lower amount
is not prioritized by their refund system and will require from you to contact G2A’s support to get a
refund, which will result in your request getting REJECTED, as they will find out that the order was
already processed by them (you have received the products). If you use any amount higher than 0.002
BTC, it will get automatically refunded without problems. Basically you
have to add to your cart
products that are worth at least 0.002 BTC in total, it could be one or multiple products -
matter. There are absolutely NO LIMITS on the maximum worth of your cart. I have personally
purchased 5 x $100 Amazon Giftcards in one order.
Here are the things you need:
I was getting multiple questions if this script could work for other payment methods.
The answer is
No. If you want to use this method, you have to use Bitcoin. It’s very easy to buy bitcoin nowadays, and
you can also sell things you have such as games for bitcoin, and when you execute this method, you will
get the bitcoin you used to pay for your order refunded and will get the item you purchased
for free, so
you won’t lose it.
works in phones, only in a computer or laptop. With this method you will be able to get anything from
completely for free. This exploit works for literally any product that is available for sale on
G2A, such as giftcards, smartphones, gaming accessories and games.
At least 0.002 BTC
/ 100 USD minimum order
Google Chrome browser
Tampermonkey extension (The link is on the next page)
A Script that changes the Timezone (The link is on the next page)
- VPN - U.S IP , sometimes
show up in
This method is very easy and quick to execute, you can do it in about 2 minutes. This method does NOT
If you need help with the method contact me on Telegram:@Mr_Leet
Step 7
. Go to
and add a product or some products to your cart.
I will purchase
a $100 Amazon Giftcard.
Accept Terms & Conditions, Insert your e-
mail address and click “Go to payment”.
Then click bitcoin (bitbay):
script is NOT working. Check if you did every previous step correctly, check if the script is active on
tampermonkey or close and open the browser again.
G2A Session Expired enabled!
Press OK to continue”
, like on the screenshot below. Then press OK to
This message means that the script is working. If the message doesn’t appear,
it means the
It usually takes from 1 to 5 minutes to get your money refunded by Bitbay.
I sent a payment at 4:02 AM and the money was refunded 10 minutes later. And this is what I got on
my email:
Contact Me
If you
need help with the method
and video tutorial
, contact me on
before asking me any questions.