2020 Annual Report
The preparation of consolidated financial
statements in accordance with IFRSs requires
management to make judgements, estimates
and assumptions that affect the application
of policies and reported amounts of assets,
liabilities, income and expenses. Estimates
and associated assumptions are based on
historical experience and various other factors
that are believed to be reasonable under the
circumstances. Actual results may differ from
these estimates.
Estimates and underlying assumptions
are reviewed regularly and revised when
required. Revisions to accounting estimates
are recognised in the period in which the
estimate is revised if the revision affects only
that period, or in the period of the revision
and future periods if the revision affects both
current and future periods.
Judgements made by management in the
application of IFRSs that have significant effect
on the consolidated financial statements and
major sources of estimation uncertainty are
discussed in note 5.
(b) Functional and presentation currency
All financial information in the consolidated
financial statements summary is presented in
millions of Chinese Yuan (CNY), which is the
Company’s functional currency.
(c) Consolidation
(i) Business combinations
The Group accounts for business combinations
using the acquisition method when the
acquired set of activities and assets meets the
definition of a business. To be considered a
business, an acquisition would have to include
an input and a substantive process that
together significantly contribute to the ability
to create outputs.
The Group may determine that an acquired
set of activities and assets is not a business
if substantially all of the fair value of the
gross assets acquired is concentrated in a
single identifiable asset or group of similar
identifiable assets.
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Summary
1 Reporting entity
Huawei Investment & Holding Co., Ltd. (the Company)
is a limited liability company established in Shenzhen
in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The
Company’s registered office is at Building 1, Zone B,
Huawei Base, Bantian, Longgang District, Shenzhen
City, PRC.
The Company and its subsidiaries (the Group)
principally provide end to end information and
communication technology solutions. This includes
the research, design, manufacture and marketing
of telecom network equipment, IT products and
solutions, cloud technology and services and
smart devices for telecom carriers, enterprises
and consumers. The principal activities and other
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