Let`s learn English
K itobni deymiz a book,
a book
Daftarni chi- notebook.
Ruler bo`ladi chizg`ich,
E raser dir o`chirg`ich.
Bo`rni atashar a chalk,
Suhbatlashmoq bo`lur to talk.
Maktab- school, ruchka- pen,
Salqin- cool, 10 soni ten.
Ustoz atalur teacher,
Rasmni deymiz picture.
Buni o`rganish oson
Darsni deyishar lesson.
Shahlo Nurmukhammedova
English teacher of school № 20
Parts of body
This is our “Kid`s book”
Listen to me and also look:
I`ll tell you how to use,
One of themes is “Touch your nose”.
Here we use a lot of pictures,
And you know them, dear teachers.
This is nose, this is ear,
I see mouth and long hair.
I have got black eyes,
And also round face.
This is all about parts of body,
I advise learn them to everybody.
If you want to escape rubbish,
Be friend with “Kids` English”.
Shahlo Nurmukhammedova
English teacher of school № 20
M y father is a doctor,
Uncle is a reporter.
Grandad is a baker,
Mother is a dressmaker.
My cousin is a policeman,
Brother – sportsman.
My sister is art teacher,
She likes to draw picture.
I want to be a nurse,
To be honest, of course.
I live in a sunny land,
It is so beautiful and.
Flourishing country
Uzbekistan- Motherland.
Shahlo Nurmukhammedova
English teacher of school № 20
Navruz is our lovely day,
Children dance,sing and play,
It is my favourite holiday.
We wish all of you today
Happy, happy, Navruz Day!
Ay tovushiga oid she`r
Oq rangni deymiz biz white,
Varrak atalur a kite.
O`qimoq to read, yozmoq to write,
Chap left bo`lur, o`ng esa right.
Dark qorong`u, yorug` bright,
Tong morning, tun esa night.
Bularni o`rgan baytma bayt,
Shoshilmasdan to`g`ri ayt.
Shahlo Nurmukhammedova
English teacher of school № 20
Uzbek children
We are Uzbek children
Everybody is happy and glad..
We thank our President,
For our peaceful day.
We promise to be healthy,
Strong, happy, educated.
To raise our flag higher
To be the first and elevated.
Uzbek people like palov,
I `ll write the recipe below:
Take meat, carrot, oil and rice
This meal is the best and nice.
Shahlo Nurmukhammedova
English teacher of school № 20
School subjects
English ingliz tili,
Mother tongue ona tili,
Rus tili bo`lur Russian,
Bularni to`g`ri o`rgan.
Art bu tasviriy san`at,
Labor science bu mehnat.
Mathematics matematika,
Music bu musiqa.
Shahlo Nurmukhammedova
English teacher of school № 20
[uk ] tovushiga oid she`r
Pishirmoq to cook,
Qaramoq to look,
Kitob book,
Daftar copybook.
Anhor bu brook,
Pana joy esa nook.
Ilgak bo`ladi a hook,
Qallob, ayyor, firibgar crook.
Load o`zbekchada yuk,
Great bo`ladi buyuk.
Shahlo Nurmukhammedova
English teacher of school № 20
My poem
Flamingo bu – Flamingo,
Bir o`yin bor nomi Bingo.
Maymun atalur monkey,
Eshakni deymiz donkey.
a lamp
a lamb
Chiroqni deymiz a lamp,
Qo`zichoq bo`ladi – a lamb.
Kattani deymiz big,
a cap
Cho`chqa bo`ladi pig.
Kepkani deymiz a cap,
Xarita esa - a map.
a map
Ortikjon Olimjonov
the pupil of class 10, school № 20
Let`s learn English
Qaymoqni deymiz - cream,
Orzu bo`ladi – dream.
Chodirni deymiz – a tent,
Mijoz so`zi – a client.
a pan
O`n soni bo`ladi- ten,
Tovani deymiz – a pan.
Qovunni deymiz- melon,
Limon so`zi- lemon.
Salom so`zi – hello,
Sariq rang esa- yellow.
Clean- toza, ozoda
Yozdi buni Shahrizoda.
Shahrizoda Muminova
the pupil of class 8, School № 20
English poem
Maymun bo`ladi monkey,
Eshakni deymiz donkey,
Kurka bo`ladi turkey,
golden key
Oltin kalitcha – golden key.
a hat
Kalamushni desak- rat,
Shlyapa atalur – a hat .
