Final test 4 @ is called ‘little snail’ in….. A) Greece B)France C) Poland D)Sweden In Denmark @ is often called……. A)little dog B)ear C)pig’s tail D) littleduck 3. Find the correctdefinition A) aportablephone B) an immovablephone C)a headphone D)speakers Ray Tomlinson is a man who……… A) inventedtheNet B) invented @ C) invented @andemail D) invented email @ was invented in…. A) 1970 B)1972 C)1994 D)1971 What are the advantages ofcomputers? social skills, waste of time, researching, information, online education Insomnia, lack of creativity, onlineeducation cheating, physical inactivity, online assignmenthelp
Find the correct preposition. Today we talked …RayTomlinson. A) to B)with C)at D) – He hates cables that’s why he has a …… mouse and……… A)keyboard,web B) wireless,keyboard C)homepage, wireless D) download, webcam 9.”My computer isn’t functioning well”-Jamilsaid. Jamil said that my computer wasn’t functioningwell. Jamil said that her computer wasn’t functioningwell Jamil said that his computer was functioningwell Jamil said that his computer wasn’t functioningwell. 10. Find the best word to fill the gap. It’s the best way to ….physically fit and healthy. A) go B)stay C)stand D) run 11.Which is not a connector for addingideas A) in addition B) aswell as C)but D) also 12.What does the ‘PC’ standfor? A)Personalcomputer B) Personalcompany C)Personalcharity D) Personalwebsite Fitrat was born in … in1886. A)Bukhara B) SamarkandC)Khiva D)Kokand In 1587 William…… A) went backtoStratford B) performed hisplays C) worked forJames I D) went toLondon Find the correct definition of the‘freeze’ A) makeajourney B) extremely cold C) living innaturalenvironment D) place with temporaryaccommodation ‘Sherlock Holmes’ was writtenby….. A)JackLondon B) HengryGreen C) ArthurKonanDoyle D) Elizabeth Bower Find the play which were written by WilliamShakespeare A) AntonyandCleopatra B)Magus C)WhiteFang D)Loving Find the correct genre to XudoyberdiTukhtaboyev A) detective B) children’sliterature C)comedy D) happinesssinger Where did Fitrat study during 1909-1913? A) Jadid’sschool B) ‘Buhoro ta’limimaorifi’ C)‘MirArab’ D) DorulMuallimin Whose uncle was uzbek writer and interpreter Mirzakalon Ismoiliy? A)Oybek B) UtkirHoshimov C)TohirMalik D) AbdullaQodiriy Who has written a famous crime novel called“Shaytanat”? A)Utkir Hoshimov B) TohirMalik C)AbdullaQodiriy D)Oybek Who declares that she will marry anyone, who wins all fourcontests? A)Barchin B)Xolbeka C)Zulhumor D)Tillaqiz Who is the auther of ‘Richard II’? A)HengryGreen B) William Shakespeare C)JackLondon D) Arthur KonanDoyle What was the name of the first theatre William Shakespeare workedin? A)GlobeTheatre B)Stradford C)TheRose D)unknown
Which novel did Abdulla Qodiriy finish writing in 1918February? A) “Navoi” B) “Ulug’yo’l” C) “ Ikkieshikorasi” D)” O’tgankunlar’