Ayiqvoyni deymiz bear,
Bug`u atalur – deer.
Suhbat, gurung so`zi - chat
Mana o`qing, marhamat.
Elmurod Kenjaev
the pupil of class 8, School № 20
My English poem
Pishloqni deymiz - cheese,
Shirinliklar bo`lar – sweets.
Limon atalur - lemon,
Qovun bo`ladi - melon.
Suv - water, saryog`- butter
Yaxshiroq esa - better.
Go`shtni deymiz - meat,
Lavlagi chi- beet.
Bular hammasi oziq- ovqat
Juice bo`ladi sharbat.
Mohinur Kenjaeva
the pupil of class 8, School № 20
a cook
A vocabulary poem
Oshpaz atalur - a cook,
Soatni deymiz clock.
Cho`chqani deymiz - a pig,
Katta so`zi - big.
a spoon
Qoshiq bo`lur - a spoon
Oyni ataymiz - Moon.
Toj bo`ladi – crown
Masxaraboz – clown.
Pashsha bo`lar – a fly,
Baqirmoq fe`li - to cry.
Stakan bu - a glass,
Sinf bo`ladi – class.
a swallow
Chumchuqvoy – a sparrow,
Qaldirg`ochoy – a swallow.
Bularni o`rgan oz-oz,
Shunda ishing bo`lur soz.
Nilufar Amrullaeva
the pupil of class 9, school № 20
English poem
Kitobni atashar a book,
Daftar esa copybook.
O`rgatmoq bo`lur to teach,
Shaftolini deymiz peach.
Quti bo`ladi box,
Tulki esa fox.
Tortni deymiz cake,
Olmoq esa take.
Ko`rshapalak bo`lur a bat,
Mushukvoychi a cat.
Palto buladi a coat,
Qayiq esa a boat.
Tojni deymiz crown,
Jigarrang bo`lar brown.
Qo`ziqorin - mushroom,
Sinfxona - classroom.
Ari bee, dengiz sea,
Choy bo`ladi tea.
Gulmira Amrullaeva
the pupil of class 6, school № 20
Funny rhymes
Diktant so`zi dictation,
Ko`rsatma instructions,
Aholi – population,
An`ana tradition.
Ifloslanish pollution,
Yostiqcha bu pin cushion,
Rus tili bu Russian,
Konstitutsiya constitution.
Ogabek Halimov
the pupil of class 8, school № 20
My vocabulary poem
Oziq ovqat food,
Yaxshi so`zi good.
Mushuk bo`lur cat,
Xafa bo`lmoq sad.
Sigir bo`lur cow,
Yaxshi ko`rmoq to love.
O`n soni ten,
Qila olmoq can.
Qizil rang- red,
Krovat bu bed.
Barchinoy Tuyboeva
the pupil of class 5, school № 20
Let`s learn a poem
Heart bo`ladi yurak,
Need so`zi kerak.
Dengiz bo`ladi sea,
Choy esa tea.
Money bo`ladi pul,
Flower esa gul.
O`ynamoq fe`li to play,
Uchmoq esa to fly.
Sevimli bo`ladi dear,
Ayiqni atashar bear.
Kilichbek Mustafoev
the pupil of class 6, school № 20
My poem
Hovli so`zi house,
Sichqonni deymiz mouse.
Qiz bola bo`lur girl,
Go away so`zi yo`qol.
Birthday chi tug`ilgan kun,
Today bo`ladi bugun.
Ko`k rang bo`ladi blue,
Yelimni deymiz glue.
Baliq so`zi fish,
Ingliz tili English.
Mehrinoz Nurmurodova
the pupil of class 6, school № 20
A poem
Tovuq bo`ladi hen,
Mushukcha esa kitten,
Qaramoq bo`lur to look,
Oshpaz bo`ladi cook.
Cherry bu olcha,
Chick esa jo`ja.
Rediska bo`lar radish,
Ingliz tili English.
Qizil rang bo`ladi red,
Nonni deyishar bread.
Charos Halimova
the pupil of class 5, school № 20
A poem
Koptok ball,
Qo`g`irchoq doll,
Samolyot plane,
Poyezd train.
Teddy bear ayiqcha,
Car bo`lur mashinacha.
Gulsevar Shavkatova
the pupil of class 5, school № 20
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